"President, I have already found Ms. Su Mengning's place. That place doesn't feel very good." The secretary hurriedly told the news to Gu Nanting, who was sitting in the president's office with a gloomy face.

Gu Nanting frowned, then put down the document in his hand. "What? Where is it? I'll go and pick her up myself."

He didn't know why when he couldn't see Su Mengning, he was very irritable and panicked.Now that he heard about Su Mengning, Gu Nanting couldn't wait to see her.

"Then it will be the shareholders' meeting later..." The secretary asked for instructions, but Gu Nanting flatly refused: "You can find someone to open it for you. If they don't want to, this will be postponed, but it's just to discuss this quarter's income and next year. A quarterly plan, and whether I am here or not, you should be able to carry on."

Since the news was released, Gu Nanting has been searching for Su Mengning for ten days. Dozens of private detectives searched across the country, especially in City A. Twenty or thirty detectives finally found clues.

After Su Mengning came out of prison, her identity was not cleared up, and her charges were not cleared, so it was very difficult to gain a foothold in one place. She had to carefully avoid the police and continue to live quietly.

Gu Nanting feels uncomfortable thinking about such a day. "Clean up and bring her back with me to the Gu family."

After driving for about two or three hours, Gu Nanting finally arrived at the place where Su Mengning lives now.

"As far as the reactions from the nearby companies are concerned, they have just moved here. When they came in, they looked very nervous, and they were nervous, and their clothes were a bit..." The secretary heard the reactions of the people next to him. He didn't have the nerve to continue talking, he was afraid that Gu Nanting would get angry at him if he continued.

Hearing this, Gu Nanting's face darkened a bit.Especially when he witnessed the living conditions here again. Weeds grew everywhere in the alleys of success and failure, and even garbage was littered. There was a complex and disgusting smell in the whole alley.

His Rolls-Royce never dared to park in such a place.After getting out of the car, I looked at the problem, and the pair of black shiny leather shoes stepped on the ground, and I was in a bad mood. "It's all because of that bitch that Su Mengning ended up living in this kind of place."

The more he thought about it, the uglier his face became.

After finally walking into the alley, Gu Nanting lost all his patience and temper.When he saw that familiar figure in that room with only [-] to [-] square meters, he felt complicated.

"Meng Ning...I'm late, I'm sorry." Gu Nanting rushed in without hesitation, and then hugged the woman in the black T-shirt tightly. "It's all my fault for being careless at that time, that woman made you look like you are now."

Su Mengning smiled at the corner of her mouth first, and soon tears fell down. When it comes to her crying skills, I am afraid that she is similar to that of a star actor.

After Gu Nanting hugged her enough, he spoke in a trembling, choked voice. "I know that my sister lied to you at that time. I don't blame you or my sister. I just hope that my sister can treat you sincerely. I didn't expect my sister to betray you in the end... Ever since I escaped from prison, my life has been It's not particularly good, how I wish you could come and accompany me, but after thinking about it, I still can't separate you and sister..."

Su Mengning stuttered, which made people feel distressed. "But I found that when she was with other men, I really couldn't bear it, so I took the risk of borrowing money and came to the Maldives to tell you about it... It's ugly, brother, I really love you , I don't want to tear you apart, but I also don't want you to be kept in the dark."

Gu Nanting kissed her gently on the neck. "Stop talking, come back with me, you must have had a hard time here."

Su Mengning shook her head: "It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all, as long as you think that one day you will come to me and find me and take me home, what are the hardships I'm going through now?"

Even if Qin Shufen watched the play silently beside the two of them, if she hadn't known that Su Mengning planned all this, she might have been so moved by now.

Now even if she knew that all of this was false, tears welled up in her heart.No matter what method Su Mengning used, she finally returned to Gu Nanting's side, she was moved by this pair of lovers.

"You are so stupid... She ruined your reputation, but you don't blame her so much. I am so lucky to meet a childhood sweetheart like you who grew up together, and even a wife who can hold hands with you in the future." Gu Nanting once again said this I looked at the small house, and the more I looked at it, the more I felt uncomfortable.

Su Mengning was crying, and Gu Nanting wiped away her tears.

His princess hugged Su Mengning, as long as she stayed by Su Mengning's side, she found that her restless mood would disappear completely. "Let's go, don't say anything, I'll take you home..."

The three of them sat on the silver Rolls-Royce, and Gu Nanting helped Su Mengning pull up the seat belt. "Don't worry, I will follow you every step of the way in the future, and I will never leave you. Even if you want the stars in the sky, I will pick them off for you."

Then there was a burst of grin.

Qin Shufen, who is a very big light bulb, sighed beside him, Gu Nanting is so gentle...

In this way, Su Mengning returned to Gu's house effortlessly... When she got off the car, she happened to see He Yu, so she crouched timidly behind Gu Nanting like a frightened deer.

Gu Nanting was a little confused, so he stroked her head with his big hand: "What's wrong? What are you afraid of?"

"No... I'm just thinking that I'm still a criminal. Will my parents...would they mind if they saw me and drive me out of the stock price?" Su Mengning asked in a low voice, and also waved He looked very timid and fearful.

It is also in a place like a prison. A good-natured and gentle person like Su Mengning must have suffered a lot of bullying.Gu Nanting smiled, and put another light kiss on her cheek: "My mother won't mind, even if something happens between you two, I will always protect you. So...don't worry, hereafter It is your home, and you are the princess I will guard and protect for the rest of my life."

Su Mengning looked at the man in front of her with tears in her eyes.She finally waited for this moment, the moment that Gu Nanting will only belong to her forever... "Nan Ting, do you know how hard life in prison is, fortunately I didn't give up, fortunately you didn't give up on me either..."

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