After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 717: People attack computers

Gu Nanting's two sentences obviously also aroused He Yu's infinite thinking.

Seeing the depressed mood of the people in front of her, Su Xiaojin didn't know what to do, after all, she didn't have much chance to know their family before.

When she heard the discussion about the housekeeper just now, she felt that it must be a bad memory for their family.

"It's all over, don't want to."

It's better that He Yu jumped out earlier, let her get over the past, anyway, isn't life going well now.

"Okay, eat."

But Gu Nanting obviously couldn't get out of this shadow. Even after so many years, he still couldn't forgive the housekeeper who grew up with him and made him laugh all day long betrayed them like that.

This is a scar on Gu Nanting's heart.

After the meal, the three of them sent He Yu away. Gu Nanting had something to do and said he wanted to go out, so he asked Su Xiaojin to take Xiaotuanzi to bed first, and he would come back soon.

On a dark day, a Maserati drove into an open area. The man who got out of the car lowered the brim of his hat, stepped on his leather shoes and walked to the gate step by step.

The silver-white door reveals a sense of advanced technology everywhere. I saw the man pull out a card from his pocket, stick it on the scanner next to him, and the door opened silently.

"Young Master Gu."

A group of people were drinking and chatting near the gate. When they saw the man's face clearly, they put away their giggling and smiling faces and let out a respectful cry.

Now this point is not working time, drinking is a common thing, as long as the work is completed on time and does not give him trouble, Gu Nanting can accept it.

Nodding to these people, Gu Nanting continued to walk in.

When he saw a small wooden door, he knew clearly that he had arrived. He grabbed the handle of the cold door and pushed it, making a creaking sound.

The decoration inside the door is very simple, completely different from the high-tech door. In the center of the room is a large table with only a computer on it.

Gu Nanting went around the table and walked directly behind the computer, pulled up a chair and sat down.

The person behind the computer heard someone coming in early, and he knew clearly that it was Gu Nanting, so he kept his eyes on the screen and smiled.

"It's very timely this time."

Thinking about what he said before that his information has been checked all the time, he came here slowly, why did Gu Nanting come here in such a hurry when he said this time.

Gu Nanting crossed his legs and lay on the recliner that had just been pulled out, with a look of health preservation.

"Something happened recently, I need to pay more attention to my information."

He turned his head to look at Cheng Xian who was still typing codes on the computer. This was someone he had hired with a lot of money. He was in the business circle, so he had to hire a hacker to take care of his own information.

"Hackers have hacked this site."

Cheng Xian didn't reply, because he had more important things to do at the moment, to protect the security of this website, since he managed all of Gu Nanting's online whereabouts, he rarely had time to rest.

Gu Nanting has many enemies and opponents. Basically, there are people who want to track his whereabouts online at any time, especially at night.

Seeing Cheng Xian's serious face, Gu Nanting didn't bother him, and lay down on the chair with peace of mind. After all, he couldn't help with this kind of thing, why else would he hire someone to do it.

After about 10 minutes, it was obvious that the code on the computer had stopped.

The expression on Cheng Xian's face also lost the anxiety he had just now.

"Okay, this website is attacked every day, boss, you have quite a few opponents."

Cheng Xian looked at the gradually quiet code on the computer, and his heart also settled down. He turned his head and said to Gu Nanting who was lying on the chair.

"Tell me, who is it?"

Gu Nanting didn't answer his question directly, he just wanted to know what he wanted to know, for example, who was playing with him all the time.

Seeing that Gu Nanting wasn't interested in answering his own questions, Cheng Xian didn't force it either. He was just a laborer, honestly working for his boss, and getting the pay he deserved was enough.

"The location is in City A. Recently, I have been trying to break your electricity."

Cheng Xian squeezed his temples. Judging from the network defense these days, the opponent may be more than one person, or a team. His strength is indeed a little weak.

"Can the other party break into my computer?"

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Xian's temples, which were already suffering from headaches, now hurt even more. He didn't know what his boss was thinking, and let other hackers break into his computer, so he was probably crazy.

"Of course that's fine. I'll just ignore him when he comes down again."

Since my boss doesn't care about the things in my computer so much, then I don't care, anyway, everything is subject to the boss's requirements.

Gu Nanting felt that his explanation was a little unclear. He wanted hackers to break into his computer, but there was actually a prerequisite that he didn't make clear.

"What I'm saying is, let him attack an empty shell computer. I want to see what is in my computer that makes them so aggressive."

Gu Nanting looked at Cheng Xian, and Cheng Xian immediately understood what he meant.

It turned out that my boss wanted to use a "Golden Cicada Escape Shell" to let the other party steal my files, so that I can know what others want to do to me here.

"This is a good trick. The boss is the boss."

Give Gu Nanting a thumbs up, the boss is worthy of being the boss, he really has a way.

Gu Nanting just smiled faintly, what he was most confused about now was who was so curious about his next actions.

"Then I'm going to modify your computer."

The modification Cheng Xian mentioned did not refer to hardware changes but software changes, a system unique to hackers.

About half an hour later, Cheng Xian signaled to Gu Nanting. "

"It's okay this time, do you want to try it?"

He moved all the important software and documents in Gu Nanting's computer to a safe place, and now there should be no important software in Gu Nanting's computer.

"Is the other party still trying to attack?"

If the other party does not attack, what is the use of your own actions?Glancing at Cheng Xian, Cheng Xian opened a software, which was densely packed with codes and red dots.

Gu Nanting didn't understand and didn't want to read it, so he asked directly.

"Can you do it?"

He was a little impatient, he had spent almost an hour here, Su Xiaojin and Xiaotuanzi at home were still waiting for him, what happened to Cheng Xian, it was not enough!

It's not that Cheng Xian's skills are not good, but that what is required in this line of work is to be careful, and he must not let go of any corner that the enemy can break through.

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