After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 656: He Yu makes a big fuss at KOPA

Su Xiaojin was about to take the elevator, and just as she was about to go in, she found Qin Xiu inside.

She glanced at it, then coughed a few times, "Sorry, I took the next elevator, so I'm sorry."

Su Xiaojin smiled, and was about to close the elevator door. Qin Xiu stretched out his hand and blocked the elevator door, "If you are waiting for the next elevator, it may be a long time, and there are many people, just do this! Don't wait a while late."

The moment Qin Xiu saw Su Xiaojin, he was overjoyed, and then when he heard that she didn't want to take the same elevator with him, he seemed to be watered, and then he quickly moved out of the company's system, not knowing that she would Will not agree.

Su Xiaojin looked at the time on her mobile phone. Indeed, she was going to be late in 3 minutes. She was a little confused now. If she and Qin Xiu took the same elevator, she would be embarrassed. If she didn't, she would be late Money will be deducted, and company executives will have twice as much money as ordinary employees.

Su Xiaojin bit her lip, she still took the elevator bravely, embarrassment is embarrassment!Anyway, don't deduct your salary.

Qin Xiu watched Su Xiaojin come in, he smiled lightly, and then helped to press to the floor where Su Xiaojin worked.

At this moment, Su Xiaojin also stretched out her hand, and she accidentally touched Qin Xiu's hand, she wished she could beat herself to death.

Su Xiaojin was standing in the elevator. At this moment, she wished so much to reach her office as soon as possible. If possible, please give her a wing and let her fly directly to the office.


When the elevator arrived, Su Xiaojin ran out as fast as she could, and left without looking back. She came to the punch card machine and quickly put her finger on it. The moment she saw the time, it was so dangerous!One second short.

The employees in the entire office area saw that Su Xiaojin came here in a hurry, they were very puzzled, usually Su Xiaojin was the first one to come here, why did he suddenly step on the spot today?

Seeing that Su Xiaojin was already sweating, Xingxin walked over and handed over a tissue, "Boss Su, what's wrong with you today? Why did you step on it all of a sudden? And you're still in a hurry."

Su Xiaojin held the door with her hand, she panted and said, "It's okay, I just went to bed late last night, and then I stepped on it today."

Xingxin nodded, "President Su, I'll go to work first, if you need anything, just call me."

"Okay, you go to work first."

Su Xiaojin took a few breaths before she recovered. She walked slowly to her office. As soon as she entered the office, she lay down on the desk. Fortunately, there was not much work today, otherwise she would be killed early in the morning. annoying.

Just like that, Su Xiaojin fell asleep lying on the table, suddenly there was noise outside the office, Su Xiaojin frowned.

She walked out of the office irritatedly, looking at the chaos in front of her, she couldn't help but feel a little irritated, "What are you doing? Don't you have to work?"

After being yelled at by Su Xiaojin, the office fell silent in an instant. It was Xingxin who walked up to Su Xiaojin and said in a low voice: "President Su, someone from the hall downstairs came to make trouble, and kept saying that you are a mistress."

Su Xiaojin frowned, who is it?Talk about yourself in the lobby of the company?Has she had any conflicts with anyone recently?Why are there so many things recently?
"Okay, I see. I'll go down and solve it now. You can work first." Su Xiaojin walked into the elevator with a serious expression.

The moment she entered the elevator, all the office staff were waiting for the elevator in a swarm, and they also wanted to see what was happening.

This is, Lisa came out of the office, she saw the office, there were only a few scattered people, she glanced around, and finally she walked to an employee.

"Where are the people at work? Why are they all gone?"

The male employee pushed his glasses, "I... I don't know... I just know that there are troubles in the lobby."

When the male employee was about to say the next sentence, Lisa had already left.

At this time, Su Xiaojin had already gone downstairs. When she came to the hall, she saw the glaring banner at a glance, which read: Su Xiaojin is a mistress, a shameless mistress.

She looked around, and she saw He Yu, sure enough!It's He Yu!There was a crowd of reporters outside the door, and she walked up to He Yu, "What are you doing? Why are you running downstairs to my company to make trouble?"

"Don't you think you are ashamed now? Those who know think you are a famous lady, but those who don't know think you are a shrew."

He Yu listened to Su Xiaojin's words, and she glared at Su Xiaojin angrily, "What are you? You dare to talk to me like this. You really have no elders and no tutor."

Su Xiaojin's face turned cold, "If you want me to have a tutor and respect your elders, then you have to act like an elder. Only in this way can I respect you. I will respect not everyone. I will respect your attitude towards me." What's your attitude?"

Although Gu Nanting proposed to herself yesterday, she was not ready to live with He Yu, even if she didn't provoke him, then He Yu would still find fault with her.

Anyway, all in all, she will not endure He Yu's unreasonable troubles for Gu Nanting.

Sitting on the sofa, He Yu clutched his chest and said, " have no tutor! I will never let you into our house!"

Su Xiaojin chuckled, with disdain in her eyes, "Auntie, I forgot to tell you, your son proposed to me last night, it was he who asked me to marry him, not me begging for nothing to marry him. "

It's true that she loves Gu Nanting very much, but if this is the case, she feels that she will not be with Gu Nanting for a long time, and she can even think about what her future life will be like.

It's the endless quarrels, the daily calculations, and the endless bickering. When Su Xiaojin thinks of this scene now, she has a headache.

At this time Lisa came over from the side, and she said sarcastically: "Oh! So our President Su also has no elders? I thought our President Su was a filial person!"

"It's nothing more than that now. If you marry you home, you won't be mad at that aunt." Lisa said intentionally.

She just went to get to know Gu Nanting a little bit. It turns out that Gu Nanting is a tycoon in City A, his family has a lot of money, and he has a century-old foundation. These things particularly moved her.

Since you can't get Qin Xiu, then go get Gu Nanting, so that not only can you live a good life, but you can also taunt Su Xiaojin, the person you love is with you, and you will be happy just thinking about it.

Su Xiaojin swept across her face, and said lightly: "What are you? Are you talking to me here?"

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