After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 700: Lock Concentric Lock

Mia looked at the screen of her mobile phone where she couldn't browse the webpage, looked at the three people around her suspiciously, and asked a question.

The three of them also took out their mobile phones to check. Su Xiaojin ran a few places away, and when she came back, she still had a sad face. It seemed that her mobile phone had no signal.

It should be because it is on the mountain, so the mobile phone signal here is extremely weak, or even none, and the kind that can't even make calls
"It doesn't matter, just go and see wherever you go, and watch whichever one you think is interesting."

Isn't it a matter of fate when visiting temples?

Su Xiaojin looked at the building of this temple, it should have been renovated, because some places are abandoned and look bad, while some places look like modern buildings.

But no matter how it is refurbished, it can't hide the Buddha nature of this temple. This is a temple with Buddha nature. From the cats here, it can be seen that they are not afraid of strangers. One is black and the other is white basking in the sun in the courtyard.

There are so many tourists coming and going, they just wander around like this, looking at the size of these two cats, they are different from the petite domesticated cats, and they are more blessed than stray cats.

Gu Nanting caught a glimpse of Su Xiaojin staring at the cat, and couldn't help but tease him.

"Look, the cats raised here are all fatter than you."

Gu Nanting's words are true, if Su Xiaojin is regarded as a cat, she will definitely not be fatter than these two cats.

When Su Xiaojin heard someone say that about herself, she didn't know whether she was happy or sad.

"But you are cuter than both of them."

It should be obvious that Su Xiaojin doesn't know how to answer this question, so Gu Nanting gave it another step.

Su Xiaojin stood where she was, suddenly stopped looking at the cat, and started staring straight at Gu Nanting.

Gu Nanting was stared at by her in a daze, not knowing what he said was wrong.

"I see that your little mouth today is as sweet as honey. You carried me up the mountain and praised me for being cute. Is there something you are hiding from me?"

In fact, Gu Nanting really didn't have anything to hide from her, but when he was looking at his phone yesterday, he happened to find a piece of news titled 'Five Ways to Make Your Wife Happy'.

Gu Nanting felt that he should practice, so he opened and read two articles. The first article is to take care of them more, and the second article is to praise them more. At the end of the article, he specifically emphasized that as long as you master two of them, you can make your wife happy. up.

So Gu Nanting silently memorized these two things, and he happened to be climbing the mountain today, so he learned what he learned and put it into practice, but at present, it seems that Su Xiaojin doesn't like this.

"Looks like I'll have to make note of those three too."

Gu Nanting thought silently in his heart, remembering it as soon as he went down the mountain.

"Of course not. I don't want to see that my wife is not interested in this temple. I just want to make you happy."

Gu Nanting smiled and put his arms around Su Xiaojin's shoulders, hoping that she would relax and have fun.

In fact, it's not that Su Xiaojin doesn't want to have fun, it's just that when she thinks that after she finishes playing, she will go home, go back to the company, accept the show exhibition of Fengyue Company, and write a plan, and her head hurts.

That day when I went home and said I wanted to show it to Gu Nanting, I forgot it in the excitement of Mia saying that I would come out to play. After playing, I don’t know if Gu Nanting has time. He is usually very busy.

When she thought of it, she didn't want to play anymore.

"Come and see. Xiaojin, Gu Nanting, there is a concentric lock here."

Those two found a fun place one step ahead of them, which is also the key to coming here to play.

They have only seen such things as concentric locks on TV. At that time, they thought that they would watch it with their boyfriend when they had time, but at that time they didn't even have a boyfriend, let alone tie a concentric lock.

Today is different from the past, now they have both boyfriends and girlfriends, seeing this thing now, there is no reason not to tie one up.

OK, here we go. "

Su Xiaojin didn't want to worry about work anymore, seeing Mia having so much fun.She didn't want to disappoint, so she quickly pulled Gu Nanting up and ran towards them.

"Let me tell you about this concentric lock, it's amazing..."

Mia chattered a lot there, Su Xiaojin listened to a word, and Mu Cheng watched his girlfriend write her name on the concentric lock with great interest.

The more I look at it, the more I like it. Mia's personality really suits Mu Cheng's appetite.

"You write yours."

Mia handed the concentric lock to Mu Cheng, and Mu Cheng picked up the pen and began to write, as if signing a laboratory report, and Mia laughed at him for a long time as an old cadre.

"I will hang this concentric lock here. If you betray me one day, I will break it quietly myself."

While closing the two petals of the concentric lock, Mia silently prayed that she would not be able to break it open.

"How could it be? This concentric lock will definitely not be broken. You trust me."

Mu Cheng said that if you trust me, Mia will really trust him.

"You see, both of them have locked their heart locks, but I have nothing."

Seeing Mia and Mu Cheng lock the concentric lock sweetly, Su Xiaojin was also a little envious, why didn't Gu Nanting next to him know and bought one for himself, what a pimple.


Gu Nanting hummed silently, and then ran to buy a concentric lock for her. It seems that you don't listen to what a man says, you have to watch what he does.

"Honey, I bought it back."

At this moment, Gu Nanting was holding the concentric lock like a big wolf dog, just to make his master smile.

Su Xiaojin looked at his serious look, and couldn't bear to say anything more, because she was very contented.

The two wrote their names silently, and Gu Nanting consciously locked the concentric lock on it, looking at the rows of concentric locks.

"Let's go on."

Although this temple is built on a mountain, it is cleverly combined with the surrounding trees and the like, and it doesn't look like a temple that came out of thin air at all.

Moreover, this temple is very large, and the four of them kept walking and walking, only caring about admiring the buildings here, or in other words, the purpose of this temple is to let people come to admire the buildings to pass the time?

Su Xiaojin was a little confused, because the beauty here is beautiful, but she always felt that it was not a good way to go on like this, and she was also a little tired.

"Let's sit down and rest, let them go first."

Pulling Gu Nanting's arm, he walked to a chair for tourists to rest.


Although it was a question, Gu Nanting clearly felt Su Xiaojin's tiredness, not physically, but mentally. He couldn't explain clearly, but he knew that Su Xiaojin should take a rest now.

"No, I just want to rest. It's a bit uncomfortable to walk for so long, and there's no fun to do."

She's telling the truth, it's boring to keep walking, this temple has been consuming her patience and physical strength.

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