"I heard that someone wants to bribe my fiancée? Kidnapping if the bribe doesn't work? Hmm?" Gu Nanting deliberately emphasized the words, and there was a storm in his tone.

Seeing this, several shareholders hurriedly pulled Su Xiaojin back. "You... you came at the right time. Hand over the things...or I will kill her." After the shareholder finished speaking, he pulled the rope that tied Su Xiaojin.

Gu Nanting's series of actions just now made these shareholders a little afraid, so they had to use Su Xiaojin as a shield.

"Do you think it's useful to threaten me with her?" There was a smile on the corner of Gu Nanting's mouth, so weird.The shareholders were looking at Su Xiaojin who was tied up, and the two had identical smiles on their faces. "It seems an unwise choice to threaten him with me."

After Su Xiaojin finished speaking, Gu Nanting took another quick step, grabbed the collar of the person who was holding Su Xiaojin, and smashed towards the car.Turning around again, Su Xiaojin was firmly held in Gu Nanting's arms.

"Xiao Jin, are you okay, are you hurt?" Gu Nanting looked Su Xiaojin's whole body up and down, and then untied her.

Su Xiaojin rubbed her tied red wrists, and asked, "Have you got the evidence of bribery, this time there is another one, kidnapping, you are the witness."

"So... did you do it on purpose?" The shareholders realized that they were being teased by Su Xiaojin, their faces turned blue, and they rushed over while waving their fists.

Gu Nanting was ready to fight and protected Su Xiaojin behind him. "Stay away, don't accidentally hurt you, see why the secretary hasn't brought security here, it's really slow."

  Su Xiaojin nodded, watching the scuffle between Gu Nanting and several people.

Suddenly she felt that someone had pulled her hair, and when she raised her eyes, she saw that the leading shareholder was planning to arrest her again.Su Xiaojin was about to speak, but he covered his mouth with his hands.

Su Xiaojin whimpered a few times, which caught Gu Nanting's attention.Gu Nanting clenched his fists and walked towards that person.

"Don't come here, I'll kill her if you go there again." The man escaped from nowhere with a knife and put it on Su Xiaojin's neck, Su Xiaojin's eyes not only did not show panic, but were radiant.

One more thing, intentional murder...

"I'm not coming, you put down the knife." Gu Nanting suppressed his anger, calmed down, and stared at the man with clenched fists.

Before the man could speak, Su Xiaojin had an idea and stepped on the man. Before he could react, he turned around and wanted to push the man away.

It's just that the knife was always too close to Su Xiaojin, and when she turned around, a mark was clearly scratched on her neck.The shareholder panicked when he saw the blood, Gu Nanting took the opportunity to kick off the dagger and subdue the man.

At this time, the secretary rushed over with security.

"Su Xiaojin... are you... all right?" When Gu Nanting asked this sentence, he was stunned for a moment. He saw the scar on Su Xiaojin's neck, anger and heartache welled up in his heart, Gu Nanting's breath became more dignified, and he turned towards the person just now He kicked hard again.

Then he yelled at Su Xiaojin: "Are you going to do such a dangerous thing? Do you want to die?"

Su Xiaojin was aggrieved by such a yell, and she yelled back without showing any weakness: "Then when you first planned to use me as bait, didn't you consider my safety?"

Gu Nanting admitted that he was so angry that he couldn't control his temper and told Su Xiaojin.Only then did he soften his tone: "In short, don't do such dangerous things in the future."

Su Xiaojin snorted coldly, not wanting to pay any attention to him.

Those shareholders knew that they were doomed, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "President, we know we were wrong, we were just greedy for a while, please forgive us this time."

"Let's leave these words at the police station." Gu Nanting pulled Su Xiaojin a bit, forced her into his arms, then turned and left, and asked the secretary to call the police. "Hand over all the evidence, and if you want my transcript, come and tell me."

 The secretary nodded in agreement.

Gu Nanting carried Su Xiaojin into the office, looking at Su Xiaojin's eyes were moist. "It was my fault that I shouldn't have yelled at you just now. I was just afraid that you would get hurt."

He suddenly felt a little more afraid.

"The situation was urgent at that time, and I didn't want others to threaten you with me." Su Xiaojin sniffed, and then felt a tingling pain from the wound on her neck.

No one would have thought that someone would carry a knife.

"It's an emergency and you can't joke about your life." Gu Nanting glared at Su Xiaojin, it was this little girl who wanted to do something without authorization.

This was Gu Nanting's negligence, he took the medicine box and bandaged Su Xiaojin's wound.

Su Xiaojin shivered and pushed Gu Nanting away.She thought she was doing nothing wrong.Gu Nanting made too much of a fuss. "I'm not talking to someone who helped me figure it out in the first place."

When Su Xiaojin said this, it meant that she was a little angry.

Gu Nanting didn't think it was reasonable for Su Xiaojin to confront him with this sentence. "I split up not because you acted without authorization, but because you didn't care about your life."

"I can see my status clearly. President Gu, if you use me up, you will be disowned by your relatives, right? I don't think there is anything wrong with my actions." Su Xiaojin stared at someone expressionlessly.

"I'm doing it for your own good." Gu Nanting didn't know why he bumped into Su Xiaojin's temper, but he didn't intend to back down on this matter.

"What, for my own good? If it's really for my own good, why did you put me in your plan in the first place?" Su Xiaojin knew Gu Nanting's calculations from the beginning of the board meeting.At that time, she could have refused, but she chose to participate.

Gu Nanting didn't continue talking, but just slammed the door of the office and walked out.

Afterwards, the secretary called Su Xiaojin down, saying that the president wanted to drive her home.

"I don't want to take his car." Su Xiaojin spent the whole afternoon in the office in a fit of anger.

The secretary brought a message to Gu Nanting, and within a few minutes Gu Nanting rushed to the office and carried Su Xiaojin downstairs, then put her on the back seat of the car without saying a word.

"How long are you going to be so angry about this?" Gu Nanting closed the car door and sat in the back seat. "I admit that from the beginning, I really wanted to use you. But this does not mean that I don't care about you. On the contrary, you should consider your behavior."

Gu Nanting continued to soften his tone and talk to Su Xiaojin patiently.

Su Xiaojin knew that she was reckless in this matter, but Gu Nanting's attitude today really made her a little angry, so she quarreled with Gu Nanting.

 "Okay, I was wrong about this matter. I didn't think carefully, which made you worry." Gu Nanting had already taken a step back, and Su Xiaojin didn't need to continue to investigate, but she was still bitter about Gu Nanting's attitude and had to be perfunctory An apology came.

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