Shen Yuqing smiled generously and began to introduce the works.

Because there is no limit to the theme this time, Shen Yuqing chose the one she is best at.

At the same time, she has great confidence in winning Edward's approval. After all, she has spent a lot of thought on this set, and even asked a friend to help.

"The name of my evening dress is Rose. As you can see, I chose dark red for the dress, and at the same time, there are many patterns on it with golden silk threads..."

Shen Yuqing memorized the introduction very well, and the people listening below couldn't help being attracted in.

The base is dark red, with light golden threads running over it, like a blooming rose under the light.

At this time, Shen Yuqing smiled again, "Mr. Ed, can I trouble you to stand behind, you may not see the splendor of this evening dress here."

Of course Edward wouldn't mind, beautiful things always have willful power.

He walked quickly to the last row of student seats, and then he was facing the evening dress, and the next second he had to say that he was indeed amazed.

Edward opened his eyes wide, and the other students also watched attentively.

Xiao Wang narrowed his eyes, but he still didn't find anything special.

And at this moment, Shen Weiyi suddenly said two words, "Rose..."

At the same time, there was a burst of applause from behind, and Edward praised with a smile on his face, "Miss Shen is indeed talented. It's really rare to see such a well-designed evening dress."

After the words fell, Xiao Wang still didn't understand, so Shen Weiwei explained: "Look carefully, the silk threads on her are wrapped around each other, what do you see as a whole?"

Inspired, Xiao Wang took a closer look again, and suddenly opened his eyes wide, "My God, it's really a rose."

It turned out that this was the reason why Shen Yuqing wanted Edward to stand behind.

You can't see the complete lines at all on the side, and you can only find that the golden lines form a blooming rose when you look far away.

Many people at the scene were shocked, and some bosses who came with a purpose also began to whisper, as if they had already planned to cooperate.

Seeing that her work was so popular, Shen Yuqing was overjoyed, and she looked at Shen Weiwei proudly.

"Oh my God, what does she mean by that? She's so proud of playing with other people's leftovers?" Xiao Wang couldn't get over it.

Shen Weiyi's expression was calm, but he was not affected by it at all.

The next one was Shen Weiwei. The battle between the two sisters was imminent, and the people below became more interested.

"Thank you for the design you brought us. I think the next one will have a surprise." Edward looked at Shen Weiyi.

He has always been very optimistic about her. If this person hadn't already worked in He's, otherwise he would definitely not let such a talent go.

Shen Weiyi calmly walked to the middle of the podium, and his assistant pushed out his work.

Similarly, Shen Weiwei also used what he was best at as the final "homework".

"Everyone knows that marriage is the most sacred thing, so I hope it will always be pure and pure, and never be stained with a trace of filth."

Everyone listened carefully, but Shen Yuqing kept a straight face and said in her heart that she was playing mysteries again, I want to see what I can do.

As soon as Shen Weiyi finished speaking, the assistant next to him tore off the white cloth covering the work.

Only a narrow-waisted wedding dress in plain white appeared before people's eyes.

As if unexpectedly, the applause that everyone had prepared did not ring out, and their mouths grew wide.

Even Shen Yuqing was stunned.

There is no other reason, but because this piece is so ordinary, they all believed it was made by an ordinary tailor.

The plain white gauze skirt didn't have any decorations, it just hung down straight from the top, and the upper body didn't have very complicated designs, as if it was just a few pieces of white cloth wrapping the plastic model.

Everyone was surprised, how can this kind of thing that can be bought anywhere be called design.

Shen Weiwei has a calm expression on her face. In the early stage of the design, she also had some doubts whether such a work would be recognized.

But soon, she gave up such hesitation. The work is her own, first of all, and then others.

Shen Weiyi wants to express the most selfish, even selfish and willful side.

"I guess everyone will have such a reaction, but please understand that this is my selfishness, and it is also the design I most hope to present."

After saying these words, some people's eyes began to change, but some still felt unreasonable.

Can this kind of thing be called design?
Shen Yuqing rolled her eyes and complained in her heart, and Shen Weiyi also ended her presentation amidst a lot of discussions.

After returning to his seat, the assistant looked at Shen Weiwei very happily, "Director, you were so handsome just now, you can see that they were all conquered by you."

Shen Weiyi smiled when she heard the words, she didn't really care about it, she just did what she wanted.

At this time, Edward also walked to the center of the podium. He coughed and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Please be quiet, everyone. I think this is a special design, which is very meaningful to Ms. Shen. Of course, I am honored to have your trust."

Shen Weiwei nodded slightly to Edward to express his gratitude.

The people present all thought that Edward was serving the water. In order not to let them lose confidence, even such a work had to be praised.

Shen Yuqing smiled disdainfully, but in fact Edward was not serving water, he sincerely thought this design was good.

Afterwards, the remaining people share in order.

By the time it was over, everyone had probably watched nearly a dozen works.

Shen Yuqing is very confident in herself, thinking that no one will surpass herself, and confidently waits for Edward to announce the result.

However, it wasn't her who got this chance in the end, but it wasn't Shen Weiyi either.

Both were praised, but it was really surprising that they failed in the end.

However, Shen Weiyi was satisfied in his heart, and it was enough to show his own ideas.

But Shen Yuqing was not reconciled at all, why her careful preparation could not succeed.

After class, most of the students left, and a few bosses who had the intention of cooperating stayed behind, ready to talk about cooperation.

"Miss Shen? I really appreciate your design concept. May I take the liberty to ask for your contact information?"

After the man finished speaking, Shen Weiyi and the little assistant were stunned for a moment.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean that, I just want to contact about cooperation."

Shen Weiyi breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be the case.

"Sorry sir, if it's cooperation, please contact He Shi first, I personally have no way to decide."

Hearing that, the man was somewhat apprehensive.

That's He's, it's different from a small company like theirs, how could they easily agree to their request.

However, he still accepted He's business card, ready to try it.

"Director, I didn't expect that set to be quite popular."

"I didn't think of that either." Shen Weiyi hooked her lips and walked out.

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