After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 417: She said, good night, Su Xiaojin

"What right do you have to say this to me?" The only pity in Gu Nanting's heart was wiped out in the end.He has a very irritable temper and speaks very aggressively.

"Then what qualifications do you have to say this to me? Look at your appearance now, you are neither human nor ghost! From the first time you saw me until now... I would think that you have changed, no Thinking of you still look like this." Su Xiaojin said this with a sob.

One on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

One was suddenly stimulated after losing his memory, and got a lot of pictures of the past, which is unacceptable for a while.

Now both of them are abnormal, that's it, abnormal two people in a bathroom.

Gu Nanting gritted his teeth, and slapped the bathtub with his fist. Regardless of Su Xiaojin's exchange or resistance, he stretched out his hand and gave her a firm bath.

The front of the wound was a little whitish due to the blisters, coupled with the stimulation of the wound by the shower gel, a burst of itchy and painful sensation came from the wound, and then spread all over the body.

"Let me go! No matter how dirty I am, you don't need to worry about me, right? Who do you think you are?" Su Xiaojin took a sip of water just now because she was struggling too much, and now she is lying on the ground again Spit water next to the bathtub.

Gu Nanting was in a state of conflict. Seeing Su Xiaojin lying there was extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't help but pat Su Xiaojin on the back... After he reacted, he took the nozzle and sprinkled water on Su Xiaojin's face.

After he was stunned for a while, he quickly turned off the water to see if Su Xiaojin choked. "Have you never felt guilty or regretted? Is it happier to be by the side of a wild man than to be by my side? I have given my sincerity to you, but you have smashed my sincerity to the ground, Then trampled on me mercilessly. So you deserve it for treating me like this now!"

Su Xiaojin, who finally took a breath, stroked her messy and wet hair, and then looked at the man in front of her with a dull look.

Gu Nanting doesn't like this expression of eyes very much, as if to say, no matter what you do, I am neither happy nor sad, and I will not resist.

What's the difference between that and a doll that loses its life?
What he wants is a living person, not a dead person like a doll! "Su Xiaojin...I order you to continue talking, whether you yell or's better than being like this."

Su Xiaojin's blank eyes became hollow, she felt that she didn't need to talk to this man any more, as long as this expression was enough.

What's the point of having more explanations or theories?
Didn't he despise her being dirty?Then she would obediently stay still and let Gu Nanting scrub until it was clean.

No matter how painful the wound is, it is not as painful as the heartache.

"Do you know how dirty you are? Even if I wash you 1000 times and 1 times, you're still not clean!" Gu Nanting was still angry with Su Xiaojin before, but later he became angry with himself.

He was very heavy handed. When he washed Su Xiaojin's hair, it was like weeding with a weed mower. He also pulled a lot of her hair. That's it, Su Xiaojin didn't say a word.

Like a puppet who can't speak or move.

Gu Nanting was in a hurry, he didn't want this, he hated Su Xiaojin, but when Su Xiaojin lost his resistance, his heart ached again.

"Su Xiaojin... You talk to me, you're dumb, aren't you? Then I'll cut off your tongue." Of course, what he said was just an angry word.

Su Xiaojin looked at him with eyes like a dead fish.

Gu Nanting thought that, in fact, he would win an overall victory in the competition after the meeting.Because Su Xiaojin has a weakness... She urgently needs a lot of money, although the reason is unknown.

Gu Nanting wanted to take advantage of her weakness...but the current situation is so counterproductive.This is not Su Xiaojin's weakness at all, it's just an obsession of hers.

The furious Gu Nanting suddenly trembled all over his body. "Laugh at me, talk to me, or I'll get 50 back, and I won't even get a penny!" Su Xiaojin's deep voice lingered in Su Xiaojin's ears. It should have been an ambiguous scene, but it appeared between the two of them. It was such a tragic and sad time.

Su Xiaojin was unmoved, until when she heard Qian, she reluctantly smiled with the corners of her mouth curled up. This smile was dead to the extreme, like the gaze of the abyss.

"Don't you just want me to be like this, to look like a ghost and a ghost, so that you will be happy, right? I don't know what happened between us... I don't know where your hatred came from Where did it come from, I just want to say something with a clear conscience. I have never betrayed anyone..."

After speaking, Su Xiaojin continued to enter a state of suspended animation.

To be honest, she really didn't want to talk anymore, she was really tired.If this bathtub could drown people, then she would just lie here motionless without struggling, maybe death would be the relief at a time like this.

But she can't...

How could she have such a mess of thoughts?She still has Xiaotuanzi and a bright life, but now it's just darkness in front of her eyes.

The water hit her body little by little, and Su Xiaojin felt that she was really exhausted, so she closed her eyes and took a light sleep for a while, maybe everything would be better after waking up.

She said, good night, Su Xiaojin...

Then, Su Xiaojin slowly closed her heavy eyes.

Gu Nanting was punching her, but suddenly found that the woman in front of him was slowly falling into the bathtub.He glanced at her and patted her face with his hand: "Su Xiaojin... what are you doing again?"

It's just that there is no response for a long time.

His heart was ups and downs like a roller coaster, and then he thumped and fell to the bottom.He immediately finished washing Su Xiaojin's hair, then wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bedroom.

At the door, Su Mengning and Lin Weiwei listened to the corner of the wall for a long time, and seeing Gu Nanting's worry, his expression changed. "What did the two of them do in the bathroom?" Lin Weiwei asked.

Su Mengning's whole head was smoking. "How do I know what the two of them did? Aren't you here to listen too? Ask knowingly!"

Gu Nanting carefully put her on the bed, and patted her face with his hand, feeling a little dissatisfied with Su Xiaojin who had no response. "Hey... don't play dead for me, get up!"

Su Xiaojin, who is hot, has no strength at all even if she is conscious, not to mention she has entered a state of confusion.She vaguely saw a man smiling at her, holding her hand and saying...Su Xiaojin, come with me...

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