Standing at the entrance of the company, Chen Mo was suddenly curious, she turned her head to look at Shen Weiyi and said, "Are you really sure to leave this matter to me?"

Shen Weiwei smiled, "Miss Chen left me the business card that day, of course I know you have the confidence, otherwise why would you give me the business card."

Chen Mo didn't say a word. In fact, there was also an element of curiosity that day. After fighting with these people for so long, she was also curious about what kind of person Shen Weiyi was, although there might not be a day when they would take the initiative to call her.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Shen Weiyi shook his hand in front of her, "What's wrong with you? Could it be that you want to go back on your word."

"That's not true." Chen Mo interrupted her directly, "I can still do this little thing, there is no need to be afraid at all."

The last sentence was for himself, and Shen Weiwei naturally pretended not to hear it. At this time, the wind rang in his ears, and a large dark cloud gathered above his head.

In an instant, it rained cats and dogs.

Shen Weiyi stared at the somewhat dark sky, watched the rain wash on the ground and muttered: "It seems that the truth is about to be revealed."

Chen Mo looked at her sideways, didn't understand, but now it's not time to worry so much, she hurriedly called a car to return to the agency.

Shen Weiwei went back to the CEO's office, and He Zhiyan accompanied her to wait for the phone call. During the period, several reporters also called, wanting to interview Shen Weiwei.

He Zhiyan hung up harshly, watching the clock tick by, he became more and more anxious.

"Is the reporter really reliable?"

Although the words were in a hurry, He Zhiyan's face remained calm.

"I can only try this method, and we don't seem to have anyone else who can use it."

After a while, Shen Weiwei's phone rang, and she picked it up immediately when she saw that it was Chen Mo calling.

"Ms. Shen has good news for you. I got in touch with Fu Xinyuan's wife."

Shen Weiyi put his heart into his throat, waiting for her next words.

"And she agreed to help us."

Hearing this sentence, I breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Mo immediately started preparing for the report.

In fact, the marriage between the two was in name only, because Fu Xinyuan always took the woman back, and her wife knew that such a day would come sooner or later.

If they don't get a divorce, they are just trying to pay the money in their hands in Singapore dollars. Now that something like this happened, they might still get a sum of compensation, and there is no reason to refuse it.

At this time, Xinghui Entertainment didn't know that these things had happened, and the press conference dispersed. Everyone thought that they had escaped a catastrophe, and they were ready to rest and make an official statement later.

Lin Mansha returned to the apartment alone and received a call from Fu Xinyuan as soon as she got home.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance and just sent it out?"

"Is there any problem? Left and right have settled the matter now, so you can rest assured."

Fu Xinyuan laughed, and began to think about the compensation in his heart, "Then the next step is to go to court to testify."

Lin Mansha sighed, "Don't think about it, the company doesn't agree. I advise you to be honest, it's already very difficult to make it to this point, what else do you want."

Fu Xinyuan was really disappointed, but just like Lin Mansha said, he no longer had the ability to ask for so much.

Everything seemed to be the calm before the storm. Lin Mansha took out the red wine in the wine cabinet and poured a glass. This might be the most comfortable drink she had in the past few days.

Gradually getting drunk, Lin Mansha simply leaned on the sofa and fell asleep.


The next day, a burst of rapid phone ringing woke her up.

"Mansha is not well, something serious has happened, we have nothing to do this time."

Lin Mansha's head was swollen, and she could only hear a few words clearly, but the manager seemed a little impatient from the tone.

"Speak slowly, what happened? Don't panic. "

Can she not panic, the manager thought, then she settled down and said: "You don't know, Fu Xinyuan has a wife."

There was a bang, and the bright sky outside the window turned gloomy at some point, and the thunder was looming among the clouds.

Lin Mansha looked out the window, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses, "I'll call Fu Xinyuan now, and you send someone to pick me up."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mansha immediately called Fu Xinyuan, but only a beep greeted her.

Shen Weiyi looked at the major media platforms, from videos to pictures, it seemed that everyone suddenly stood together and collectively reported this big event.

"The famous movie star turned out to be a mistress"

"Fu Xinyuan's wife showed up, and her appearance is not inferior to Lin's big star"

"Is acting really related to character?"

All kinds of titles came in one after another, and Shen Weiwei brushed through each of them, without any expression on his face, and only a emptiness in his heart.

Then the phone rang.

"Chen Mo? What's the matter?"

It stands to reason that these reporters must be busy at the moment, how could she still have time to call herself.

"Miss Shen, I called to thank you. Because of this report, our newspaper has received a lot of attention, and the leader even gave me a bonus."

The tone was full of joy, and Shen Weiyi was also happy when he heard it.

"The newspaper office is going to Xinghui to find Lin Mansha. I guess they will send a group of people to your place. You must be careful, these reporters are scary."

When he said this, Chen Mo's voice suddenly became quieter, as if he was speaking behind his back.

Shen Weiyi responded, and smiled inwardly, obviously he was a reporter, and said that he was scary, so cute.

"Don't worry, I can handle this kind of thing."

"Okay, then I'll be busy first, hang up."

As soon as the phone was hung up, it didn't even seem like a second, when Shen Weiyi heard shouts one after another outside.

Standing at the door, He Zhiyan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to go down together?"

The two smiled at each other and walked into the elevator together.

At this moment, the first floor was already in chaos. Seeing Shen Weiyi coming down with He Zhiyan, the security guards seemed to have found a savior.

"Mr. He, we can't stop these people, please think of a way."

He Zhiyan stood still in front of those people, his eyes swept coldly, and there was an instant silence.

Shen Weiwei said from the side: "Since everyone wants to interview, please pay attention to the order. We have prepared a separate conference room. Why don't you go in and talk?"

With a smile on his face, Shen Weiwei stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, while the reporters in front of him looked like they had met Lord Hades.

It seemed that they were not invited to a conference room, but to the underworld.

After half a minute of silence, a reporter finally said tremblingly: "Actually, the editor-in-chief didn't say that we must interview. He said that if you can inquire, you can inquire about some, and if you can't inquire, you don't inquire."

He looked back at his colleagues, "You are right."

At the beginning, it was just a few words of agreement in a low voice, but later everyone completely let go of themselves.

"That's right, that's right, let's go back quickly."

They all left one by one.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy, let's go back too."

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