Gu Nanting finally got the whole truth about this matter.It sounds very simple, but it seems a little complicated.

Maybe it's because there are so many people involved in it.

"Think about it over the past few years, no matter whether it's foreign or domestic, which one has been the most prosperous?" Mu Cheng didn't speak very straightforwardly.

Gu Nanting thought for a while, raised his eyebrows and said, "The Qin family..."

"The Qin family's original power, you should know who is the master behind the scenes, right?" Mu Cheng continued to speak vaguely like this.

Who gave the Qin family's influence, Gu Nanting couldn't be more clear about that person... Mr. M.It can be said that Qin Shuhao was considered Mr. M's godson at the beginning, and the relationship between the two has always been lukewarm and superficially cooperative, but in fact there are many disputes behind the scenes.

Later, Mr. M and the Jiang family suddenly disappeared without a trace in the country, and the Gu family finally took advantage of this opportunity to become the top ten leader of the listed company.At that time, he was a little curious, what made Mr. M and the Jiang family stop at the same time...

Later, this curiosity was washed away because of other things. Immediately afterwards, the business of Gu's company has been booming, and he didn't think about other things.

The headquarters of the Jiang family is actually abroad, and almost every country has a branch of the Jiang family company.

"So... you want to say that the one who has been helping Su Xiaojin is the self-proclaimed devil Mr. M?" Gu Nanting is not very satisfied with the answer to this question, although Mr. M is the most likely person.

Mu Cheng shook his head: "You think things are too simple... Apart from demons, there are many people who can do these things. It's just that in your memory, you think you can do this There is only one person who is responsible for this matter..."

In fact, he didn't really want to tell the truth about this matter. With the passage of time and memory, some things slowly disappeared like this, which is already the most perfect ending.If you really get to the bottom of it, maybe it will be more troublesome.

"So?" Gu Nanting frowned. In the depths of his memory, there were indeed a lot of people missing, and he didn't know why his memory was tampered with.

"Xiao Yiming..." Mu Cheng let out a breath, and slowly read out this person's name, every word was so clear and powerful. "You must have heard of the devil agreement they signed."

At that time, Xiao Yiming suffered from organ failure because of Qin Shuhao. Although he felt that foreign countries were actively receiving treatment, it was of no avail.There are some wonderful or weird things in the world, such as the existence of demons.

Finally, Xiao Yiming signed a contract with the devil in exchange for his own soul, and the devil who signed the contract with him happened to be Mr. M.

At that time, Jiang Mingyou had passed away for a long time, and Mr. M hadn't really digested his soul, so he kept the memory of his previous life.

He said: "If something happens to Su Xiaojin one day, I hope you can continue to protect her for five years. Besides, in five years, I hope that all those who hurt her will not be able to find her..."

In this way, the two signed the contract, and Xiao Yiming's condition became very bad that night.Qin Shuhao thought that he had lost his temper because of this matter, and finally invited Su Xiaojin over when Xiao Yiming came back the next day.


"So it's Xiao Yiming?" Gu Nanting felt a little unbelievable after hearing this incident, and then carefully alienated his own memory, only to find that this unbelievable had already existed in his mind.

Why did he forget Xiao Yiming, how did he forget Qin Shuhao... "Then... the doctor next to Su Xiaojin..." After knowing the truth of this matter, his emotions were still a little complicated.

"Qin Huai is Qin Shuhao's nephew, Qin Shuhao asked him to help..." Mu Cheng knew about this very early, so he went to Qin's house to ask Qin Shuhao what he meant.

Qin Shuhao smiled wryly twice, his whole body was so listless. "I think... he probably doesn't want Su Xiaojin's first child to die of such an inexplicable illness."

Mu Cheng knew Qin Shuhao's heart for Xiao Yiming, so he didn't pay much attention to the newly intervened doctor.

After listening for a long time, Gu Nanting discovered one thing.It turned out that there was no shortage of people around Su Xiaojin who protected her and guarded her.

"What you want to know, I can only tell you up to here... I have nothing to say about other things. If there is nothing else, I hope the two of us will never see each other again." Mu Cheng pulled Mia up and asked Walk.

Gu Nanting was stunned for a moment, and took Mu Cheng's hand: " that Su Xiaojin's child...whose does it belong to?"

"Whose is it? Is it so important? If you love her, you won't care at all..." Mu Cheng withdrew his hand, and his face became even more expressionless.

"By the way, Gu Nanting... Didn't you find that your recent state is not right? You and I have only talked for half an hour, and your eyes have been restless nearly eight times in half an hour, even for normal people After receiving these news, it is impossible to have so many emotional fluctuations." As a psychiatrist, Mu Cheng naturally has very keen eyesight.

And this happened to be on Gu Nanting's point of view. "I've noticed something strange about my body for a long time... It's just that I haven't figured out what the reason is until now."

"Your symptoms should be the side effects of psychiatric drugs... The person who gave you the drug should be next to you, and you have been using this drug for a long time. Why don't you ask the people around you when you have time to see Who on earth cares about you on the surface, but secretly wants to harm you." Mu Cheng left after speaking.

"Why did you say this to me? When the two of us met today, you acted like you didn't want to see me. If you didn't say these things, maybe it would be better for you..." Gu Nanting and Mu Cheng were just chatting After a while, I felt a little respect for the person in front of me.

He smiled, with a gentle smile, not as cold as when he saw Gu Nanting just now, he said: "These words are just out of the doctor's instinct or morality."

But he himself still hates Gu Nanting.

Gu Nanting was stunned, who in the world drugged him... Besides, the medicine took a very long time, it seems that the only person who stayed by his side for so long is Su Mengning...

"It seems that I need to ask this matter carefully when I go back... I should have thought that something is wrong with her by my side." Gu Nanting squeezed his fists, and looked at the place not far away with deep eyes.

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