Lin Weiwei's eyes were fixed on those two pictures. Gu Nanting had never posted anything else on Weibo, except for some things about the company, Xiu Enai, this was the first time he posted!

She was holding the phone tightly. The person next to Gu Nanting must be Su Xiaojin. There was no one else but her. She hurriedly called Xia Mei. Bo, it's already on the trending searches now!"

"What does Gu Nanting mean by posting this? Isn't it obvious that he is confronting my family? Go and ask your aunt what's going on, does she still want our shares?"

Lin Weiwei is really angry now, Gu Nanting actually held Su Xiaojin's hand and even kissed her, this is absolutely not allowed by her!The only one who can be with Gu Nanting is himself!

Xia Mei was also fooled by Lin Weiwei. Before she had time to ask, she hung up the phone. Seeing her so angry, Xia Mei quickly opened Weibo. She clicked on the trending search, and it turned out that this was not recognizing the Lin family. .

Xia Mei was also very angry when she saw it, so she hurriedly called He Yu. He Yu didn't know yet, but now she was immersed in the happiness that she was about to take over the Gu family.

She looked at the incoming call on her mobile phone and happily picked up the phone, "Hello? What's the matter? What's the matter? I have received the document, so don't worry on my side!"

"Don't worry? Don't worry! Isn't your son hitting us in the face? Look at what your son posted. Isn't this blatantly against our family? Where does this make our family face? Xia Mei cursed angrily.

He Yu, who was scolded at a loss, felt baffled. He had already done what he said, so why did he still behave like this?She also felt bad, no one had ever talked to her like that.

Don't think that you have given yourself a share, so you are very proud, "Please make it clear, don't spray dung everywhere as soon as you come up, let me tell you, even without your Lin family, I will find someone else!"

"Don't think that you can climb on top of me by giving me a few shares. Pay attention to the tone of your words. If I don't like it, I might change your daughter!"

He Yu really can't bear this kind of person, especially knowing what kind of person Lin Weiwei is, if she didn't see that their family gave her shares, she wouldn't make a statement.

Xia Mei was speechless by He Yu's scolding, but she still said, "Even if I told you the right thing, it's your problem. If your son wasn't like this, do you think I would be so angry?"

"Let me tell you, we agreed before, if you go back on your word, I will tell you everything about you, and tell your son, let your son see what kind of person you are!"

Now that Xia Mei also held He Yu's handle, even if she was arrogant in front of her, so what?Doesn't she still hold the handle in her own hands? As long as she has this handle, she doesn't believe that He Yu can do anything to her.

As soon as Xia Mei said this, He Yu was a little scared. She was really afraid that if she told this matter, if Gu Nanting knew about it, he might never forgive herself in this life.

He Yu adjusted his mood and said: "I know what we said before, but at least let me know what happened! I didn't even read it, so you just said this?"

"Okay, don't talk about it, I will take a good look at it, and I will call you if there is any problem, so let's do this first!" He Yu hung up the phone in a hurry.

Now she was suffocating in her heart, what was Xia Mei, talking to herself like this, it seemed that after they swallowed up their house, she would settle the score with Xia Mei again!

He Yu turned on the phone, and as expected, she guessed it right, Gu Nanting posted it anyway, looking at his Weibo, He Yu's blood pressure instantly went up.

This is the child she had worked so hard to conceive in October, and he just went against her like this. She stroked her chest, giving herself comfort, and said silently in her heart, don't be angry!Don't be angry, don't get excited!do not get excited!
He Yu sent a message to Xia Mei on her mobile phone, [I just saw Weibo now, I didn't know Nan Ting would do this, but believe me, Wei Wei must be the daughter-in-law of our Gu family. 】

Xia Mei saw the text message and smiled. This was the effect she wanted. On the other side, Lin Weiwei didn't sleep well all the time. All she could think about was that if there was no Su Xiaojin, then the person who would be with Gu Nanting would be herself.

After thinking about it all night, she decided to start with Su Xiaojin's son. Since she cares so much about her son, then his son must be her weakness!
Thinking of a good way, Lin Weiwei began to fall asleep, and Su Xiaojin got up early the next morning, got up early, and started making breakfast.

She found that there were no ingredients in this villa, only a bag of hand-rolled noodles, Su Xiaojin shook her head, let's just eat it this morning!I'm afraid that Gu Nanting won't be used to this hand-rolled noodles.

Su Xiaojin searched the entire kitchen, but found no vegetables, not even tomatoes, there was no other way, this morning I could only eat a bowl of sour soup and hand-rolled noodles.

After a while, three bowls of noodles will be ready. Fortunately, the hand-rolled noodles are enough for three people, otherwise they will be hungry in the morning. Su Xiaojin thought about taking them out to eat.

But it's too far away, people like Gu Nanting must eat better food, if it's a roadside stall, don't you know how much he can eat?
After a while, Xiaotuanzi and Gu Nanting went downstairs, and Xiaotuanzi could already smell the delicious noodles upstairs, so he hurried to sit on a chair and eat.

Looking at the noodles in the bowl, Xiaotuanzi was very happy. He picked up his chopsticks and took a big bite. He raised his little hand and praised Su Xiaojin, "Mom, the sour soup noodles you made are really delicious. It's been a long time since I ate it!"

Gu Nanting watched him take a big mouthful, and he followed suit, and then imitated Xiaotuanzi and said: "My wife, the sour noodle soup you made is really delicious!"

Su Xiaojin listened to the compliments from the two of them, smiled and said: "That's as exaggerated as you said, it's just an ordinary bowl of noodles, besides, I'm afraid you won't be used to it!"

"How come? Mom, we used to eat it a lot. Have you forgotten? My favorite is your sour noodle soup, but I didn't eat it anymore..." Xiaotuanzi's eyes darkened when he said that. down.

Listening to their conversation, Gu Nanting was a little puzzled, "Xiaotuanzi, what do you mean you could eat it before, but you can't eat it later?"

Gu Nanting especially wanted to know about Su Xiaojin's past, as long as it was about Su Xiaojin, he wanted to know!

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