Lin Weiwei is the woman He Yu sent over, and she is also someone He Yu has always valued. Her family background is very good and she belongs to the offshoot of the Gu family.

Moreover, Lin Weiwei has always been well-behaved, sensible and generous, He Yu fell in love with her as soon as he saw her, and Lin Weiwei was also one of the many girls who had a crush on Gu Nanting.

After six or seven o'clock in the morning, Lin Weiwei was sent to Gu Nanting's private house.She knocked on the door presumptuously: "Excuse me, is this Nan Ting's house?"

Gu Nanting was still hugging Su Mengning, the two of them were sleeping, it was the weekend, so he didn't get up, and slept lazily with Su Mengning.

Lin Weiwei didn't expect that she would be so angry. After knocking on the door for half an hour, no one paid any attention to her.

In the end, she still asked He Yu for help, and He Yu called Gu Nanting angrily: "Lin Weiwei, the girl I chose is at the door, what do you mean by opening the door and throwing a girl at the door? "

Gu Nanting said in a daze, "I see..." and then hung up the phone.

Su Mengning also woke up because of the ringing of the phone. She hugged Gu Nanting's neck, her breath was a little messy, and her eyes were still full of temptation: "What's wrong? Why did you call early in the morning?"

Gu Nanting kissed her lips: "It's nothing, it's just trivial matters, you can go to sleep, I'll prepare breakfast for you, the princess's breakfast must be nutritious and balanced."

"Then you'll spoil me..." Su Mengning got a kiss, her heart was full of joy, and she wrapped herself in the quilt and lay on the bed.

Gu Nanting smiled softly: "I spoiled you, so I will continue to spoil you for the rest of my life, you are still my little princess." After finishing speaking, he probably washed up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

In the past five years, his cooking skills have improved a lot, and he can cook a lot of dishes. He often cooks for Su Mengning in different ways.

After the two of them had breakfast, they probably watched TV together for a while, and Gu Nanting opened the door at 12 o'clock.

Lin Weiwei who waited outside did not expect that Gu Nanting would give her such a blow.Immediately, I got a little crazy, wanted to shake my bag, then turned around and left.After thinking about it for a while, she still had to be patient, after all, there was a woman who was difficult to deal with.

"I forgot that there was a woman outside the door... I'm so sorry, it took me so long to remember your existence this morning, you shouldn't be angry." Gu Nanting opened the door and said in a cold tone.

He kept his eyes on Lin Weiwei from beginning to end.Fortunately, Lin Weiwei also dressed up carefully, hoping to charm Gu Nanting with her beauty.

Lin Weiwei smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, the president is always busy, and now that I think about it, I'm fine. Can I go in then?" Even if she has any temper, she shouldn't express it now, after all, she has to be in this Make a good impression on the President.

Gu Nanting did not speak, but entered the door by himself, and then looked at Su Mengning who was sitting on the sofa: "Oh, what do you want for lunch?"

Lin Weiwei could feel the hostility from the woman sitting on the sofa in the living room from the moment he entered the door.He still braced his face, and then greeted politely. "Are you Nan Ting's younger sister? You are so beautiful. You must be very happy to be Nan Ting's younger sister. Hello, I am your future sister-in-law. "

When Lin Weiwei came, she naturally heard about the woman who lived in Gu Nanting's house, but she did it on purpose and wanted to call her sister Su Mengning.

Su Mengning discovered Lin Weiwei's thoughts, and a hint of sarcasm curled up on the corner of her mouth. She thought the woman who came here was so powerful, but she didn't expect it to be nothing more than that.

Before coming here, she didn't inquire about the situation at all. Su Mengning is Gu Nanting's inverse, Lin Weiwei said that, she is courting death!

Sure enough, when Gu Nanting, who was preparing lunch in the kitchen, heard this sentence, he walked to Lin Weiwei's side with a gloomy face, then slapped her, and then grabbed her neck with his hand: "You repeat the sentence just now Say it again? Believe it or not, I will let you come in vertically and go out horizontally! I have already announced in front of the major media that Su Mengning will be the only wife in my life, and no one else will think about it. Even if you were introduced by my mother, come here The same is true for people who see their own status clearly."

Lin Weiwei was almost pinched and died, but fortunately Gu Nanting finally let go, she fell to the ground like a discarded item, and then said with a sorry face: "Nan Ting, I'm sorry ...I didn't say that on purpose, I really didn't know, I thought I was yours..."

The three words of girlfriend haven't been spoken yet.But Su Mengning interrupted: "Nan Ting... don't blame her, I know I'm not pleasing to my aunt's eyes, she will choose such an excellent girl, and she must be your girlfriend. It was chosen. Don't be angry because she said that, I will blame myself." After finishing speaking, she helped Lin Weiwei who was sitting on the ground understandingly.

Lin Weiwei still wanted to thank Su Mengning for coming to help her, but who would have thought that she had just touched Su Mengning's hand, but Su Mengning fell to the ground by herself.

Gu Nanting turned his head and saw Lin Weiwei pushing Su Mengning.He immediately hugged Su Mengning: "How is it? Are you okay? What did she do to you? Are you injured?"

Su Mengning shook her head stubbornly, but the tears hanging from the corners of her eyes showed her sadness and grievance: "It's okay, my aunt doesn't like me, and I think this new sister doesn't like me either. I'm just being kind. I kindly went over to help him, but he doesn't like me, so he can directly say, why do you want to do it secretly?"

After saying this, Gu Nanting's face became gloomy again, and he looked at Lin Weiwei with a pair of cannibalistic eyes. "If you don't want to come today, get out today. I advise you to be honest with me here. Let me tell you the truth. If it weren't for dealing with my mother, you would never have entered our house!"

Lin Weiwei still wanted to explain something, but just as she was about to speak, Su Mengning interrupted very cleverly. "Don't be angry with him anymore. It's all my fault... It's my fault for being too self-indulgent and thinking of all people's hearts so kind. That's why there's a gap between you and your aunt. It's my fault that you scolded the new sister... everything is my fault, or else I'll leave, and everything will be fine for everyone."

Hearing this, Gu Nanting hugged Su Mengning, touched her head and kissed her lips: "You are not wrong... Even if you want to get out today, it is this woman who is going to get out. You just stay by my side obediently."

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