After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 479: What the hell are you doing?

All three were silent for a while, eyes staring at each other. After a while, the leader of the negotiation team came out first.

"Since the traitor appeared in my team, and as the team leader, I have no responsibility, let me say first, the contract was first placed on me during this period, and then it was given to the two deputy teams It takes one day each, a total of three days, and basically 2/3 of the contract is with me. I can guarantee that I will not move the contract for a while."

The leader of the negotiating team spoke openly and aboveboard, and his eyes were very firm. He looked at the expressions of several people very calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Su Xiaojin nodded, motioning for the next person to speak.

This time, it was the second deputy leader of the negotiating team who spoke this time. He usually didn't seem to have much presence, and he was doing things honestly.He was not as confident as the leader of the negotiating team when he spoke, a little weak, perhaps shy or nervous.

Su Xiaojin is a little curious, why such a person can also enter the negotiation team, this strength is a bit weak. "Please start talking about what you have done to get the contract in the past two days."

"You... well, Ms. Su, although I am the deputy team leader of the negotiation team, I am usually responsible for sorting out and summarizing all the negotiation items, and it is not me who actually goes to the negotiation field to negotiate. Perhaps my suspicion is the biggest Yes, but here I can use my conscience to inspire."

He even raised his three fingers after speaking.

Su Xiaojin told him to put it down. "And now let the last person speak."

The deputy group leader who talked back to Su Xiaojin coughed twice before speaking slowly. "The leader of the negotiation team and I have always been negotiating with two people, and the time we have been in contact with documents is relatively short. The first file is sold to someone else.”

After the three of them finished talking, Miss Su looked at the CEO, and the CEO also looked at Su Xiaojin.

"We already know who the murderer is. If he can stand up on his own, maybe the crime he said is relatively minor. If we need to teach it by ourselves, then we will bear the consequences." The words that the CEO said, he and Both Su Xiaojin and Su Xiaojin have identified the same murderer.

The other senior leaders were still struggling with the three of them, but soon they all seemed to be aware of the clues.

After a while of silence, the three of them didn't speak, and then Su Xiaojin knocked on the table slowly, in order to create some pressure and tension.

"Since no one wants to admit it, don't blame me for exposing you unceremoniously." Su Xiaojin threw a document on the table.

"This is the evidence I found out about the transaction between the betrayer and the Haven Company. When I wanted to hand it in, it would have put him in jail for a few years... Also, when he was talking just now, he showed There are flaws, but some people think they are smart."

Su Xiaojin deliberately slowed down her voice, trying to create some pressure on those people.

The high-level leaders were all curious about what was recorded in this document.

The guilty person was staring at the document closely at this moment. If it was a real document, he might be arrested and thrown into prison in a short while, but if it was a fake, what should I do if I want to get him out?
Confused and nervous, he spoke again. "How do we know whether this document of yours is true or false, is it a lie or is it trying to blow people up? How can you say that there is nothing? You can say that there is nothing. Now you only rely on this Open your mouth to speak, it seems that no one has evidence."

Hearing this person's words, the smile on the corner of Su Xiaojin's mouth became even brighter: "It is impossible for everyone to do things without revealing a trace of clues. There will always be some clues that will expose everything he carefully planned. This In fact, Qianfeng has been in the company for a long time, and he will disclose some plans to Haiwen Company to Company B from time to time. He also failed in the middle of the negotiation before, but the project at that time may not be particularly large, so he did not attract attention. .”

The man trembled after hearing this, and this move caught Su Xiaojin's eyes.She has already seen everything, so no matter how hard this person tries to argue, it will not work.

"It's you... the third person who spoke just now." When Su Xiaojin pointed at him, the pupils of that person dilated directly.

"Don't talk nonsense here, how could it be me? I am an old employee of the company. I have experienced it carefully. I have worked for many years. There is no credit but hard work. Your words ruined my life. Innocent, can you afford it?" The deputy leader of the negotiating team resisted needlessly.

As long as the evidence that Su Xiaojin dumped just now is false, and he has been in the company for so long, these people will believe it to some extent, and he will only think that Su Xiaojin has a dirty mouth.

The CEO of the company smiled at this time, as if enjoying a particularly funny show. "I believe that everyone should be able to make a judgment at this time. Just now...someone seemed to say that he didn't have time to scold the first document for selling to others, and we didn't say what the purpose of this document leak is, but you are so clear."

The deputy leader of the negotiating team thumped in his heart. Why didn't he think that those words were just tricking him, and he blamed him for being cautious for so long, because this small detail was exposed. "Hahaha, I'm guessing, can't I?"

"So do you want to do any unnecessary resistance here? The evidence is already in front of you, it's best to get caught. Although you are an old employee of the company, you have been an undercover agent of Haiwen Company buried here for many years. I don't know. I know what kind of transaction there is between you and Haiwen Company, but this time I hope you leave the company!" Su Xiaojin reached out and flipped through the file records just now, there were any transfer records on it, and the screenshots of the conversations were all obvious, and everyone saw it when they saw it. will be clear.

There was another gloomy atmosphere in the office, and finally the team leader who was satisfied with him suddenly stood up and slapped the deputy team leader. "What the hell are you doing? Didn't you agree, let's work together for this company and protect this company? How can you betray us and go back on your word? Isn't it good for the company to take you?"

The deputy leader of the negotiating team pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a smile: "That's what you thought. In the beginning, you and I joined this company and did our best for the company. I didn't expect to get to this position in the end, and those newcomers have long since joined this company. Don’t you feel unwilling to become a manager, minister or something like that?”

"But no matter what, you can't betray the company. It's not like you don't know whose hard work this company is!"

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