"Lin Mansha, you should know my bottom line."

Lin Mansha remained silent, her lips trembling unconsciously because of tension, "I know, I know it all, but I also like you because you were taken away by Shen Weiyi, I don't know how to tell you."

Listening to her cautious and deliberately wronged voice, He Zhiyan didn't feel that she had any intention of repenting.

If you give her a chance, the result is still the same.

"Lin Mansha, I, the He family, don't want to entangle with you any longer. This is the last chance."

"What?" Lin Mansha stood where she was, and this time He Zhiyan didn't get angry with her, let alone yell at her, and only answered her with surprisingly calm words.

But inexplicably, it just makes people feel uneasy.

"Zhiyan, listen to my explanation, things are not what you imagined, and I plan to apologize to the old lady later..."


He Zhiyan's last trace of patience was exhausted. He took out his mobile phone and pressed a few times casually. Lin Mansha's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Madam, I don't want to make things too rigid, so you'd better cooperate, otherwise I will bring something to thank you."

"What else do you have to say?"

Lin Mansha's rapid breathing sounded beside her ear, she didn't seem to expect such a result in the end.

"Old Madam, she actually..."

He Zhiyan was too lazy to tell her everything before, so he opened the door of the living room, "Miss Lin, you should go."

The words fell silent, this time He Zhiyan didn't call the security guard, and didn't care about her anymore.

No one knew whether Lin Mansha left by herself or was dragged out by the security guards.

And after a few days, the heat of this matter subsided, and no one mentioned it again.

Shen Weiyi felt at ease staying in the outer suburbs. Although it was a little far away from the company, it didn't take much time to drive.

"Zhiyan, I don't want to go back now, why don't we move there?"

Shen Weiyi stared at He Zhiyan with watery eyes like a deer.

Sometimes, she just wants to do something very suddenly, and moving may be a bit troublesome for them.

However, as long as the two are together, everything is happy.

Therefore, He Zhiyan had no intention of refusing Shen's only request.

"Okay, we'll move this weekend."

Shen Weiyi didn't expect much, so he hugged He Zhiyan and laughed for a long time.

Afterwards, he told Han Ke about it, and Han Ke clicked his tongue after hearing it.

"What's the matter, Han Ke?"

"Only, you have changed. No..." She paused, "It's He Zhiyan who has changed. It seems that he really dotes on you. If it was another woman, she might not even have the chance to live in it."

Shen Weiyi chuckled twice, always feeling that there was something in her words, "Han Ke, what are you going to say?"

Han Ke hesitated for a moment, but as a friend, she was indeed curious, "Only, when are you going to get married?"

After asking this sentence, there was no movement from Shen Weiyi's side immediately.

Han Ke thought that he had said something wrong, so he immediately changed his words, "Only, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything. I just want to remind you as your good friend."

"I'm not angry. I also want to marry Zhiyan..."

Fearing that He Zhiyan would hear the last two words, Shen Weiwei deliberately lowered his voice.

"Then what are you still hesitating about? Could it be the Shen family?"

Shen Weiyi hummed, "I don't want to bring trouble to get married, and I don't want to drag Zhiyan down."

"Then these words, you must not be heard by He Zhiyan. Forget about these things, remember to call me if you move. I will help. "

The two of them were very mobile, and they almost did what they said. Shen Weiyi got up early the next day, called the moving company, and moved everything out.

There are some small things left, they just drive there by themselves.

Han Ke followed upstairs to help clean up the sundries. Some things were no longer needed, so there was no need to bring them over.

"Only, do you still bring this dress?"

Han Ke picked it up and waved it in front of her eyes. Shen Weiyi seemed to be looking for something and had no time to care about it.

Without raising her eyes, she just replied, "You can take it if you like."

Han Ke: "..."

"Forget it, forget it, only your figure can handle this one, I'll put it on for you."

Han Ke finished packing the box for someone and turned it back. Seeing that Shen Weiwei was still squatting on the ground looking for something, he muttered from time to time, "No, no..."

"Only, what are you looking for?"

"Oh, why is it gone? Where did I receive it?"

Shen Weiyi drooped his hands, looking dejected, "I remember receiving it?"

"What exactly?" Han Ke asked.

Shen Weiwei was a little embarrassed to say that it was actually a picture book from his previous life.

Although I don't know why that thing suddenly appeared here, but Lianquan is a portrait of He Zhiyan.

When it was discovered for the first time, it felt extremely awkward, but now that the two are together, Shen Weiyi thinks it is an extremely precious thing.

If you lose something, you can't lose it.

Han Ke also bent down and searched together, "What does it look like?"

Shen Weiyi gave a brief description, and at this moment, He Zhiyan walked in.

"Only, something has been..."

The following words stuck in his throat, and He Zhiyan couldn't help frowning as he watched the two of them hunched over and struggling.

"What are you looking for?"

Shen Weiyi hurriedly replied, "It's nothing." Then he quickly raised his head, but accidentally bumped his head.


I couldn't help but gasped, it seemed that Mercury was really retrograde today.

"Are you okay?"

He Zhiyan moved faster than Han Ke, hurriedly looking at her situation, Shen Weiyi shook his head, this is nothing.

"Nothing, let's go."

Shen Weiyi got up, and He Zhiyan stood beside her all the time, afraid that this daredevil would bump him again.

Han Ke followed behind without saying a word, turned to look at the bedroom again, and finally did not stop Shen Weiyi.

When he arrived at his new home, Shen Weiyi was refreshed and in a particularly good mood, "I'll cook later, please wait a moment."

After a while, Shen Weiwei came out with the food, but He Zhiyan was the only one left at the dining table.

"What about Han Ke?"

"She said to go first and not disturb our world of two."

Han Ke really had a wink, Shen Weiwei's face was slightly flushed, and his steps were a little vain.

Sitting at the dining table, he drank a glass of water seriously.

He Zhiyan raised his head halfway, his eyes darting back and forth on Shen Weiyi, "What exactly is missing?"

Shen Weiyi swallowed nervously, regretting that Han Ke should not have come.

But Han Ke couldn't be blamed for this incident, He Zhiyan was a little strange when he saw her in the car.

Looking out of the window without saying a word, his eyes are dull and he is not looking at any scenery.

Sure enough, he couldn't escape He Zhiyan's eyes, and Shen Weiyi couldn't hide it anymore.

"Actually, there isn't even a single picture book."

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