Back home, He Zhiyan soon received a call from a friend.

"Mr. He, there is a park in the suburbs. The traffic flow and the environment are very good. Why don't you go and have a look there?"

The He Zhiyan mentioned by the other party feels a little familiar. Could it be the Biqing Garden that he took the whole family to play last time?
I asked a friend, and it was true.

"Mr. He knows that, our company has worked very hard to acquire that piece of land before."

He Zhiyan didn't listen to what was said later, but since it was opened by an acquaintance, there is room for us to talk about this matter.It's just that it's not easy for him to speak up in person, and Shen Weiwei has to do the rest.

When Shen Weiwei was about to leave the next day, He Zhiyan stood in front of her and said, "Wei Wei, do you want to visit Biqing Garden?"

"Where?" Shen Weiwei still remembers that place, the facilities and environment are not bad, but the most important thing is that she will never forget the day she met Li Zihao.

"Okay, I'll take a look with Xiaotong."

After Shen Weiyi ran to other places, he took Xie Tong to Biqing Garden.

There are still a lot of people here not on weekends, parents with their children, and young people with their parents.

I have to say that there are a lot of passenger flow resources here.

"Xiaotong, what do you think?"

Xie Tong stared blankly at the beautiful lake in front of him, almost forgot his purpose of coming here, and regained his senses before reactivating his brain.

"I think it's a nice place. There are mountains and rivers."

Shen Weiyi smiled when she heard her description, "Xiaotong, your description is really strange, we are not here to choose a tourist scenic spot."

"I know, director, but the most indispensable thing for our activities is people? Look at these couples walking, we don't need to look for them."

On this point, Shen Weiyi agrees, "Okay, let's decide on this."

"Stop looking at other things?" Xie Tong asked.

Shen Weiyi blinked, "I've seen everything I need to see, only this is what I want, didn't you just say that?"

The two found a staff member, who coincidentally happened to be the person who promoted Li Zihao that day.

"Which piece of our land do you two want to buy?"

It's really greedy for profit. It is estimated that as long as he came to talk about business, this is the first question he asked.

"Please find your manager, we want to rent the venue for one day for an event."

As they spoke, the two handed over their business cards one after another.

When the man heard that he was here for rent, his face suddenly turned ugly, but when he saw the two big characters "He's", he smiled as if he had changed his face.

"Wait a second, I'll call our manager over right now."

Arrange the two of them in the lounge, and the staff member went upstairs.

Xie Tong looked at the simple furnishings around, but he didn't expect that there was a big company behind it.

However, that person's attitude was too direct.

"Director Shen, will the people in our sales department be so direct?"

Shen Weiwei has never been in contact with it, but the front-line salesperson probably also has this routine, "It's normal for you not to understand, but if you don't take the initiative, you won't have a chance to be discovered. We have to talk about it later and try to win a good place." By the way, lower the price again."

Xie Tong immediately patted his chest and promised, "Leave the matter of lowering the price to me. I will lower the price in the original company..."

Just when Xie Tong was about to continue talking, the door of the lounge opened, and the employee walked in, "Mr. Guo asked you two to go up."

Walking into the boss's office, the set of mahogany armrest sofa at the door made people stop.

"It should be worth a lot, right?" Xie Tong whispered.

Shen Weiwei didn't speak, and walked in generously, "Hi, Mr. Guo, my name is Shen Weiwei. This is my colleague Xie Tong."

Guo Yunshan walked over to shake hands with the two, and then sat back on his sofa.

"I know Miss Shen. I used to have contacts with the He family, but at that time Mr. He was still single. At that time, I was still wondering what kind of beautiful woman such a young talent would marry in the future..." Guo Yunshan smiled Twice, "Now I see it."

Shen Weiyi smiled at night, "Mr. Guo is joking."

"I'm sorry I'm going too far, I know your intentions, and of course I'm willing to give you the best position, but..."

At this time, Guo Yunshan's assistant brought a map of the scenic spot, and he pointed at the most central location, "We have already booked out this area. And it's still a meeting event, so there will be a long queue of people."

"Purchased out?" Shen Weiyi frowned, and hardly thought about it, "How much the other party paid, we He's can pay more than him."

Guo Yunshan seemed to know that she would say such a thing, so he spoke a seasoned business word.

"Miss Shen, this is not how it is done. Of course I want to give it to you, but she has a contract and is one step ahead of you."

Then there is no way, we can't force people to give up this position, can we?
Shen Weiyi nodded, "Then Mr. Guo, do you have any other recommended positions here?"

When Guo Yunshan heard this sentence, he immediately relaxed a lot, "The rest is naturally for Miss Ren Chen to choose."


Shen Weiyi scanned the map, and after all, it was still the one in the middle that he liked the most, since he couldn't give it to them, he could only pay attention to it.

She still pointed to the middle, Guo Yunshan looked at her in confusion, and just when she was about to repeat what she said before, Shen Weiyi suddenly said: "I still like this position, but since you said it's not allowed here, can you give me a seat?" I have a small seat right next to it."

Guo Yunshan was stunned. There are so many places not to choose in this scenic spot. Why should he choose it, and it only needs a small area? He is a little puzzled.

"Miss Shen, have you discussed this plan with Mr. He before? I'm afraid this small place is not enough for you, Mr. He, right?"

Shen Weiyi smiled resolutely, "Mr. Guo, don't worry, Zhiyan has given me full responsibility, and I will bear whatever happens in the end."

Having said this, Guo Yunshan already understood.

"Well, since that's the case, I won't say more."

After that, Xie Tong lowered the price again, and the land was finally rented at the lowest price.

After walking out of the scenic spot, Xie Tong still didn't understand, "Director Shen, I don't understand what exactly you mean?"

"You'll know when the day comes."

Back at the company, Shen Weiyi reported the good news to He Zhiyan immediately.The company immediately produced live materials, and everyone was looking forward to the event.

"Only, thank you for your hard work."

Shen Weiwei pursed his lips, and the fatigue on his face disappeared, "No, it's thanks to you, I almost missed such a good place. But I still have some regrets."

"What regrets?"

"Who is the one who made this mess?"

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