Shen Weiyi was still a little confused about the situation, and stood there for a long time without responding.

Han Ke stepped forward and patted her, "Why are you still standing there, I've prepared so much for you, don't hurry up. You want to embarrass me."

She lowered her voice for the last sentence, and whispered in Shen Weiwei's ear.

There is no other way but to force it.

The restaurant suddenly darkened, leaving only a beam of light overhead.Shen Weiyi hugged the guitar tightly, and fixed his eyes on Han Ke.

Han Ke nodded at her, and everyone in the audience also looked at her.

Even the design competition is not tense, suddenly tense here, the audience watched curiously, and at this moment Han Ke suddenly grabbed the microphone and said: "Everyone, this is my best friend, she wants to prepare for her fiance." It's a surprise, but I have no place to contact, so can you take everyone's time to listen to her sing a song?"

Hearing this reason, the bewildered people in the audience immediately cheered, and some raised their hands above their heads and shouted cheers.

Shen Weiyi took a deep breath, he had to face both left and right, and there might be more people on the annual meeting than today.

In the next second, she raised her hand to strum the strings, and the sound of the music flowed into her ears like a clear spring.With the accompaniment and her own chords, she spoke naturally.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the people in the audience fell silent, as if they were immersed in the soft and sweet singing.

Although immature, but can hear the true feelings.

About a minute later, Shen Weiyi raised his hand and swept down the strings, and the music stopped abruptly.

Applause erupted in the restaurant, and some even shouted for another one.

Shen Weiyi shook her head with a smile, she didn't have the ability to do another one, and she was afraid that she would faint on stage due to nervousness later.

Han Ke took the guitar in her hand, seeing the flush on her face due to excitement, he couldn't help but tease her.

"Only, I think you might as well change careers and become a singer."

"Fuck you, don't talk nonsense." Shen Weiyi sighed, "Why did you think of letting me contact you here?"

Han Ke said proudly: "The resources are nearby, and we have been here so many times, the boss has known us for a long time."

The owner of the restaurant next to him nodded, "Yes, Ms. Shen, don't be polite, just tell me if there is anything I can help you with."

Since this is the case, she is not polite, "Then boss, how did I sing just now?"

The boss didn't speak, Shen Weiwei thought it was because his singing was so bad that people couldn't speak.

Unexpectedly, the boss pointed to the customers sitting under the stage, "Miss Shen can tell by their reactions, but you still need to be bold, your voice is very distinctive."

Han Ke next to him nodded, looking like "you see, I'm right".

It was already late to leave the restaurant, and if it was a little later, we would not be able to make it to the afternoon meeting. Shen Weiwei thanked the two of them and hurried back to the company.

Jiang Huai stayed in the meeting room and was setting up the projector. Seeing Shen Weiyi walking in, he was full of energy, no longer like a few days ago.

"Director Shen, did something good happen to you?"

Shen Weiwei hooked his lips, "Guess?"

"Hey, why don't you just say it if you don't want to. Why bother me?"

Shen Weiyi nodded, well then I don't want to say anything.

When the time came, the meeting officially started. The meeting before the year was nothing more than sales and projects.

The annual meeting was mentioned at the end.

"Everyone, let me say one more thing. Now only two departments have submitted to the program, so I hope you can show yourself more and support the annual meeting."

Everyone probably agreed, and then left the conference room one after another.

Shen Weiyi also went back to the office directly, but went to the Propaganda Department after a while.

They were responsible for the program of the annual meeting, and all the programs were reported to him. Shen Weiyi wrote the name of the program and handed it directly to the person in charge.

"Thank you, sorry for the trouble."

The person in charge didn't pay much attention at first, but when he saw the performer's name, he almost shouted out.

"Director Shen!"

Shen Weiyi hurriedly made a booing gesture, "Don't tell me, this is specially prepared by me."

She understands everything, and she naturally understands what it means to be a woman, "Director Shen, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense, and I will also arrange this program for you."

Shen Weiyi still doesn't know what it means to arrange well.Back in the design department, Shen Weiwei said to everyone: "Our department's program has been submitted. If you want to show yourself more, you can also vote for more."

"Director, who wants to perform?" Someone asked.

It seems that their focus is on the front, Shen Weiyi has no choice but to say that it is himself.

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

"What are you going to perform?"

"How can I tell you this? Spoilers are meaningless." Before Shen Weiwei could speak, someone beside him said so.

Everyone thinks it makes sense, it is better to simply have expectations like this.

"However, you still need to help me with one thing, that is, you must not tell anyone about my performance, understand?"

Everyone nodded at the same time.Shen Weiyi was finally not so worried now.

Of course, He Zhiyan didn't realize that everyone was living the same life as usual just a few days ago.

Just before the end of registration for the show, He Zhiyan suddenly asked her, "Has your design department come out yet?"

Shen Weiwei nodded naturally, without any panic, "Of course she is going to talk about cross talk."

He Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, apparently in disbelief.

When it was the day of the annual meeting, everyone dressed up and gathered in the luxurious bags on the top floor of the Central Hotel.

Some employees who came to the annual meeting for the first time were shocked. Looking at the red carpet extending from the stage all the way to the entrance of the hall, it seemed that they were not attending the annual meeting, but an awards ceremony.

Regardless of their rank, the employees all wore suits and dresses, and there was a dance before the official start.

Shen Weiyi wore a white dress that dragged the floor, and hurried downstairs. It took a long time to dress up today, I don't know if Zhiyan was in a hurry.

"Zhiyan, I'm ready, let's go."

Shen Weiyi pushed the door and called He Zhiyan. He Zhiyan stood under the steps and opened the door. He was really amazed the moment the door was opened.

Shen Weiyi's hair was slightly disheveled, maybe it was accidentally messed up in a hurry.

She put on her shoes with a nervous look on her face, almost like a bride in trouble, but even that didn't take away from her beauty.

"You be careful."

He Zhiyan smiled and walked over to help her, Shen Weiwei got up with strength, raised his eyes and couldn't hold back for a moment, but said, "You're so handsome."

Even if I'm used to this sentence, I still couldn't hide my joy when I heard it from my fiancée.

He coughed lightly, tried his best to conceal his joy and said calmly to her, "Let's go quickly."

Shen Weiyi was immersed in this peerless appearance and couldn't extricate himself, only then remembered to get in the car quickly.

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