This lunch was quite pleasant, Han Xueyi's image of a big sister was completely removed, and Han Yu's image of vice president also disappeared.

After dinner, Han Xueyi followed Su Xiaojin for a walk, and then began to say: "Sister-in-law, if you don't want to participate in the matter about our mother, you can ignore my brother. My brother is just a little impatient, and he may sometimes be lacking. Consider, ignore your thoughts."

Su Xiaojin nodded: "Actually, I can understand Han Yu's mood, but there are some uncertain factors in it. I'm afraid that if we really go to the bottom of it, what danger will it bring? After all, as a mother, I don't want to see Seeing that their children are in trouble because of their own affairs."

Han Xueyi took Su Xiaojin's hand: "It's okay, sister-in-law, we are still destined, don't think about what that idiot my brother is going to do, think about how to help me chase Gu Yuming."

Mia also smiled when she heard it: "Xiao Jin, as a die-hard fan of Gu Nanting, how do you feel?" Of course Mia was joking.

"Well, let me tell you something. No matter whether you can catch up with this man or not, a girl must first improve her own status and not be too humble." Su Xiaojin also said from the bottom of her heart.

Although Han Xueyi looks like an optimistic and cheerful girl, she will inevitably let go of her figure when she meets someone she likes. Love is fair. When you let go of your figure, this period of love has already partially collapsed.

As for how to attack Gu Yuming, Su Xiaojin didn't have a good solution. She attacked Gu Yuming just to gain favorability, and the Gu family could ask Gu Yuming for help in the future.

Raiders with purposeful interests cannot be equated with those who sincerely like them.

After the three walked around the playground, Su Xiaojin decided to sleep in the dormitory today.She called Gu Nanting, and Gu Nanting told her to be careful.

Back in the dormitory, the roommates were eating hot pot. "Xiaojin lives in school today?"

The relationship between Su Xiaojin and her roommates is not bad, and she doesn't come back often, so she can be regarded as an ordinary classmate. "Well, I will live at school these two days."

"By the way, you and Mia don't live in the school recently. In the past two days, some supernatural events have happened in our dormitory building. There will be strange knocking on the door every night. Everyone is a little scared, and the auntie who is looking for the dormitory can't find it. What's wrong, do you think our building is haunted?"

One roommate raised his mouth suddenly, and the other roommate also began to gossip: "When I went to the toilet that day, I saw a white shadow flash past, and our school itself has such a legend. Could it be Is there really a ghost?"

The two people stirred up the atmosphere, and the whole dormitory began to discuss. Su Xiaojin was usually not interested in this, but today she followed them and listened to it inexplicably.

Just when he was talking about the excitement, there was a knock on the door of Su Xiaojin's dormitory, and the roommates hugged each other in surprise.Su Xiaojin was also curious, and checked her phone that it was only eight o'clock, and it would not be the time when they said ghosts would come and go.

She opened the door calmly, and Mia was at the door: "Xiao Jin, why is the noise in your dormitory so loud?"

Su Xiaojin replied: "Just now they were discussing the recent haunting in the dormitory. You came too timely, so you scared them a little."

Mia apologized: "Sorry, I didn't know you were talking about that scary topic."

"Otherwise, let's go and have a look tonight. I don't think it's really haunted." Someone from another dormitory also cheered.

Su Xiaojin is also curious about who this pretender is. She doesn't believe in ghosts in the world, unless some people have ghosts in their hearts.

"Anyway, the housekeeper won't say anything, let's take a look together to break this legend." Another roommate said.

Six or seven people gathered in the two girls' dormitories. At twelve o'clock in the evening, everyone sat in a dormitory and listened to the movement in the corridor.

The corridor at twelve o'clock was eerily quiet. Several people looked at me and I looked at yours, but they didn't dare to speak loudly. "Could it be that you won't come?"

Mia asked.

"Wait a little longer." Su Xiaojin was a little excited and nervous about this kind of thing, whether it was a grandiose event or not. "We can definitely catch this ghost."

About an hour after the hair reform, the roommates were already drowsy and about to fall asleep. Su Xiaojin swiped her phone, and Mia poked Su Xiaojin's arm. "Xiao Jin, I have a piece of talisman paper drawn by my grandma here. I heard that it can drive away ghosts. Do you want to bring it?"

Su Xiaojin shook her head: "I don't believe you can keep this."

The two of them hadn't chatted a few words at first, when they heard intermittent knocking on the door.It seemed to be coming from downstairs. The sound of footsteps was relatively light, and the sound of knocking on the door was a bit vague.

Several sleepy people heard the sound and woke up one after another. "Listen, outside..." a roommate said nervously.

"It's one floor below, let's go and have a look." Su Xiaojin took the baseball bat she brought that day, opened the door first, and walked down the steps cautiously.

The others followed behind Su Xiaojin, a little scared.

The voice became clearer and clearer. Su Xiaojin had already reached the next floor, but she didn't see anything knocking on the door.Could it be... really haunted?

"There is nothing." Su Xiaojin yelled towards the steps, and the others came down slowly.Mia came over and grabbed Su Xiaojin's hand: "Xiaojin, this voice is so close."

Su Xiaojin frowned, she was listening for directions.Suddenly a group of white shadows rushed towards them, Su Xiaojin held the baseball bat in his hand, waiting for the opportunity.

The white shadow passed by for a while, and six or seven people were really shocked. Su Xiaojin could see clearly that the white figure was just a bed sheet, so someone must have done it on purpose.

Everyone huddled together, and suddenly there was a knock on the door to their right.When Su Xiaojin saw the white shadow, he quickly struck with a baseball bat.

The roommate and Mia yelled, it was horrible.

With a muffled bang, Su Xiaojin hit someone.Suddenly someone yelled in the corridor: "What are you doing if you don't sleep at night!"

Several people hurried back to the dormitory, Su Xiaojin squatted down and looked at the sheet and the person in the sheet. "So it was her..."

The person who pretended to be a ghost these days was the elementary school girl from the Disciplinary Inspection Department last time.The voices of several people disturbed the dormitory supervisor, Su Xiaojin stayed behind and faced the dormant who was sleeping in a daze, "Auntie, you came just in time, here is a person who has passed out."

Su Xiaojin threw the baseball bat aside, looked at the auntie and smiled: "I just heard the voice and came over to take a look, but I didn't expect someone to have passed out here."

The housekeeper didn't speak, looked at Su Xiaojin for a long time, and then said: "It's okay, go back to sleep, I will send her to the infirmary."

A night of near misses.

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