Chen Lu watched Gu Nanting leave like this, leaving herself alone, she stomped her feet angrily, Mia also heard the conversation between the two of them in the car just now.

She asked curiously: "Xiao Jin, is this woman the big crab you just told me about?" She heard the voice of that big crab in the car, so one can imagine how strong her voice is. big.

Su Xiaojin nodded and said: "That's right, this is the big crab I met just now. These two crabs are really a good match, but it's also strange that he found someone very similar to me!"

"Extremely similar?" Mu Cheng and Mia said in unison.

"That's right, her side face thinks very much about me, and I just discovered it, otherwise I wouldn't have known he had such a hobby!"

At this moment, neither Mu Cheng nor Mia was talking, and Su Xiaojin was also driving hard. After all, one should not be distracted while driving.


After a while, the three of them arrived at Su Xiaojin's apartment. Mu Chen looked at the surrounding environment and found that it was not bad, so he teased: "Hey, this house is not bad, and your vision is quite good!"

Su Xiaojin patted her chest and said: "That's because you don't even look at who picked it, can't it be good? The security here is also good, and there are children around. Just wait for Xiaotuanzi to be discharged from the hospital, so he will be picked up." Come and play with the kids here."


Then the group of them went upstairs and arrived at home in a short while. Su Xiaojin took out the slippers she had already bought and gave them to them, "I specially prepared these for you, put them on quickly!"

Then Su Xiaojin took them into the room, she carefully supported Mia, and told Mia all the locations, and she had already pasted all the sharp edges and corners with foam just in case Xiaotuanzi fell down and was still alive. Mia knocked.

Mia also felt Su Xiaojin's carefulness, just touched the table casually with her hand, she felt the edge was soft, and finally Su Xiaojin helped her into her room.

"Well, you, this room is specially prepared for you, and it is also specially decorated by me. It is all in your favorite colors. The bed and dolls you want most, I will prepare for you whatever you want. gone."

Before Mia in Australia, I told myself that I wanted my own small home and a bed like a box, so that I felt super safe when I fell asleep.

Mia was moved and cried. She hugged Su Xiaojin and said, "Xiaojin, you don't have to do this. I am very touched by what you did today. I hope you don't feel guilty. I did it voluntarily back then. Nothing!"

Su Xiaojin also tried to hold back her tears not to fall, but in the end she did not disappoint. She hugged Mia and said, "Mia, if it weren't for me, you would see it now, you would see Xiao Tuanzi, you can see what I did for you."

Mu Cheng heard clearly from outside the door. In order not to disturb the two of them, he silently closed the door and went to Xiaotuanzi's room to sleep. Su Xiaojin and Mia chatted in the room until almost early morning before going to sleep.


Su Xiaojin got up early in the morning. Seeing that Mia was still asleep, she got out of bed lightly, and pasted the written label on the door, so that Mu Cheng could see it when he got up.

Su Xiaojin left after making breakfast for them. She looked at the weather today. The weather today is really nice, and the wind is very comfortable on her face.

After a while, she came to the company by car. Su Xiaojin was immersed in her own happiness along the way. She finally realized what it means to be a car owner. It's really comfortable!

After a while, she drove to the company. She parked the car and walked into the company with a smile on her face. Everyone seemed to be infected by her. Everyone was smiling when they saw her.

Su Xiaojin returned to her work station. Sure enough, that Qin Xiu brought her breakfast again. She still gave the breakfast to which employee as always, and which employee received Su Xiaojin's reward and encouragement, and had already won the latest one yesterday. project.

Su Xiaojin returned to her station and started working, but she had to tell Qin Xiu not to bring her breakfast, just as she was about to go up, Qin Xiu came to his office.

He put one hand in his pocket and said, "How's your breakfast today? Is it to your liking?"

Qin Xiu thought that Su Xiaojin would be very grateful to him, but he found out that he was wrong. Su Xiaojin said suddenly, "I don't know what it tastes like. I gave it to some employee."

"Don't bring me breakfast next time. Every time you bring me breakfast, I don't eat it. I give it to that employee. Oh, I'm doing a favor by borrowing flowers to send Buddha!"

Qin Xiu listened to her words, smiled and said: "Since you don't like it, then I won't give it away, you work hard!"

I thought she would be very moved by what he did, but what he did only touched himself, not her!


The sun rises from the east in the morning and sets from the west. The hurried day passed like this, and the night view outside the window is getting more and more beautiful. Su Xiaojin tidied up and prepared to go home.

Just after leaving the company, a lot of roses suddenly appeared in front of Su Xiaojin, and then Qin Xiu came out from behind the roses, and he said with a smile: "Su Xiaojin, you must know how I feel about you."

"I do all this in the hope that you will be with me. I really, really like you!" Qin Xiu said seriously, and then he was afraid that Su Xiaojin would reject the roses he sent, so he added : "Since you won't let me deliver breakfast, then you have to accept this flower!"

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, Su Xiaojin accepted his flower. She looked at him and said, "I know you like me, but I don't want to be in a relationship now. I just want to do my job well. As for me in the future Maybe we will fall in love!"

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaojin left. She looked at the rose in her hand and had to say that the rose was really beautiful. She made it into a dried flower and put it in a vase when she got home!

The scene just now was seen by a man sitting in the car. He was smoking a cigarette and looked out the window. The smoke was not far in front of his eyes, covering his charming eyes.

He followed Su Xiaojin all the way to the parking lot, and finally found someone to tie her to the car in a place where no one was around. Su Xiaojin wanted to scream in panic, but their strength was too great, and they couldn't break free at all!

Su Xiaojin was a little desperate, she didn't know who kidnapped her now, what if she wanted to buy herself to that kind of place?Thinking of this, Su Xiaojin regretted so much that she would not have parked the car in the underground parking lot if she had known.

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