After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 669: One must find out who is behind it

The four of them were sitting in Mia's living room with their mobile phones, watching the comments on the Internet, and the room fell into a quiet atmosphere for a while.

"What can we do? According to the current rumors on the Internet, Xiao Jin may not even be able to go to the company." Mia was very anxious, she was worried that her good friend would not be able to safely get through this network difficulty.

"It's okay, Mia, you have to understand, the clean is clean, I have never done these things, as long as I have a clear conscience, you can trust me." Su Xiaojin comforted Mia, and at the same time comforted herself.

Gu Nanting flipped through the messages on the phone and said, "It's okay, Xiao Jin, no matter what happens, I will choose to believe in you and stand by your side unconditionally." After speaking, he looked at Xiao Jin tenderly.

"However, I see that there is something wrong with these messages. I will go back to the company to check later." Gu Nanting continued, the top priority now should be to solve Su Xiaojin's bad messages on the Internet, and those who were fleshed out. Jin's personal information.

"Ordinary cyber hackers can't check a person's information so clearly in a short period of time. There must be someone secretly operating behind it... It just so happens that Mr. Sun of this online platform once had business dealings with us. Xiao Jin, I will help you get through it." Gu Nanting couldn't help but feel a little worried, this matter was about Xiao Jin's personal safety, so it had to be resolved quickly.

After Gu Nanting finished speaking, he used his mobile phone to make a call: "Mr. Sun, I have something recently..."

"It's Mr. Gu, I don't know why you call yourself? If you need help, I will definitely help!" Mr. Sun picked up Gu Nanting's call and said directly, Gu Nanting is a person who can cover the sky with one hand in city A. If he took the initiative to call, he must Can't afford to be negligent.

"That's right. I see that the atmosphere of chatting among netizens on your network is not very good recently. Especially in that video, how can you leak personal information?"

"Okay, this matter is that our company's management is not in place. I will send someone to solve it immediately and block personal information! Don't worry!"

"Okay, there are those few bad comments, those messy gossips... don't I need to say more, Mr. Sun?"

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I understand that this time we neglected the management of messages on the platform. This will not happen next time. I will delete those messages immediately. Don't worry."

"You sent me the IP addresses of those people before deleting them. This time the matter is done. The benefits of the open space in the southern district of City A are indispensable to you."

"Okay, it will definitely be done!" Mr. Sun quickly replied, the vacant land in the southern district of City A is a good place where many developers want to share a piece of oil and water. I didn't expect Gu Nanting to be so powerful. This matter seems to be possible It's done.

After Gu Nanting finished the phone call, he didn't expect that it would take 3 minutes. When Su Xiaojin and Mia went to watch the news that day, the popularity had completely dropped, and those bad comments and Su Xiaojin's personal information were also deleted. Lose.

"Ding" a text message came to Gu Nanting's cell phone, Gu Nanting looked down, his eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about something, after a while, Gu Nanting turned his head and said to Su Xiaojin:
"Xiaojin, you have been at Mia's house during this time. Although the comments have been deleted now, the matter is still not completely resolved. You are here to make me feel at ease. I will come to pick you up after I finish this matter. Go home. Will you?"

Looking at Gu Nanting's sincere eyes, Su Xiaojin believed in him very much, knowing that he could handle it well, they had gone through so many things, and they could trust each other.

"Okay, I will take good care of myself." Su Xiaojin nodded.

"Okay, you don't want to hurt the two of us here, really, Xiao Jin, you are worried about me by saying that, of course I will take good care of you!" Mia pretended to be angry and said, look Seeing how loving these two are, I'm really envious.

"Hey, hey, Mia, are you ignoring my existence by saying this? I'm also beside you, you can rely on my shoulder at any time, come on, come here and let us hurt them too!" Mu Cheng seemed to be trying hard The active atmosphere is average, waving at Mia.

The four chatted warmly in the living room for a while, and then went out with Mu Cheng after passing Gu Nanting, one went to the company and the other went back to the hospital.After going out, Mu Cheng asked Gu Nanting:
"You have already settled the matter on the Internet, and you should have already figured out how to find out who is behind the scenes, right? The person who released personal information and led the reporter to the hospital?"

"Of course, I have already asked Mr. Sun to send me their IP addresses. The text message that came before was their addresses." Gu Nanting had already thought of a countermeasure, and everyone who had seen the faint smile at the corner of his mouth knew that it was not warm. His smile is the smile of Satan who has the confidence to defeat his enemies.

"That's okay, I wish you success." Mu Cheng looked at Gu Nanting's smile, fortunately he became this person's friend, if he was an enemy, he was really not sure whether he could defeat him.

"Well, thank you." After speaking, Gu Nanting said goodbye to Mu Cheng, and asked his full-time driver to drive the limited-edition sports car from the hospital to Mia's apartment.

"Xiao Wang, don't go to the company yet, go to the technical department in the North District."

"Okay, Mr. Gu." The driver Xiao Wang brought Mr. Gu to the technical department.

The technical department here is a new project developed by Gu Nanting. It has gathered the world's top hacker players and raised them for their own use. They can usually do what hackers like. When Gu Nanting needs them, they must come to Gu Nanting to do things.

The top hacker here is Ling Liang, a good friend Gu Nanting met when he was studying in the United States, and it is precisely because of Ling Liang that Gu Nanting has so many hacker partners.

"How about it, come to my place suddenly, what's your business?" Ling Liang was a cheerful boy, and he joked with Gu Nanting as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Okay, there's business. Someone wants to harm your future sister-in-law. I'll send you the IP address right away." Matters about Su Xiaojin, no matter how big or small they are, are business matters.

"OK, no problem, my sister-in-law's matter comes first. Give me a few minutes." Ling Liang knew about Su Xiaojin and Gu Nanting's affairs, and understood that their love was not easy, so he acted quickly.

Pulling out the special e-sports chair, fingers are flying on the keyboard, as if playing the piano, but only the sound of keyboard tapping can be heard.Listening to the sound of typing on the keyboard, looking at the garbled characters on the computer screen, words flashed one after another.Only a "ding dong" was heard.

"The result came out. Although this IP address is a virtual one, and multi-faceted encryption has been carried out, all of this is child's play in my eyes. I finally found out that this address is another hacker from abroad. Unexpectedly, it was a specially hired high-level hacker." Ling Liang was a little incredulous, but he did not expect to deposit the principal.

"Okay, you are responsible for helping me to ask who his client is. If you have the answer, send me a text message. Thank you for this." After Gu Nanting learned the answer, he was ready to go to the company. Black hands get punished.

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