The little nurse's words completely angered Chen Lu. She grabbed the little nurse's hair and said, "No matter what I am, I used to be a rich lady, so it's not your turn to gossip with me here."

But the little nurse is not easy to mess with. She also grabbed her hair and said, "So what if you are a daughter? You are just a down-and-out daughter now, and I am telling the truth."

The two of them wrestled together, and after a while, many patients and doctors were attracted outside the corridor. The doctor rushed over, pulled them away and said, "This is a hospital, what are you talking about here?"

"You have to fight, you have to scold, go out and beat and scold, this is a hospital, don't mess around here!" an attending doctor stood up and said.

The two of them were separated, the little nurse tidied her hair, suddenly her phone rang, she looked at the message on it, smiled complacently, picked up the phone, clicked on the news, and waved the phone in front of Chen Lu .

The little nurse said: "Finally, I know how you managed to gather 5000 million yuan. It turns out that you asked your mother to sell all your jewelry. I mean, how could it be possible for a down-and-out daughter to spend 5000 million yuan in an hour?" Got [-] million together? This is too funny!"

"It turned out to be your mother who sold the jewelry and only collected 5000 million yuan. You are really miserable as a young lady!" The little nurse said sarcastically.

This sentence completely made Chen Lu explode. She wanted to beat the little nurse with her teeth and claws, but how could the little nurse let him succeed!She also tidied her hair and left, leaving her angry in place alone
After a while, many people around started pointing and talking to her.

"Hey, it turns out that she is the daughter of Chen Dawei, the woman who trafficked children in the news."

"Sure enough! Like a father, like a daughter, her parents are like this, what good can she do?"

"It's just that you look at her aggressive appearance. How can she look like a lady? Hey, it's really hard to describe."

"It's true that evil is rewarded with evil and good is rewarded with good. They have persecuted so many families, how can they have the face to come to the hospital? We should drive their family out of the hospital and out of City A to give them a place to stay. "

Talking about those uncles and aunts, many people started throwing garbage at her, some fruit and some things.Suddenly, a young woman came up, pulled the medicine trash can at the side, and threw it on Chen Lu's head.

The people around were dumbfounded, the woman cried and said to Chen Lu: "It's you, your father kidnapped and sold our daughter, our daughter is only three years old, she was already sold on the black market Above, the heart, kidneys, and liver were all taken out and sold, and my daughter, who is clearly a living person, has turned into a pile of ashes."

When the woman thought of her daughter, she couldn't help crying. She pointed at Chen Lu and said, "Why do you still have the face here? You should pay for my dead daughter."

"Damn your family, why do you still have the face to live in this world?"

When the people around heard what happened to this woman, they started beating Chen Lu one after another.

The woman also joined in, and she beat the hardest. After a while, suddenly a man came over and grabbed the woman and said, "It's no use beating her to death now, our daughter is already dead, and she can't live anymore .”

When the woman heard this, she broke down emotionally, and sat on the ground and wailed, "My daughter, my poor daughter, if their family doesn't die, it will be too much for God, ah!"

Taking advantage of their inattention, Chen Lu quickly escaped from the crowd, but how could those people let her go so easily?Behind her, he shouted and cursed, and made the people around him want to go up and surround him.

But Chen Lu was petite, she avoided those people, he stopped a taxi by the side of the road, got into the taxi and said to the taxi driver, "Master driver, please go to Gu's Group."

The driver didn't even think about it, and drove towards Gu's Group, but he looked in the rearview mirror and found that this person was just at the level that was uploaded not long ago.Chen Dawei's daughter, not to mention pretty.

The taxi driver suddenly became a little malicious.He drove the car through an alley. "Ah, Xiaolu only said it when he saw that the road conditions were wrong. Master driver, you are on the wrong road. Where are you taking me? Stop quickly and let me down."

The driver smiled wretchedly and said: "How is it possible to let you down? You are a mouse that everyone shouts and beats now. If I let you down, I will talk about that again? Do you think you will be killed by them now?" Chase and fight?"

Chen Lu looked at him in horror and said, "You...what are you going to do? I can give you money if you want it, I beg you, I beg you, let me go.!
The taxi driver smiled and said, "Hahahaha, I can give you money too. Isn't it the time when you are most short of money? You are reduced to selling your own things."

"How much money do you want? But I only have one request, which is to let me fuck you. You can put forward the requirements as you like."

Chen Luyuan said with tears: "I don't want money, I just want you to let me go.

The driver master didn't answer her, just parked the car on the side of the road and dragged her out of the car, and dragged her into a shabby house. This shabby house had everything in it but it was a bit smelly.

The taxi driver threw her on the bed, bullied her, and tore her clothes, "Now you are a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats, you might as well follow me now. I guess I am the only one who wants you now."

Chen Lu wanted to struggle, but his strength was too great, and his weight was very heavy.He is like a wall of flesh, which cannot be pushed at all.


After a long time, Chen Lu lay on the bed in despair. This was the second time she had been raped, but what she didn't know was that there was a bad news waiting for her.

After a while, a group of homeless people knocked on the door of the taxi driver. It turned out that the house did not belong to the taxi driver at all, but to these group of homeless people.

Because the taxi driver often does this kind of thing, he has become acquainted with the homeless over time, and just now he also came over with the homeless and said that there is a woman here.

Five homeless men came and surrounded Chen Lu, and she was watched like a monkey.

The taxi driver put on his clothes and said to her before leaving: "You just enjoy yourself here, after all, there will be 5 people waiting for you!"

Chen Lu didn't want to struggle anymore, she was already dirty, so what's the use of her struggling?It's all in vain. "

I don't know how long it took before Chen Lu got up from the bed to get dressed. She looked at the river beside her and the reflection in the river. She looked at herself and never thought that her life would become like this.

And all this is thanks to Su Xiaojin and Gu Nanting, if they don't die, she won't show any more!
Chen Lu took the stone and cut it on her calf.She told herself in her heart that if she didn't ask them to get this revenge back, she would die in peace!

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