"Team leader, they are too bullying. Originally, we came here today to catch a plane, so we didn't rest at night. We wanted to wait for the president to sign the contract since noon, but it turned out that we had already made some noise to the president at night. nothing!"

The team members around Su Xiaojin talked about this matter indignantly. They flew over in the early morning, just got off the plane, said it took about an hour, and then hurried to the company.

This time, the partner of cooperation is the head of the domestic business company, Gujia Company, and the president is the vigorous and grumpy Gu Nanting.

Su Xiaojin sat leisurely in the reception office and drank cup after cup of tea. She looked calm and calm on the surface, but she was also a little anxious in her heart.

Xiao Tuanzi got off the plane with Qin Huai, and she didn't know where the two of them settled down. She made a phone call earlier but Qin Huai didn't answer it.

Waiting, waiting for a long time, even Su Xiaojin's face showed a trace of impatience. "This cooperation project shows that what the company proposed on its own initiative is irrelevant to Gu's company, so it's normal for them to give us a big blow like this. You have to be calm."

After speaking, the door of the reception room was pushed open.

Walking towards them was a man in his 50s and [-]s. He cheerfully held the documents, greeted everyone in the reception room, and then his eyes fell on Su Xiaojin.

"You are... Su Xiaojin, Miss Su?" The secretary was still shocked when he saw this face again after five years.

In five years, Su Xiaojin had really changed a lot, but he still recognized the person in front of him. "The president has been looking for you so hard. You don't know that everything has changed since we left."

The secretary held Su Xiaojin's hand with snot and tears, and lay down with tears streaming down her face. "It's fine if you come back. The president went crazy looking for you, but in the end he was succeeded by the villain and became what he is now."

Su Xiaojin frowned slightly. She didn't understand what the person in front of her was talking about. After the secretary complained about her feelings, Su Xiaojin pulled out her hand, then took a few steps back and sat on the seat. "I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm Su Xiaojin, that's right, but before that, I didn't know your president Gu Nanting at all. There are many people with the same name and surname in the world, and there are even many people who look similar. It's gone...I think you have the wrong person."

As soon as Su Xiaojin said this, all the team members looked at the secretary with puzzled eyes.After thinking about it, the secretary felt that the current atmosphere was a bit awkward. He was too excited to recognize the people just now, but he didn't expect that Su Xiaojin didn't know them anymore.

There are indeed many people with the same name and surname and similar looks in the world, but Su Xiaojin is the only one who can recognize them at a glance.Even though her appearance is changing, her clear and heart-filled eyes will never change.

For some reason, Su Xiaojin didn't want to recognize them, so the secretary had no choice but to back off, rubbing her head cheerfully and apologizing. "I'm sorry, I've identified the wrong person. You and a very good friend of the president look very similar. When I saw you, I thought I was delusional."

Su Xiaojin pursed her lips and sneered twice: "This is the best, ask your president when it will open, I think you don't want to talk about cooperation on purpose..."

As soon as Su Xiaojin spoke, she put pressure on the secretary.The downcast team members around her just now cheered up and cooperated with Su Xiaojin. "Your company has always been very punctual when it comes to business contracts. It's okay for you to backtrack on this contract temporarily, and you always treat us with a human attitude. According to the law, can I take you to court? "

Su Xiaojin continued to speak aggressively, and the secretary wiped the sweat off her brow. It's been a few years since I've seen her, but this girl is quite eloquent.I just don't know how she went there during this time.

Although Su Xiaojin is a banned word in the whole company, and even though Su Mengning is the person Gu Nanting likes now, the secretary has a premonition... He feels that the CEO still loves Su Xiaojin, and everything now is just a coercive illusion.

"It is indeed our company's negligence to let you trek here to discuss cooperation with us, and to teach you to throw it in the reception room for so long. However, this cooperation itself was only signed at the beginning. A unilateral contract, considering a unilateral contract If it is not, it seems to damage the interests of your company, so both parties need to show a certain degree of sincerity in the contract, and this is just one of the company's tests for your company."

Even though Su Xiaojin is much more eloquent now, that secretary is Jiang, who is old and hot, and in a few words, he talked back the overwhelming pressure just now.

Su Xiaojin snorted coldly, and clapped her hands together: "Tell your president, if we don't see him again within an hour, then this project cooperation will be terminated and cancelled, and you just wait to pay liquidated damages."

After negotiating a few words with Su Xiaojin, the secretary left the office and immediately called Gu Nanting. "President, I saw Miss Su, she is in the reception room of our company."

"What? Su Xiaojin..." Gu Nanting who heard the voice on the other end of the phone suddenly stopped talking and hung up the phone.It was precisely for this reason that Gu Nanting was willing to go out to the company's reception room at night.

Half an hour later, Gu Nanting in a black formal suit stepped into the reception room with his leather shoes.His face was slightly ugly, and his eyes were complicated.

He had been looking for this woman who betrayed him for so long, but he didn't expect that five years later, the two would meet by accident.

As soon as he came in, he set his eyes on Su Xiaojin in the reception room.Yes, he was not mistaken, even though Su Xiaojin's glory had undergone tremendous changes in five years, he could still recognize that woman.

"Sorry, it was our negligence to make your company's negotiators wait for so long." Gu Nanting almost watched Su Xiaojin say this.

Su Xiaojin, as the leader of the project team, naturally stood up and was the first to greet the president of the Gu family.The man was only 35 and [-], and he looked imposing, and his tone of voice was filled with a sense of oppression.

She frowned slightly, because the man's eyes had been on her since she came in.The second time Su Xiaojin sized him up, she could see various complicated emotions in his eyes.

Has she seen this man before?Su Xiaojin thought about the words on her lips and said: "It's better to meet after hearing for a long time. It turns out that you are Gu Nanting, the president of the famous Gu family company..."

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