After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 712: Scaring the patient


Mu Cheng, who was stunned in place, only heard a sentence of the woman who takes care of you, isn't his woman Mia?How did he become a person living in the ward?

"Hi, my name is Mu Cheng."

Hearing the girl on the opposite side calling him, he replied professionally, after all, he still had to take care of this patient in the future.

"Doctor Mu, you are much more handsome than the one before. Why didn't the hospital arrange you for me earlier! You are handsome."

Qian Meng was looking at Mu Cheng crazily. When he was first pulled in, her eyes lit up. Although she was wearing a loose white coat, she still couldn't conceal Mu Cheng's cool and cold demeanor.

Such a doctor can make Qian Meng's heart moved.

Mu Cheng has always disliked others looking at him in this way, and when he suddenly remembered what the previous doctor said about her actions, he felt a little disgusted in his heart.

But his good medical qualities still made him speak softly.

"Qian Meng, right?"

He still knows some information about the patient.

"If there is nothing wrong with your health, then lie down and recuperate with peace of mind, and leave the hospital when it is time to leave the hospital. If there is any problem, report it to the doctor or nurse in time."

In fact, he wished that the child would come and leave the hospital sooner. According to his visual inspection, the girl in front of him should be fine both mentally and physically.The complexion is rosy, and the glasses are bright.

"Ah, doctor, my heart hurts from being scolded just now, please come and help me."

As soon as she heard that she was sick and could be seen by a doctor, she quickly said that her heart hurts, and she still held the position of her heart, pretending to be in pain.

"I don't think it's a big deal for you, just let the pain in your heart ease."

How could it be possible for someone as smart as Mu Cheng not to see the pain in his heart when the beauty in front of him pretended to be.

"Doctor, you can't act like this. The patient is sick, shouldn't you come and see him in time? How can you refuse the patient's request?"

Seeing that her request was rejected, Qian Meng suddenly became irritable, thinking that she should not be ugly, she has fair skin, dark long straight hair, she is very confident in her face, why are there so many old men Everyone wants to buy something for themselves.

Thinking of those old men, Qian Meng became even angrier. Originally, he only wanted to play with them, but he didn't expect that someone would take it seriously. His wife even came to his school, which ruined his reputation.

Many young boys who pursued her in the past knew that she was a foul-smelling socialite, and the teachers also let her drop out of school.

She didn't dare to go home, and the man's wife went to rented houses and hotels to find her every day, so she had no choice but to take the money of those old men and rely on some connections to be admitted to the hospital.

But I didn't expect that I would be discovered by the old man's wife. Thinking about it, I'm really angry!

Now I can't even deal with a doctor. You must know that the doctor was obedient to me before and gave me everything she wanted, but she was a bit ugly.

"Patient Qian is right, but the premise for a doctor to see a patient is that you must be sick."

Seeing Qian Meng's unreasonable look.Mu Cheng felt extremely disgusted, and really wanted to stay away from this place as soon as possible, but he had no choice but to calm down because of his work.

"I, why am I not sick? I've said it all. I was hurt by that old woman's anger just now. Shouldn't you show me a stethoscope!"

Hearing that Mu Cheng exposed himself so quickly, Qian Meng jumped on the bed and said these words aggressively.

Mu Cheng just looked at the girl in front of him, making her hair stand straight.

"That's good, Xiao Liu, come in."

Nurse Xiao Liu is responsible for everything about this girl.

"Doctor Mu, what's the matter with this patient?"

Xiao Liu is also very upset about this woman. She usually sees her hooking up with doctors, but now she wants to destroy even Dr. Mu's coldness. She looks pure and innocent.
  "Take her for a 40 yuan electrocardiogram, and I'm going for a 300 yuan echocardiogram. Oh, by the way, the possibility of coronary heart disease is not ruled out. I'm taking her for a 5000 yuan coronary angiography."

Mu Cheng was gambling, reporting such a long list of numbers was to test whether this person had money.

"Do so many?"

Xiao Liu was a little tired from listening, so he asked a question just to make sure.

But after hearing so many tests, Qian Meng was not happy. She just wanted to get in touch with Mu Cheng more, and she might meet someone when she went to do the tests now.

And her money is not enough for her to do so many checkups. She originally called for a month's fee and planned to leave after one month. What is going on with asking her to do so many checkups now.

"I don't feel any pain anymore, Doctor Mu Cheng, you can do your work."

The best way now is to lie down on the corpse and pretend to be asleep. No one can catch him anyway. Thinking of this, Qian Meng is no longer wrapped around his waist, nor is he as overbearing as before.

He lay directly on the hospital bed, covered his head with the quilt, and didn't listen or say anything.

"Well, since Patient Qian's heart doesn't hurt anymore, then I don't think there's any need to keep checking. It's better to let you have a good rest."

Seeing Qian Meng's reaction, Mu Cheng thought, "I can't cure you anymore."

"Xiao Liu, let's go out."

As soon as he went out, he saw that there was still a circle around the outside. Although it was much less than before, Mu Cheng felt that it was necessary to let them all go back.

"Dr. Mu stayed there for a long time just now."

"It's a man's true nature. The younger sister in it is so good-looking. Of course Mu Cheng wants to communicate with her."

"What, Dr. Mu Cheng is not that kind of person."

Hearing these rumors, Mu Cheng's head grew bigger again.

"Go back, it's okay, it's just a small doctor-patient problem."

Faced with such an answer, the patients will not buy it.

"Small? We just heard something to seduce her man."

"That's right, Dr. Mu Cheng won't turn to that person in the room!"

"If you ask me, such a patient should not stay."

There were more and more voices one after another, most of them said that the patients in the room were not good, but Mu Cheng insisted on protecting them.

"My ears are so bad, I don't mind arranging a check for you."

Forget it, the inspection will cost money, so it's better to shut up obediently. Hearing that there are no messy voices in his ears, Mu Cheng feels very relieved.

"Go back to the ward to recuperate, get well early, and leave the hospital early."

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