After leaving the gate of Qingli Group, Shen Yuqing let out a long breath, "I didn't expect this woman to be quite difficult to deal with."

"Is it difficult to deal with?" Shen Luocheng had an infatuated expression on his face, completely immersed in the beauty of the other party, "I think this person is not bad?"

Shen Yuqing didn't bother to talk to him, it seemed that this Cheng Yan used her lack of beauty to seduce others.

Back home, Shen Yuqing handed over the contract to her father, and Shen Guoliang was very satisfied.

"That Mr. Cheng didn't say anything else, did he?"

Shen Yuqing didn't say what she said at that time, but just nodded.

"That's good. Next, you plan carefully. We must at least prove that the Shen family is still capable."

Shen Yuqing smiled, but she was full of confidence and there would be no problems.She has already planned the following things, and there will be no more mistakes.

"Okay, you can go out first." Shen Guoliang waved his hand, turned his head and said to his son, "Luo Cheng, you left me with something to tell you."


Regarding Shen's actions, He's side has not noticed yet, but they already have a sense of crisis.

"This small company is so bold that it even came to our headquarters to make a fuss. I don't think we should be polite to her."

"Old Xu, you are right, but why should we be rude to her? Now she occupies more than half of the market, and it is very difficult to get it back easily."

"But our offline is better than her."

This sentence is true, but how can offline things be compared with online ones? This is unfair and embarrassing.

Several members of the board of directors were making a fuss, and you couldn't argue for a long time with what you said.

He Zhiyan listened quietly, without saying a word, but everyone knew that he was definitely planning something, so no one dared to disturb him.

After a while, the surrounding quarrels gradually subsided, and He Zhiyan still kept a cold face.

"Zhiyan, please say something, we old people really can't see clearly what you young people are thinking."

Don't sit in this position if you can't see clearly, and throw all the questions to one person, these old guys are really thick-skinned.

Jiang Huai stood aside, complaining silently in his heart.

He Zhiyan remained silent, and stood up from the chair after a while, all eyes were on him.

Because everyone knows this person so well, although he seldom talks about it, he is unparalleled in action.

"Zhiyan, have you thought of a good way?"

He Zhiyan stood in front of the whiteboard and wrote down the word "customer" in a chic manner.

Everyone didn't understand why, and only heard He Zhiyan say: "We can't decide this matter, it's still up to them."

They are the customers, those consumers.

But let's see what's the use of them. Backlight has recruited so many people this time, do they still have a chance?
After the technical meeting was over, He Zhiyan called Shen Weiwei.

"You need to talk more about your idea last time."

Shen Weiwei was stunned for a moment, and then remembered, "I just had a whim at the time, I don't know if it will be useful."

"I believe you."

As long as the thief said this, Shen Weiyi immediately made a plan like a chicken blood.

"Only, are you busy recently, come out for tea with me?"

"Don't drink! Don't look for me recently."

Han Ke looked at the name on the phone and made sure that he did not make a mistake.

"Only, what's the matter with you? Didn't you agree to find time for dinner?"

Shen Weiwei focused on the plan, and it took a while to answer her words, "Han Ke, I have very important things to do now."

Listening to the tone, it is indeed like this.But the thief aroused Han Ke's curiosity.

"What is the important thing?"

Shen Weiyi thought of Cheng Yan's provocative words that day, and the fire in his heart rose violently.

A few days ago, she even waited for them at the door, and said flirty words to He Zhiyan in front of her.

After Shen Weiyi finished talking to Han Ke, Han Ke also got angry with her, "No way, it's too much. However, I think she is deliberately provoking you."

Of course Shen Weiyi understood, but he couldn't feel angry.So she swore secretly that she would never lose this fight.

Han Ke could smell the strong smell of dog food through the phone, "Do you need my help?"

Shen Weiyi was about to say no, but thinking about it carefully, perhaps Han Ke was really needed.


Half an hour later, Han Ke appeared at the door of He's villa in a blatant manner.

"The only one is up!"

Shouting to the electronic screen, the door opened immediately, and the servant brought her in.

"Only you..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Weiyi directly dragged him in.

"Come and see, how about this plan?"

Han Ke brought a bunch of snacks, and planned to talk to her while eating, but it might be difficult to follow this posture.

"The idea of ​​this plan is not bad. But it's feasible, what do you say, Mr. He?"

Shen Weiwei blushed, "He said to do everything as I said."

Han Ke's eyes widened, "Only, it seems that you have a high status in the heart of Mr. He, so what are you worried about?"

Shen Weiyi looked at the plan he had made.

Originally, it was just an idea. She planned to re-launch some offline products that had been removed from the shelves as reissues in the form of lucky bags.

But how many people are willing to eat this set is unknown.

"Han Ke, let me ask you, if you were a consumer, would you buy it?"

Han Ke put aside the filter of He's, and said to Shen Weiwei: "Actually, as long as the price is reasonable, I think it is an option."

Shen Weiwei turned around and thought for a moment, and finally wrote down a number on the paper.

"600? The only thing, you have to know that He's builds a high-end line, are you sure that the high-level people of He's will agree to this?"

In the eyes of outsiders, this is indeed a loss-making business, but after talking to He Zhiyan, the other party is very supportive.

"Zhiyan, you can't be willful for a woman."

The members of the board of directors took a lot of courage to say this, but soon, he felt that he had said something wrong.

Without saying a word, He Zhiyan pushed the proposal to the middle, "Look for yourself."

Several members of the board of directors didn't want to watch it, because after all, they still didn't believe that a painter could make a fuss about the project.

They picked it up helplessly, glanced at the boring meal and said: "This plan is not feasible, and more importantly, we have to do it together offline."

He Zhiyan looked calm, and said lightly: "I will let him succeed."


The members of the board of directors looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

But the most important thing was that they couldn't think of any other reason at all. They either thought of a new way, or accepted it obediently, and the atmosphere became stiff.

Here, He Zhiyan was in a stalemate with the board of directors, but there was a little incident on the other side of the company.

Cheng Yan didn't know what to do, so she ran to the He family to provoke him again. This time she revealed her identity and asked for Shen Weiyi by name.

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