After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 714: Lina was humiliated

Lina on the podium saw Mia's unsightly expression in the audience, and immediately felt refreshed.

"Editor Lina, can you tell me what's bad about this painting?"

Graduated from France, right? Make fun of her, right? Slander her works!OK, let's see how you do it.

Mia crossed her arms and stared straight at Lina on the podium, making her feel terrified.

The people on the podium were a little panicked. In fact, this painting is not as bad as she said, but the style of painting is a little immature. She just commented on it like that, which is actually nonsense.

The people sitting under the podium are all veterans in the field of painting. No matter how you say it, she is just a young girl who has just graduated from a prestigious French school for a year.

Now that Mia suddenly launched an attack, she really couldn't stand it.

"I just said it casually, why is she so serious!" Mia thought to herself, what should I do.

what to do?Why don't you think about the current situation when you slander other people's paintings at will, why don't you think about the consequences you will bear when you open your mouth and make random comments?

It's late, it's late, you're new here, you don't know the rules, right, let Mia teach you a lesson now!
"What's the matter, don't you dare to comment? You said a lot just now, and you're right. Why are you acting like a dumb person now? How did your teacher teach you!"

Mia is not a soft persimmon that is easy to handle. When the colleagues below heard it, they all supported Mia. After all, they have worked together for many years, and they have more affection in their hearts than the people on the podium.

Seeing Lina's embarrassment, Mia felt relieved: "Let you, a little girl, comment on other people's works casually!"

"I... you all, I just think this work does not conform to the French aesthetic."

After Lina said this, she felt that it was not enough, and continued to add: "Oh, I forgot, all of you here have received domestic training, and naturally have not received training from French masters, and there is naturally a gap in our vision. "

In fact, Lina's words were just to scare off Mia, mocking that her aesthetic quality is not as good as that of France. What she didn't know was that most of the people in this company were trained by Chinese teachers.

What she said was tantamount to mocking the poor aesthetic quality of the entire company, and Mia snorted twice when she heard this.

"Then you mean that graduates from France are better than those from our country, so why don't you go to France to lead a team and come to us instead?"

Mia asked back again, and now the people under the podium became more commotion.

I was originally dissatisfied with Lina's rhetoric on stage. Isn't this blatantly discriminating against the level of my own country?

"That's right, if you really take yourself as something good, why don't you come back and earn our money?"

"I thought I was noble after studying abroad for a few years, and I was just a lackey for a day."

"Are young people nowadays so spineless? I thought that the people who came back from France were of high quality, but now it seems that they are nothing more than that. They are human and heartless."


There were more and more cynicism from below, Lina was a little embarrassed on stage, thinking that she would be accused like this on the first day she took office today?
What I expected was not the scene where I was being criticized by thousands of people, there must be something wrong, Mia!Yes, it was this woman who put herself in such an embarrassing situation!
I am still their boss!How could they talk about themselves like that!Really low quality!
"What are you arguing about! The mobilization meeting I asked you to hold, Lina, you just hold it for me!"

The director sitting in the office next door was about to concentrate on his work when he heard the noise here.

Putting down the work in hand, I walked over to take a look, only to find out that the new editor Lina had caused trouble. Lina, who had big wavy red lips on the podium, was besieged by a group of employees below.

But she couldn't do anything by herself, she could only stand dryly on the podium and be scolded. Looking at this scene, Ye Han really felt that the person sent by her boss was really useless, so she couldn't be so capable.

"Sister Han, the employees are disobedient, they were instigated by Mia to scold me, you have to take care of them!"

Seeing that the director came, Lina felt as if she saw a life-saving straw. If she couldn't cure them, someone would be able to cure them. Just wait and see!

But Ye Han obviously didn't want to manage her affairs. He couldn't manage the employees well on the first day he took office. How could he trust so many people to her.

Ye Han curled his lips and didn't want to talk to her more.

"After the meeting, go to work."

The purpose of saying this is to calm down the troubles she caused, so that everyone should work and work, and no one will remember after a certain time, so as not to cause trouble for myself.

But I didn't expect that Lina didn't appreciate it.

"Sister Han, I was scolded by them. I came back from France, but I was scolded by such a group of people. This is my first day in office. I don't dare to think about what they will do to me afterwards!"

Hearing Lina's words, Ye Han's face darkened instantly, but at this moment Lina was still immersed in the shame of being scolded just now.

"What do you want?"

Ye Han asked with a dark face, but he was thinking in his heart: "How did the company find someone? Why is the EQ so low!"

Seeing Ye Han ask what she wanted to do, Lina suddenly felt that someone was backing her up, so she said it brazenly.

"It's so simple. I want those who scolded me to apologize to me immediately, especially Ms. Mia."

Speaking provocatively, he raised his exquisite chin, thinking that the group of people in the audience would make him apologize soon.

But when this kind of words spread to everyone's ears, they were disgusted for a long time, thinking to themselves: "Where did this crazy woman come from, can she speak without thinking?"

"I think some people should look in the mirror, first see their own appearance and ability, and then bring us."

Some people have already begun to question her ability. This kind of woman who speaks outspokenly but can't speak brains is really embarrassing.

"I think it was you who made things difficult for them first, not because they deliberately came to you. If you want to apologize, you should apologize first."

Just now Ye Han heard a lot of things next door, and it was Lina who said that Mia's paintings were not good. She thought that she would not dare to say it because Mia pushed her back.

But I didn't expect this woman to be so stupid, she always likes to hit the muzzle of a gun.

"I, I'm just making an objective and fair evaluation, besides, her painting itself has problems."

Unwilling to reconcile, Lina added: "The owner of the painting is late all day long, how good is the painting?"

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