After rebirth, I picked Mr. He's treasure

Chapter 379 Accidental Discovery

Li Wentao sat across from Shen Guoliang, looking around with sly eyes, he had to be a hundred times more careful when dealing with the old fox.

"Uncle Li, shall we serve food?" Shen Yuqing asked.

Li Wentao waved his hand, "No girl, since your father is involved, I think what you are going to say must be difficult."

That's right, Shen Yuqing nodded, "Uncle Li is right, but before that, I want to apologize to Zihao first."

"Zihao, the company couldn't survive before, so we terminated the contract with you, but we are also very helpless, and now I want to say sorry to you."

Li Zihao glanced coldly at Shen Yuqing's embarrassed face, and sneered, "That's really good, tell me a few more words?"

"Zihao? What are you talking about?" Li Wentao hurriedly called a stop, not letting his son's impulsiveness ruin a good thing.

Li Zihao was reluctant, but he could only agree.

"Okay, I accept your apology."

Li Wentao helped to laugh, "It's okay, my son is very resistant to blows, so you don't need to mention such a small matter. Mr. Shen just say something."

Shen Guoliang didn't expect this person to be so generous. Although he seemed to be hiding a knife in his smile, as long as he had the opportunity, he was willing to give it a try.

"Actually, it's nothing. I think you all know the recent situation of the Shen family. I won't hide it from you. The Shen family is going to be unable to survive now, so I wonder if you can take the sake of the past, Help us."

They wondered why Shen Guoliang, who was still aloof and even threatened to defeat the He family, turned into such a downcast look now.

Sure enough, people die for money, and birds die for food.

Those big bosses couldn't get rid of this law, and Shen Guoliang was absolutely desperate, otherwise he wouldn't turn around and beg the Li family they looked down on at all.

"Mr. Shen, I am very clear about your situation, but we are also people who have suffered from that era. Don't worry, we will help you if you need anything."

Shen Guoliang's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't even believe his ears.

His son experienced bad things on his side, but Li Wentao agreed to help?
And so refreshing?

"Uncle Li, is what you said true?" Shen Yuqing seemed to be questioning.

Li Zihao frowned, "It's fine if you don't want to believe it. My father is a very kind person. Regarding my matter, he expressed his understanding of you. As for the matter of helping, I personally object."

"Zihao, be sensible."

Li Zihao curled his lips, Li Wentao smiled again, "I'm sorry, my son is like this, you wait for me to go back and do his homework."

After the words fell, Shen Guoliang nodded, and then asked, "Then what do you mean in the end?"

"I have the final say on this matter." Li Wentao made the decision coolly, "I will help with this matter."


"Director Shen, I should have run this business today, but I really have something to do this morning, so can you..."

The manager of the sales department clasped his hands together and looked at Shen Weiwei with a pleading face.

Not long ago, I heard that the manager got engaged. He has been busy with getting married recently, but it is difficult to ask for leave.

Hearing what she said, Shen Weiyi immediately understood.

This is a good thing for the beauty of an adult, she has no reason not to agree, took the document in her hand, Shen Weiwei nodded.

"Sister Zhang, don't be so polite, you just go about your own business."

"Only, you are so kind. When I come back, I will bring you a gift."

Sister Zhang blinked at her, and disappeared in a flash.

Shen Weiyi was about to finish the business quickly, and was about to leave the company when He Zhiyan walked in with a gift box.

The assistants raised their heads to watch the excitement.

"Are you going out?"

"The order processing business will end soon." Shen Weiwei glanced at the gift box in his hand, "What is this?"

He Zhiyan opened it, and inside was a delicate and small cake.

"I asked someone to bring it back from abroad. I heard it tastes good. Try it..."

While speaking, before Shen Weiyi could react, He Zhiyan picked up a fork, directly picked a small child, and fed it into her mouth.

The sweet and non-greasy cream melted in his mouth instantly, Shen Weiyi chewed the rest of the cake lightly, and there was still something cold inside.

"ice cream?"

He Zhiyan nodded, seeing that she liked it very much, he also had a smile on his face.

The assistants who were watching the excitement were about to lose their teeth. Shen Weiyi was obsessed with delicious food and didn't notice it just now, but only now did he realize it.

She swallowed the cake hastily, and closed the delicate lid, "Zhiyan, thank you, I'll taste it later when I come back, let's go first."

He Zhiyan didn't stop him, and when he saw the person leaving, he took the cake box back.

Assistant [-]: "I don't see it, I really don't see it."

Assistant [-]: "Everyone should be more pragmatic, let's work..."

Shen Weiyi went to that company, because there was an agreement long ago, and the other party happily ended the signing.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

The two shook hands, Shen Weiyi was sent to the elevator by the assistant, and was about to go downstairs when the door of the next elevator was opened, and Li Wentao walked in from inside.

The two looked at each other without saying a word, Shen Weiyi stared at Li Wentao's back and watched him walk into the CEO's office.

"Miss Shen, can we go down when the elevator arrives?"

The assistant kept pressing the door open button, but Shen Weiwei stood still, he hurriedly urged.

Only then did Shen Weiyi come back to his senses, "Sorry, I can ask the gentleman just now..."

The assistant came to her side, "Miss Shen, we have no right to disclose customer information."

"I know, but I know that person, but the relationship is not very good. The famous Li Wentao, Mr. Li..."

The assistant's eyes lit up, "It turns out that Ms. Shen knows each other. This Mr. Li is a new entrepreneurial pioneer. I heard that he represents the city and has taken on some public welfare project. Now he is looking for a partner."

Public welfare?

When did the Li family show mercy and start public welfare projects?

Shen Weiyi nodded, "So that's the case, I know."

After thanking her, Shen Weiyi walked into the elevator and seemed to be planning to leave, but she didn't leave when she went down to the first floor.

I ordered something in a nearby coffee shop, took out my notebook and looked it up.

After a while, I went back home.

After entering the office, the sourness of the assistants was still there, "Director, how delicious is that cake?"

Everyone looked at Shen Weiyi with a look of "we want to eat too", thinking they would succeed.

Who knows, she just shook her hands, "I want to eat, go buy it yourself, I can't help you here."

After speaking, Shen Weiyi walked out of the design department.

"Zhiyan, you sure won't believe what I found?"

Shen Weiwei's eyes were shining with excitement, and He Zhiyan put down the document with great interest.

She smiled, "I'm afraid the Shen family will be in trouble this time."

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