The driver accelerated immediately. There were not many cars on the road at this time, so he quickly caught up with him.

Shen Weiyi didn't notice it at all, and the journey wasn't too far.

"Miss, it's just ahead."

"Thank you, master." After getting out of the car, Shen Weiwei walked over to the place He Zhiyan gave.

There are many couples walking here along the way, and there is a romantic atmosphere everywhere.

At this moment, the phone rang, and He Zhiyan sent her a WeChat message.

—Stand still, I'll go find you.

Shen Weiyi smiled back, stood there and waited.After a while, a figure came from a distance.

Although the light was behind her back, Shen Weiwei could tell who was coming, she hurried over and held He Zhiyan's hand.

"What's going on?" Sensing that the other party's hands were slightly cold, Shen Weiwei asked curiously, "Zhiyan, have you been waiting for me for a long time? Didn't I tell you that you can just wait in the car?"

He Zhiyan didn't speak, just smiled lightly.

In fact, he was a little nervous. Just now Jiang Huai had rehearsed the process with him over and over again, but he was still nervous when he saw someone.

"Come with me, the restaurant is inside."

Holding hands, the two walked straight along the small path facing the faint light.

Although the autumn wind was cool, it made people feel very comfortable. He Zhiyan raised his head slightly, let the wind hit his face, and instantly calmed down a lot.

Looking at Shen Weiyi's appearance today, He Zhiyan must have prepared some surprises for her.

I have a little expectation in my heart, but I am also very curious.

"Zhiyan, I remember you are going to meet a client today?"

He Zhiyan's body tensed up, and Shen Weiwei's hand suddenly tightened, "Push it off."

Shen Weiyi pretended not to feel it, and nodded, "Is it because the conditions are not satisfied?"

He Zhiyan didn't answer, and said after a while: "Other reasons."

After saying this, the two fell silent again.

But they didn't realize that at this moment, a shadow was following them behind them.

Lin Mansha followed directly, and when she saw He Zhiyan, she almost couldn't hold back and ran over.

"What the hell are these two going to do?" She murmured to herself secretly, her eyes swept to both sides, but she didn't seem to see any personal bodyguards.

The two people in front stopped in front of a European-style building, He Zhiyan took out something, and then led them in.

Looks like you still need credentials to get in.

Lin Mansha walked around the door, rearranged her expression and walked over.

"Miss, do you have an appointment? Please show the appointment card."

Lin Mansha cleared her throat, "Oh, I forgot to bring it. But I am friends with the gentleman just now."

The staff looked at each other and said, "Excuse me miss, we need to verify, otherwise..."

The man froze before he finished speaking.

It turned out that the light was dim just now, and neither of them could see the face of the person coming. Now that Lin Mansha is facing the light, the two of them will not be mistaken no matter how blind they are.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Lin Mansha?"

Even if there are scandals, Lin Mansha's appearance is still outstanding, and many platforms still hang her photos to attract traffic.

"Big brothers, I'm really a friend of Mr. He. He brought his girlfriend over for dinner today, and he called me by the way."

Just now He Zhiyan did have Shen Weiyi by his side, the two hesitated for a moment.In the end, he really nodded.

"Miss Lin, since she is a star, she shouldn't lie to us."

"Yeah yeah."

The two responded to each other and gave way.

Lin Mansha managed to walk in, facing the table were Shen Weiyi and He Zhiyan.

Shen Weiyi was facing the door and saw her at a glance.

"Lin Mansha?"

When He Zhiyan heard this, he frowned and turned around.

Lin Mansha sneered at first, but after seeing He Zhiyan, her expression changed instantly.

I don't know whether she is happy or schizophrenic.

"Zhiyan, what a coincidence, you are here too." Lin Mansha approached step by step.

He Zhiyan stood up to block her, and called out, "Waiter."

The waiter hurried over, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"How did he get in." He Zhiyan pointed at Lin Mansha, his voice seemed to be mixed with ice, "I remember I booked the whole hotel."

The waiter was also taken aback. This is a big customer, and the hotel will never forget his request, but he doesn't know where this person came from.

But isn't this the big star?
"Zhiyan." Lin Mansha walked over quickly, almost rubbing against He Zhiyan, with a look of dissatisfaction all over her body.

"Why don't you drive me away, and Miss Shen..." Passing He Zhiyan, Lin Mansha stared at Shen Weiwei.

It looked like she wanted to eat people, but Shen Weiyi didn't care, "Miss Lin. We didn't invite you, and there's no need to keep you." She got up, grabbed Lin Mansha's hand, and pushed it hard.

Lin Mansha was caught off guard and bumped into the table behind her. She immediately grinned her teeth in pain, and her attitude was not as peaceful as before.

"Shen Weiwei, how dare you fight me in front of Zhiyan? Zhiyan, you have seen it all, this time it's not me..."

"Oh?" He Zhiyan smiled playfully, "It wasn't you this time, so you were the first to do it before?"

Lin Mansha shook her head vigorously, "No, I didn't say that. I didn't even think about doing it before I misunderstood it. It was Shen Weiyi who forced me..."

He Zhiyan didn't bother to tell her, and turned to look at the waiter, "I give you ten seconds to kick her out."

After only saying these words, He Zhiyan pulled Shen Weiyi to leave.

The waiter quickly stopped her, and immediately called the security guard over, "Hurry up and drive this woman out!"

The two security guards were dumbfounded, "Isn't this Mr. He's friend?"

The waiter didn't know what to say, and he was full of bitterness, and finally found the source.

"Don't talk nonsense and get people out quickly, otherwise the two of you won't be able to eat and walk around."

The security guards were finally in a hurry, picked up Lin Mansha and walked out.

"What are you doing! I'm a star, you can't treat me like this, I want to call the police."

No matter how Lin Mansha struggled, the two still held her tightly.

At this moment, Lin Mansha's cell phone vibrated, followed her movements and slid out of her pocket, landing right at He Zhiyan's feet.

Lin Mansha's eyes widened. When He Zhiyan saw the caller, he picked up the phone and answered it naturally.

"Mansha..." The opposite came first.

He Zhiyan snorted coldly, "Lin Rushan, you'd better send someone over quickly to take her away."

She was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that it would be He Zhiyan who answered the phone.

"What happened to my daughter? What are you going to do to her?"

He Zhiyan didn't answer, and hung up the phone irritably.Half an hour later, the Lin couple arrived at the hotel.

Seeing her daughter being trapped, Jiang Minzhi immediately went up to snatch her away.

"Don't be nervous, Aunt Jiang, this time I'll let you see how your daughter is doing."

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