After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 693: Promise to go to Guiyin Temple


The familiar knock on the door came to mind again.

"Please come in."

Smart as Su Xiaojin, but when he encountered this case, he couldn't think of any good solution.

"Vice President Su, what do you think?"

The person who came in was Gu Xi. She was holding a thick stack of files. Perhaps she knew that Su Xiaojin would have a headache because of this case, so she specially found a show related to this case after finishing her work.

"This is the relevant information I specially found for you. The requirements for this show are not ordinary, but his salary is rich. I can't enjoy this blessing, so I can only be replaced by you."

Gu Xi put the materials on the desk, patted a pile of materials, and raised an eyebrow at Su Xiaojin.

"Let's go, come on!"

After saying this, Gu Xi went out, leaving only Su Xiaojin crawling on the table and sighing.

Su Xiaojin could only look through the materials sent by Gu Xi to find inspiration.

"No, no, no, it's too old-fashioned, Feng Yue will definitely not like it!"

After reading a lot of materials, Su Xiaojin finally understood the word "Jianglang's talent is exhausted" one by one.She felt that now she was the legal representative of the adjective.

"It must be innovative, but also in line with the joy of traditional culture."

  Holding his swollen face with his small hands, he turned his glasses over and over again, but he still couldn't figure out why, so he had to turn off the computer. Anyway, the plan was not in a hurry.

Besides, there is Gu Nanting.He is well-informed, so he must have good suggestions, just go home and ask him if it is okay, as long as the husband is the CEO.

Su Xiaojin thought sweetly in her heart, anyway, it's always right to leave the matter to Gu Nanting!

  With this thought in mind, Su Xiaojin simply emptied her mind, her eyes hurt from looking at the computer just now, so she should take a good rest, maybe she will have inspiration.

On the other side, Mia was taking time to look at the introduction of Guiyin Temple.

"Ah, there is an event in the temple just a few days ago. I can use the name of work to find inspiration. This way I don't need to ask for leave, but I can also travel. It's great!"

Looking at the new activities of Guiyin Temple on the computer, Mia first sent a message to Mu Cheng with a smile, but fearing that he would not see it, she called again after a few minutes.

"Doctor Mucheng, do you miss me?"

"Painter Mi, falling in love during working hours, I'm going to write a report letter and submit it to your editor."

The studio where Mia works is generally quite leisurely, and the editor is not an unreasonable master, and will not let the painters work in a 996 style. As long as the task at hand is completed with quality and quantity, the rest will be treated leniently.

"It's not like you don't know what our studio looks like. Don't oppress the employees. Well, I'm the one who called you after I finished the work in hand!"

Speaking of this, Mia remembered one thing. She saw a news just the day before yesterday that a painter had died suddenly while drawing a manuscript. Some media dug up the real situation. risk of being fired.

That painter was still in a different place, and after finally settling in a big city, he was unfairly oppressed. It's really pitiful.

Looking at her studio again, Mia is very grateful to meet her editor and colleagues.

"You are in a hurry, you are in a hurry, why call?"

Leave the subject aside.

"Ah, didn't I say I'm going to Guiyin Temple to pray for blessings? I just saw that it has an event these few days. I think we'll go there while the event is busy."

Mia almost forgot the purpose of the call, silently mourning for the female painter in her heart, and returned to Mu Cheng's words.

"This, did you say what kind of activity it is? Don't be a bunch of missionaries messing around in the name of Buddha."

His tone was full of disdain. The reason why Mu Cheng said such words was based on a basis. He remembered that he had been fooled by this monk at the beginning. When he had no money, he cheated himself of a lot of money, saying it was a blessing. Peace, donate incense money.

Now think about it and get angry.

"Oh, the mysterious activity mentioned above, let alone the Buddhist temple, what evil can there be!"

Recently, she has become obsessed with Buddha and wants to see tens of millions of banknotes. Mia's worship of Buddha seems to have surpassed those small fresh meat.

It's also because her house has collapsed too quickly recently. The drafts for her 'son' are all ready, and she is just waiting to draw step by step. Who knows that he is not up to date, and has to choose this time to have an accident, so she is not in the mood painted.

Coupled with Gu Nanting's incident a few days ago, the more she looked at her 'son', the more she felt that it was not worth paying so much. She tore up the manuscript and turned around to believe in the Buddha. The Buddha will not collapse the house.

Of course, you can still watch celebrities once in a while.

"We have to discuss this matter with Xiao Jin and Nan Ting. After all, the four of us are going together. We also need to see if they have time."

When Mia heard it, she was right, she was only thinking about Mu Cheng just now, and automatically assumed that the two of them had time to watch.

"Xiao Jin should go to work. There is still half an hour left. I will invite them out for dinner and discuss it while eating. What do you think?"

Mia glanced at the time on her watch, and felt that it was time to pack her things. What should a perfect day end with?

"Okay, you decide, just send me a message when you decide."

"Okay, I'm hanging up."

After Mia hung up the phone, she started looking for a restaurant. The steak was too high-end and not suitable, so she passed it, and the barbecue was too low. No, no, hot pot? ?It's up to you.

After going through such a mental journey, Mia began to send messages on WeChat, and sent a location map to the three people, saying that there is something important to discuss today, please come and cook quickly!

"it is good."


The three of them responded to messages at the same time in different places, and Mia happily packed up her things.

"Sister Mia, are you leaving early again!"

It was Mia who was talking, and Xiaoyun, since she came to work in this company, she saw that Mia was the one who liked to leave early and ask for leave the most. Sometimes she really wondered whether Mia got in through connections.Even for a long time, she didn't look good towards Mia.

But when she saw the efficiency and quality of Mia's finished manuscript, she immediately looked at her with admiration. Boss, absolute boss, no wonder Mia came to work here. The editor never scolded her, even if she was late, please come again. Much fake.

Their strength lies here, and they have to be convinced!

"Oh, Xiaoyun, you also know that I did this not once or twice."

After all, Mia often leaves early and feels sorry, but she thinks that since the work is done with quality and quantity, she should have free time.

Learn to be a person first, and be an employee.

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