After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 402: Is it that simple?

"What happened to the matter I asked you to investigate?" Gu Nanting asked.

The secretary shook his head: "I still can't find out what she has in the past five years. I asked the company, and the company knows very little about her experience... Is it possible that someone can seal up everything about her?" ?”

Of course, he also hoped that the president could learn more about Miss Su, but the reality was so unfortunate.

"Then did you do everything I asked you to do?" Gu Nanting later wanted to know Su Xiaojin's whereabouts within five years.But this result made him a little dissatisfied.

The secretary nodded: "Ask, I did as you ordered, and that company also agreed. President, are you sure you want to do this?"

Gu Nanting snorted coldly: "I don't need you to teach me how to do things..."

The secretary naturally didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Su Xiaojin didn't tell Xiaotuanzi about her resignation. He knew Xiaotuanzi was well-behaved and sensible. After hearing that she was resigned, she would definitely not continue to cooperate with treatment and take medicine.

So she has to figure out a solution for this matter... Besides, Xiaotuanzi is still so young, she doesn't want her first child to die so early.

"No matter what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future, as long as I am alive, I will create a better future for myself and Xiaotuanzi!" Su Xiaojin has been running around for the past two days to submit her resume, and by the way, give her Boost morale.

She ran to many companies, and I don't know why these companies refused to hire her, as if they had been discussed.

"This is too strange. Could it be that these companies are weird?" Su Xiaojin called Mia, and Mia also asked two or three questions with some doubts. "If you really can't find it, then Mu Cheng and I can help you. Remember, the three of us have always been good friends, and good friends should help each other."

Mia's words also gave Su Xiaojin some psychological comfort. Su Xiaojin continued to work hard and planned to try interviews in more companies. "Thank you for being by my side and you... By the way, I want to ask, what happened in the past five years?"

As soon as this question was mentioned, Mia became a little flustered. "What's the matter, what happened, why do you have to know what happened five years ago, did you meet someone?"

Su Xiaojin immediately denied it. "Suddenly when I was dreaming, I remembered some fragments of things, and I couldn't remember the bits and pieces. I just wanted to ask."

"There will be people you are familiar with over there. If you meet me, just ignore them. I don't want the past to affect your current life and mood..." Mia continued to care about Su Xiaojin. .

Su Xiaojin also replied to Mia: "I know, if I really meet, I will pretend not to know each other. Don't worry, I will definitely not let myself get hurt."

Mia has always been resolutely opposed to Su Xiaojin's return to China, and the domestic circle is so small, if Su Xiaojin is stimulated by encounters, and then recalls the scars and pains of the past, it will be bad.

Su Xiaojin is living a very good life now, and there is no need for others to step in and change her memory.That's what Mia thinks now.

Besides, if she meets Gu Nanting...Su Xiaojin will definitely have some troubles, but as a good friend, Mia can only watch her helplessly, but has no way to help her.

Just like the old saying, one must tie the bell to untie it.

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

Su Xiaojin has been looking for a job for a week...but this week, there is not even a fart news.

She couldn't help being a little suspicious... The phone rang again without warning.The call came from an unfamiliar number. Su Xiaojin left her existing contact information when submitting her resume. This may be because a certain company asked her to go for an interview.

With such a mentality, Su Xiaojin answered the phone. "Hello…"

"Long time no see, Su Xiaojin..." A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. After Su Xiaojin heard it, her expression changed slightly. Did not submit a resume to Gujia Company.

Su Xiaojin didn't speak, so Gu Nanting on the phone continued talking. "Have you been short of money recently and then looking for a job? You think he is so good, how could he be resigned by the original company?

Hearing the sound, Su Xiaojin seemed to understand one thing. Since Gu Nanting could easily get her mobile phone number, it meant that he could do something about all the resumes he submitted? "Where are you from? My phone number. I haven't found a job for a week. Did you do it?"

She sent a series of questions, but the person on the other end of the phone smiled mercilessly: "No matter what, I'm not such a despicable person. You can think whatever you want about me. As for the phone, how about the skeleton? Great victory, material resources, financial resources... Can't you get a phone number? You listen to me and just say it once, are you looking for a job?"

Su Xiaojin continued to keep her mouth shut. At this moment, she was thinking, this call was just a coincidence, and she was worried and kind. Could it be a trap set by Gu Nanting?
"Don't talk nonsense, what do you want to say to me, my time is very precious." Su Xiaojin didn't want to continue beating around the bush.

Gu Nanting originally wanted to go around in circles to whet her appetite, but before she could say that, the person over there hung up the phone.Gu Nanting's face was dark, and he knocked on the table with his hand, and dropped the coffee on the ground with a slap.

Then with a smile on his face, he pretended nothing had happened and continued to call. "Why are you in such a hurry to hang up the phone? My request here must be better than you imagined... With a monthly salary of 50, do you want to do it or not?"

Are you not a gold digger?I want to see what you need so much money for!With a salary of 50 a month, everything will be easy to talk about if you surround yourself...

When Su Xiaojin heard the price, she was silent for a while. She felt that Gu Nanting was a fraudulent call... This kind of price was simply giving money to others... Although Su Xiaojin was short of money, she was not insulted by Gu Nanting for using money.

"Who are you insulting? No matter how poor I am, I will never accept such an insult from you!" Su Xiaojin was about to hang up the phone again.

"Wait, I'm getting you a very good job, and I didn't mean to insult you. Are you sure you don't want to come over and have a try?" As soon as Gu Nanting finished speaking, a text message came to Su Xiaojin's cell phone, and the bank card 50 more.

She took a breath before she was ready to continue thinking about it. "Tell me, what is the job?"

"Come to me and be my secretary..."

"It's that simple?" Su Xiaojin asked tentatively.

"It's that simple!" Gu Nanting replied...

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