The assistant glanced at it, and found that the models were not personally selected by their design department, so it's okay if they can get by in the end.

Shen Weiwei may have studied the details of clothing in the usual way, and this is the first time he has been involved in a model.

"Director, are you not satisfied?"

Shen Weiwei didn't hesitate for a moment, "Yes, I'm not very satisfied. You can go and communicate, if it doesn't work, I can do it myself."

As she said that, she picked up the photos of the models and went to the publicity department. When she opened the door, she saw that the person in charge was communicating with the models, and one of them was the one she wanted to replace.

Shen Weiwei walked in calmly and stood directly behind the person in charge.

"Lily, are you still busy?"

Lily turned her head and saw Shen Weiyi with a smile on her face, "Is Director Shen okay?"

Shen Weiyi seldom comes here, but once she comes, it's not easy to say what's wrong, everyone seems to be afraid of her, the future wife of the president.

Shen Weiyi pulled Lily out, "Take a step to talk."

Lily ordered the others to continue communicating with the model just now, and followed Shen Weiwei out suspiciously.

"Lily, I won't talk nonsense. I'm not very satisfied with that model. Can you change it for me?"

Shen Weiyi pointed to the one in the office. In fact, this model was the one he and Han Ke met in the bar.

But Lily didn't know about it, she was very confused, "Miss Shen, can I ask the reason?"

This is not impossible, but Shen Weiyi didn't say so much, he just said: "We still have to look at the character first, and then look at the professionalism."

Lily is an old employee, so she naturally understood after hearing this, she nodded and turned back to the office.

Shen Weiyi went back to the design department in peace.

In about a few minutes, a coquettishly dressed woman came to the door. She stood at the door with layers of thick flour on her face. She wore a leopard-print tights on her upper body and a short skirt with hips on her lower body.

Sexy is really sexy, scary is really scary.

The little girls in the design department had never seen this before, and they all retreated to the back to discuss.

"Who is this man?"

"I don't know, but are you sure this is a human?"

Before the words were finished, the "person" at the door poked his head in and scanned around, looking around with dull and empty eyes.

Everyone was even more frightened.

At this time, Shen Weiyi walked out, and closed the office door casually, "Miss, are you looking for me?"

The model's eyes were wide open, and his nostrils seemed to be on fire.

"You are..." She pretended not to remember, picked up her employee badge, and immediately sneered, "Oh, you are Shen Weiyi, I didn't recognize you that day, I'm really sorry."

Shen Weiwei glanced at her calmly, "It's all trivial, Miss, don't worry about it."

The woman smiled, "Of course I don't care, I might not even remember an unprofessional designer."

"Oh, then you came here specially..."

The woman's face froze, and she didn't want to mention what happened just now. Once she said it, wouldn't it prove that she cared about this opportunity.

She wants Shen Weiwei to take the initiative to give her a chance, "It's rare to have the opportunity to work together, so I will make Miss Shen my friend." She offered her hand, and then said her name, "My name is Feng Duo, nice to meet you .”

Shen Weiwei smiled at her without raising his hand, and said, "Nice to meet you."

Feng Duo stared angrily on the spot. Although the few people in the office didn't know what happened, they watched happily from behind.

This woman must have messed with the director somewhere, otherwise she wouldn't be like this.

Suddenly, Shen Weiwei called out to his assistant, "Xiao Wang, take out our latest season's activity coupon."

Xiao Wang was stunned and didn't know what to do with that thing, but in the end he obediently obeyed and took a stack from the desk.

These are coupons that are going to be used for offline store activities. Shen Weiwei took them and randomly picked a few, then turned to his assistant and said, "I will make up for it later. These..."

She turned to Feng Duo again, grabbed her hand firmly, and forced the coupon into her hand.

"You...what are you doing!"

Feng Duo gritted her teeth angrily, trying to break free, but she didn't expect Shen Weiyi to have such great strength.

Shen Weiyi held her tightly, with that gentle smile on his face, "Since Miss Feng is here, don't leave empty-handed. Here is a little coupon, and I will treat it as a gift for you."


Feng Duo shook off Shen Weiwei fiercely, "Don't even think about sending me away with something!"

Immediately afterwards, he threw those coupons on the ground and stomped on them hard, and this scene happened to be seen by He Zhiyan.

He walked over quickly, with a gloomy and terrifying face, "What's going on here?"

The assistant helped to explain, while Shen Weiyi stood aside.

Feng Duo still didn't know what was going on, so he turned around and scolded, "Who are you? Ask your boss to come here, how can you bully people like this."

But after cursing for a long while, she didn't see any movement from He Zhiyan, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

She had never met He Zhiyan himself, but she heard that he was a guy who always had a cold face.

Feng Duo took a cautious look at He Zhiyan, then froze.

He Zhiyan said lightly, "What do you need from me?"

Although he admitted that he was wrong, but he made sense of it, Feng Duo calmed down and said again, "You... your employee replaced me for no reason."

Hearing these words, He Zhiyan turned his head to look at Shen Weiwei.

Shen Weiyi told the story of that day without changing his face, and then said: "Zhiyan, I think at least one of decent quality should be chosen, such a model is not worthy of wearing the wedding dress I designed."

This sentence directly ignited Feng Duo's fire. Seeing that she was going to be stupid again, someone rushed out to stop her.

"Feng Duo, come with me quickly. Don't be ashamed."

It turned out to be Feng Duo's manager, who rushed here immediately after receiving the call of being replaced.

Feng Duo turned her head and glared at her, "Let me go."

The manager still had some eyes, the moment she saw He Zhiyan, she knew she couldn't let Feng Duo mess around anymore.

"Do you still want to get angry? You can't offend He Shi."

However, Feng Duo still didn't listen. Seeing this, the manager had no choice but to use his trump card, "There is a crew calling you for an audition, just today."

Hearing these words, Feng Duo calmed down, her eyes could no longer wipe away the excitement, she turned her head and glanced at Shen Weiyi, she could see that she was still very unwilling, but compared with this, opportunity was more important.

She left angrily, and the design department finally calmed down.

"It's really not going well." Shen Weiwei let out a long sigh.

He Zhiyan patted her head, his doting look was not like that cold-faced president.

The assistants didn't want to eat any more dog food, so they backed away after seeing this scene.

Shen Weiyi looked up at He Zhiyan, "Do you think we should go to the temple to worship?"

When did you become so superstitious.

The new season's products are very important to her and He's, so it's not bad to go to win a prize.

"Grandma has an appointment next week, why don't we go together?"

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