After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 611: Water in Su Xiaojin's Lungs

Finding that Sophia had been shot, he glared at Gu Nanting angrily and shouted, "Gu Nanting, if anything happens to my daughter, I will never let you go."

Gu Nanting also glanced at him coldly and said: "If anything happens to my wife, I will also not let you go. If I let anyone in my uncle's family go, I will make you pay a heavy price for it."

Gu Nanting left without saying a word, but Su Qiang couldn't let him go so easily, so he pressed the alarm, and after a while, the water prison came, and many people surrounded Gu Nanting and the others.

Seeing more and more people coming, Shule whispered to Gu Nanting: "You go first in a while, I'll deal with it here, you take your sister-in-law out first."

"How can that be? I asked you to come here. If you have something, how can I explain it to your parents and grandpa?"

Gu Nanting absolutely does not allow Shule and Su Xiaojin to have an accident, because in his heart, brothers, wife and children are the most important.

"You will take your sister-in-law with you later. As for this, you leave it to me. Don't worry, they don't dare to do anything to me. You just need to take your sister-in-law out safely."

What else Shule wanted to say, Gu Nanting roared in a low voice: "Shule, if you don't want us all to die here, you can do as I say, I will hand over my wife and my son to you, you Take good care of them, don't worry, I will be safe for you."

Shu Le nodded heavily. Gu Nanting had already figured out a way when he came, "Is there still a group of your people outside? Let them call in from the outside, and then we will fight out from here."

"No accident, we will leave safely." This was the only way Gu Nanting could think of.

Shule was wearing ear studs unique to dungeons, and he tapped the ear studs three times, which meant that he was in danger now and needed external support.

The bodyguards outside had received the signal. They killed the core people first, and then they made a gesture to kill those people from behind with silencer guns.

As for Gu Nanting, he was well prepared. When he came again, he took two pistols just in case, but he didn't have many bullets.

Gu Nanting threw the pistol to Shule, "I haven't touched this thing for so many years, you don't know how to do it with your hands?"

Shu Le looked at the pistol and said, "How could it be? Let's try it out today and see who kills the most people, and whoever loses will pay him for this month's consumption."

"it is good!"

Gu Nanting put Su Xiaojin in a safe place, Shu Le and a few bodyguards beat the people outside, while Gu Nanting and a few bodyguards beat the people inside the prison.

Su Qiang looked at Gu Nanting and said, "If any of you kills Gu Nanting and Shu Le, I will reward him with 100 billion."

As long as Gu Nanting and Shu Le are dead, then he will have the opportunity to uproot the Gu family and the calligrapher. At that time, these things will all be his. From then on, he will be rich like an enemy and will never be threatened again.

When the bodyguards heard that the reward was 100 billion, their eyes lit up. They directly took pistols and shot towards them regardless of their lives. Gu Nanting and the others shot. As long as they have this 100 billion, they don't have to worry about eating and drinking from now on.

At this time, Gu Nanting and Shu Le didn't have many bullets in their hands. After a while, all the bullets in Shu Le's pistol had been fired, leaving only one bullet in Gu Nanting's hand. The two glanced at each other.

Then Gu Nanting saw a machine gun on a bodyguard, and gestured to Shule, whether it would succeed or not would depend on the bullet, and then he aimed the pistol at the machine gunner.

"Touch!" A bullet hit the center of the eyebrow, and Shule turned somersault over, taking a machine gun and a pistol.

Gu Nanting took a machine gun and started shooting at the people in the water prison. After a while, they were almost gone, but Su Qiang had already taken Sophia away. He really regretted why he didn't shoot Su Qiang just now.

At this time, the bodyguard successfully called in from the outside. Gu Nanting saw a group of people coming, and was about to shoot but was stopped by Shule, "They are our own people who came to rescue us."

Gu Nanting put down his pistol, picked up Su Xiaojin who was on the side and hurried out. At this moment, the air in the whole courtyard was filled with a fishy smell. To ensure that someone attacked them, they let a few people out first. After ensuring that no one was attacked, they left in a car.

When the security guard at the door heard the gunshots, he had already fled. Gu Nanting put Su Xiaojin on the seat, and then drove away from the scene, while Shu Le stayed to clean up the scene.

He thought that Su Qiang would not come to this house. After all, so many people died here, and all of them died for him, so he would feel uneasy and afraid if he lived here.

Su Qiang really will not come back here again, because this position is no longer safe, he has already sent Sophia to the hospital, as for how to settle the debt, he still has to think about it.

His daughter can't be beaten for nothing. As for that Su Xiaojin, she survived. Don't let him seize the opportunity, otherwise he will definitely tear her into pieces.

Gu Nanting has already brought Su Xiaojin over here, he grabbed the doctor and said, "Doctor save her, she has been soaked in sulfuric acid in the water for a long time, please see if she is okay..."

Gu Nanting is really on the verge of death, if Su Xiaojin really has any troubles, he will collapse, and he will find Su Qiang to settle accounts at all costs.

Shule came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sister-in-law who is fine, he will be fine, he will be lucky, you don't have to worry too much, if it really doesn't work, we will take her abroad for treatment, now technology If it is so developed, it will be fine!"

Gu Nanting scratched his hair irritably, he is very annoyed now, his mind is full of whether Su Xiaojin is okay.

After half an hour, the doctor came out with the list and said, "Is that Su Xiaojin's family member?"

Gu Nanting leaned over and pulled the doctor and said, "I'm Su Xiaojin's family member. Is there anything wrong with her now? Is it serious?"

The doctor looked at it and said, "This is a notice of critical illness. Please sign the family member's name on it. Because someone else stayed in the water for too long, resulting in fluid accumulation in her lungs, so she may not be able to save her now."

When Gu Nanting heard the news, he tugged at the doctor's collar and said, "I tell you, it doesn't matter what kind of medicine you take? How much does it cost? All will be buried with her."

The doctor was frightened by Gu Nanting's appearance, Shu Le walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You sign the critical illness notice first, otherwise the doctor can't save him."

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