When Su Xiaojin left, she left a contact information, and Su Rong said that she would go to find her when she was free.

Gu Nanting has been looking for Su Xiaojin for the past two days, and he doesn't know why he always passes Su Xiaojin.

About two days later, Su Rong called Gu Nanting: "Su Xiaojin has been here...that's what happened yesterday."

Gu Nanting's face showed joy when he heard the words: "What? She came to your place, where is she now? I'll go find her..."

Su Rong on the other end of the phone continued: "Yesterday she came to the hospital to see grandma, and I asked Xiaojin some things, and she gave a lot of vague answers, except for the contact information, she didn't tell me anything else .I know you've been looking for her..."

Gu Nanting, who was still hopeful, lost all energy in an instant. "Well... it's actually my fault. I saw her a while ago..."

"I heard that you are going to see a doctor? Are you sick?" Su Rong changed the topic a bit, the relationship between Gu Nanting and Su Xiaojin was not eased because of Su Mengning's matter.

So there should be some conflicts between the two of them.Su Rong didn't want to hear what Su Xiaojin did to Gu Nanting, so she changed the subject.Su Rong understood Gu Nanting's emotional changes to some extent.

"Well, I went to see a psychiatrist. Excuse me, I got some news when I was on a business trip. Now I want to verify it. And I can feel it myself. My emotions are not under control now..." Gu Nanting said this Things, the tone has changed.

"Well, then come and see grandma when you're free." Su Rong hung up the phone without saying a few words to him.

According to the schedule, Gu Nanting made an appointment with the psychiatrist today, and the time came soon.

He changed into casual clothes and went there. When he got there, he opened the door and saw a doctor who was not very old and wore glasses.

"You should be Mr. Gu, you really are a good-looking talent." The doctor spoke first and greeted Gu Nanting.

Gu Nanting hummed, and sat on the sofa opposite the doctor: "I hope I didn't make you wait too long."

The doctor smiled, and Gu Nanting looked at his desk. There was no medical record, no forms to fill out for other tasks, or even a pen for recording.

"Mr. Gu, don't be too nervous. Psychiatric treatment and psychological treatment are a relatively long process. Today we will just understand some problems at random. What drink do you want?" The doctor said politely, and he could tell Gu Nanting was not nervous because he was afraid of seeing a psychiatrist for the first time, but because his nerves were always in a state of vigilance, like a frightened bird.

Gu Nanting sank his shoulders: "I want a cup of coffee, what shall we talk about today?" He personally doesn't like small talk very much, but in order to receive treatment, he is more cooperative with the doctor.

The doctor brought coffee and said, "I think you should have done a blood test report when you first walked in. I guess you can get the report after our conversation or after the treatment, and you will also get some corresponding reports." Answer."

Gu Nanting shrugged, the doctor walked over and pressed his shoulder: "Relax, Mr. Gu, it's nothing special" and it doesn't particularly involve your personal privacy.First of all, the first question, when did you find yourself emotionally abnormal, and what kind of feeling did you feel? "

Gu Nanting thought for a while: "Probably the first abnormal mood should have started five years ago. I didn't think there was anything at first. Later, I found that there were more and more abnormal emotions, but I didn't pay attention to it. I thought I was acting normally. , because at that time I encountered a rather special thing.”

The doctor continued to ask: "Then is it convenient for you to disclose what it is?"

Gu Nanting nodded: "My memory tells me that it was my lover who cheated, and then she left without saying goodbye...Because of this incident, I was not emotionally stable. I thought it was a normal behavior."

"That was really an unpleasant thing, but why did you say it was like this in your memory?" The doctor grasped the point and asked softly.

He lit a calming incense in the room, in order not to irritate the patient when he asked about something.

"My previous memory told me that it was like this, but recently I found that my original memory was not very correct..." Gu Nanting said that he was in a good mood and a little irritable.His eyes were also erratic when he spoke, as if he was trying to resist something.

The doctor looked at Gu Nanting's unstable condition, so he pressed his hands on his temples: "Then how do you behave when you lose control of your emotions..."

"I'm irritable, and some erratic pictures and memories will always flash in my mind, but when I think of this memory later, my whole head seems to explode." Gu Nanting recalled every time he behaved, suddenly Feeling yourself is so scary.

"Especially when I meet her again, I always have an inexplicable anger in my heart. After the anger, I have some regrets. It seems that because of memory problems, every time I meet her, I will get angry and angry for no reason." Gu Nanting closed With his eyes closed, he frowned slightly when he remembered Su Xiaojin's face.

The doctor continued to ask: "Who or what made you so angry?"

Gu Nanting shook his head: "I can't remember it anymore, every time I think about this memory, it seems to be blocked. But...someone did influence me, I have some doubts that she used psychotropic drugs on me..."

The doctor paused for about a minute before continuing to ask: "I can perform a deep hypnosis on you. During this period, you will remember some things in the past, but not many. During this period, you may also lose control of your emotions. , want to try it?"

After hesitating for a while, Gu Nanting nodded: "Let's start."

The doctor let him relax his whole body, and then added some soothing incense, and asked Gu Nanting to follow his instructions. "Now take a deep breath, close your eyes, and get rid of distracting thoughts. We will go back to an incident five years ago..."

Gu Nanting cooperated with the doctor's instructions and fell into a light sleep.His whole body appeared in a similar memory, but in the attitude of a bystander.

The doctor slowly exited the room, leaving Gu Nanting alone inside.Holding the test report, he frowned: "The mental radioactivity is so high? It seems that some drugs have been overdosed..."

Gu Nanting slowly opened his eyes in the room, with a tear hanging from the corner of his eyes, he got up and took a deep breath, feeling a little sad.

The doctor gave him the report, and Gu Nanting squeezed the report: "I know what the drug is..."

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