Jiang Huai thought he was mistaken, so he took a few steps forward, and now he was sure that he did not admit his mistake.

But why is he here, is there someone else hosting a dinner party here?
Jiang Huai counted and walked in.

At this moment, all the guests had already taken their seats, seeing Jiang Huai walking in, He Zhiyan hurriedly asked, "Where is the person? Have you got in touch?"

"Not yet, Mr. He, why do I think something happened?"

He Zhiyan cast a puzzled look at him.

"I guarantee that Director Shen will come out early, but it's been so long, you can't get through the phone..."

Just as Jiang Huai was talking, the on-stage exchange meeting had already begun, and the first guest came up.

He Zhiyan looked at the stage and seemed to be hesitating. After all, this exchange meeting was very important, and leaving without a reason would definitely damage He's face.

"Jiang Huai, go and tell the organizer. Let's postpone Shen's only speech today."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Huai was inexplicably relieved and hurried to do it.

At the same time, in room No. [-] downstairs, Shen Weiwei knocked on the door desperately, but there was no movement outside the door.

At this time, I don't know where all the waiters in the hotel have gone.


Cursing in a low voice, Shen Weiwei turned his head to look at the window, could he only go there?But this is high level...

She thought so, but the door was locked and the window was the only way to the outside.

Shen Weiyi walked slowly to the window, looked down at the darkness below, and at this moment the effect of the medicine finally broke out.

Almost instantly, Shen Weiwei felt his brain rumble, and his ears buzzed as if a bee had entered.

The body followed closely and was uncontrollable, a hot feeling swept over the whole body in an instant.

She was afraid that she would fall down like this, so she quickly folded back from the window.

Just then there was a knock on the door...

Could it be that someone heard the movement just now?

Shen Weiyi immediately ran over, and the next second, the door was opened with a click.

"Hey, I just said that there is a treasure hidden here, but you won't let me in, what's going on now?"

The man looked back at the crowd following him, scoffed in disgust, and then looked at Shen Weiyi.

"Little baby, are you here to serve me?"

The two lumps of flesh on the man's cheeks were shaking with excitement, and the disgusting smell of alcohol came to his face.

"What the hell is this!"

Shen Weiyi burst out a foul word in his heart, and raised his hand to close the door.

But now the effect of the medicine is getting stronger and stronger, her body is completely unable to exert strength, and now she feels very hard just standing.

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had noticed something, his right hand clasped Shen Weiwei's hand on the doorknob, and then he winked at the person behind him.

The people standing at the door retreated immediately, and there were only two people left in a blink of an eye.

"You...don't come in..."

"I won't come in? That's up to you..." The old man grinned as he grabbed her arm with his greasy trotters.

"Little baby, don't run away!"

"You let go!"

Shen Weiyi yelled at the door, and slapped the man hard with all his strength.

"Little bitch, do you dare to hit me? You don't even look at yourself, you've been given medicine, how can you be better! I tell you that you don't want to run away today, I will kill you now !"

The man's scolding made Shen Weiwei's brain ache, but she couldn't care less now.

Dodging the man vigorously, Shen Weiyi rushed straight to the door.

If she remembered correctly, the door was not locked.

"Little bitch still wants to hide! Come here!"

"In your dreams……"

Shen Weiyi gritted his teeth, held the doorknob and twisted it hard...

The door is open!
Shen Weiyi didn't have time to be happy, so he ran away.

The old man shouted angrily, and ran out after him.

"You still dare to run, you come back to me!"

Shen Weiwei didn't dare to look back, and ran forward as hard as he could, but the effect of the medicine was getting stronger and stronger, and his body was already limp and weak.

Seeing that Shen Weiwei stopped slowly, the old man smiled lowly, and his footsteps slowed down, "calmly and openly", "Why don't you run away?"

Shen Weiwei suppressed his panting, and supported his body with both hands.

"Okay, don't resist." The old man knelt down and grabbed Shen Weiwei again, "Go back with me obediently, and serve me well. I can pretend nothing happened."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and patted Shen Weiwei's face vigorously.

And at this moment, footsteps suddenly came from behind the two of them.

The old man turned his head impatiently, but in the next second, before she could react, he was thrown to the ground.

"Fuck me, who the hell hit me?"

The man covered his face and squirmed on the ground. It took him a long time to see who it was, "You, you..."

Old man, you couldn't say your name after a long time, obviously you were frightened.

He Zhiyan exuded a cold aura all over his body, forcing the man to back away again and again.

He didn't bother to look at that disgusting face, and went over the man to check on Shen Weiyi's situation.

"Shen Weiyi, are you okay?"

His voice suddenly softened, maybe he didn't even notice it.

Shen Weiyi, who heard the voice, turned her head slowly, but she was under the effect of the medicine at the moment, and she couldn't answer at all, only panting sounded instead.

He Zhiyan's eyes froze, and the expression on his face could no longer be described simply as horror.


"I...I'll drive here right now." He ran all the way down, He Zhiyan covered him lightly with his clothes, and hugged him horizontally.

Shen Weiwei could vaguely feel the man's irritability, she hurriedly said, "It's okay...let me down."

He Zhiyan didn't speak, and walked straight to the elevator.

There were not many cars on the road at the moment, so the journey was smooth.

He Zhiyan hurriedly carried her into the hospital, "Doctor, please take a look at what's wrong with her."

The doctor has dealt with this kind of thing a lot, and he can understand it almost at a glance.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll show this lady."

He Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, and immediately helped him onto the bed, watching Shen Weiwei being pushed into the ward by a group of nurses.

Were you worried just now?
He Zhiyan took a breath, and then realized that he was already sweating all over. He took off his tie, went to the bathroom to wipe his face, and came out just in time to see Jiang Huai.

"Mr. He, you are here. I haven't seen you after searching for a long time."

"Have you completed the formalities?"

"Don't worry, it's all over..." Jiang Huai pursed his dry lips and asked, "What did the doctor say?"

Just as He Zhiyan was about to say that he didn't know too well, the doctor came out of the ward, "Which of you is the patient's family?"

This question completely choked back what the two of them had said.

After a long while, Jiang Huai said: "Neither of us, but this is the boss of the young lady inside."

"That's right, but as far as her situation is concerned, I think it's better to tell the family first."

"Just tell me." He Zhiyan interrupted the doctor impatiently, and cast his sharp eyes on the doctor again.

"Okay." Under pressure, he finally nodded, "This girl has been drugged."

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