After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 356: Wait and see what happens

Su Xiaojin doesn't quite know what the purpose of these people kidnapping her is, the best way now is to wait and see what happens.

Brother Hei squatted down, and raised Su Xiaojin's chin with his hand: "You are quite beautiful if you can find it, no wonder our eldest lady is looking for someone to kidnap you. Tell me, why did you rob us?" Missy's man? With your face?"

miss?And the man who robbed her?Su Xiaojin thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what the person in front of her was talking about... But she did understand one thing, it seemed that someone had a grudge against her and specially played such a scene for her.

"I really don't know whether to grab a man or not, but even if I grab a man, I don't rely on this face! The young lady you mentioned is really superficial." Su Xiaojin said the same thing with a smile on her mouth. calm and calm.

Since she already knew that someone was going to kidnap her on purpose, she naturally wouldn't ask someone for a ransom... This kind of kidnapping by name, and with many women, the biggest purpose should be to teach her a lesson, or... think It directly killed her.

"Miss Su is really nice. She has a good temper. Other women start chattering as soon as they wake up, but you are very calm." Brother Hei tugged at Su Xiaojin's hair: "It seems that you really don't know the word fear. how to write…"

Su Xiaojin was in a bit of pain. The purpose of these people kidnapping her was nothing more than to watch a joke about her being bullied and begging for mercy on her knees. They just wanted to do this, but she was not as good as they wanted.

Her hair hurt a little from being pulled, but there was still a mocking smile on the corner of Su Xiaojin's mouth: "Fear is a word, just look it up in the dictionary, why don't you tell me why you came here to invite me to drink tea."

Brother Hei let her go, got two younger brothers to hold her up, and then took her to a well-sealed room, and then he untied Su Xiaojin.

"It's just that I just want to buy you a cup of tea. Miss Su doesn't need to think about so many things. After all, you are our eldest lady. If the person who invites you wants to touch you, it still depends on the mood of the eldest lady." Brother Hei finished speaking , close the door and leave.

Su Xiaojin heard the door closed, and the people almost left. She untied the blindfold with her hands, and then looked around the house.

The house is not big, only five or six square meters. The door is opened from the outside, and there is no door handle inside, so the door cannot be opened. The windows are only as big as a head, and they are opened three or four times at relatively high places.

Looking through the window, you can only see the women who are tied together over there.Su Xiaojin doesn't have anything around her now, so it's impossible to escape from the room.

"It seems that I can only wait and see what happens..." As she said this, she still looked out of the window from time to time at the kidnapped women. They were all sitting together, their hands and feet tied, trembling.

Su Xiaojin squinted her eyes: "It seems that the purpose of kidnapping me is really different from theirs, or my treatment is better..."

This is not something that makes Su Xiaojin happy. She has basically judged the purpose of these kidnappers through the only visual space, human trafficking...

She waited in the room for about two or three hours, the door opened with a creak, and then a tall and thick man with a strange mask came in with a meal in his hand: "Miss Su is very leisurely." Yes, it’s rare to see what those goods are doing outside? You’ve been here for so long, you must be hungry, why don’t you eat something.”

"Show courteousness for nothing, rape or steal... You look so polite, you don't look like a kidnapper, you look like you want to buy me tea." Su Xiaojin looked at the meal brought by the man, and felt relieved. People still have doubts.She didn't dare to just put this food into her mouth casually, who knew if there was any poison in it.

Seeing Su Xiaojin's probing look, Brother Hei couldn't help laughing a few times. "It's said that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. I invite Miss Su to dinner with good intentions. The hospitality is hard to turn down, right? Are you sure you don't want to eat? If you don't want to eat, I will invite some later. Brother, don’t blame us for being rude to you.”

Su Xiaojin frowned, looking unmoved.Brother Hei grabbed a plate of food, took a bite, and said in a bad tone, "If I poison the food, I might as well give you some strong medicine. I've eaten the food too, Miss Su please. "

Then Brother Hei took out a Berta 92, a gentleman's as a gesture of invitation.

Su Xiaojin couldn't help shrinking her pupils when she saw the black guy in Brother Hei's hands, then sat at the table and slowly started to eat.

I don't know what the hell he was going to do, after a few mouthfuls, Su Xiaojin really lost her appetite, so she put down the bowl and chopsticks, and looked around at the man.

"Have you finished eating?" Brother Hei asked, it took only 5 minutes from when Su Xiaojin picked up Fang Kui until she finished eating and she ate very slowly, which made Brother Hei a little dissatisfied. "Are you eating cat food?"

Su Xiaojin drank some soup and said something calmly. "Thank you for your concern. If there is nothing else, I am tired and need to rest."

Brother Hei snorted coldly, and shut the door with a bang. When the man was almost gone, Su Xiaojin groped around for things, found a piece of cloth, and vomited out the food again.

Originally, she had no appetite when she saw these meals, and the morning sickness reaction was very serious, so she resisted to eat some, and then sent him away.

Su Xiaojin doesn't believe Brother Hei, nor does she believe that these meals are clean, she doesn't want to touch anything here.

Probably at night, the tied women were untied and surrounded by men, all of whom were wearing masks, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

"Be quick, don't whine, hurry up and finish my fucking meal, so I can take you to work." The helper named Brother Hei kicked a woman on the ground, and the woman was hit in pain. One foot, lying on the ground for a long time without getting up.

The women showed terrified expressions on their faces, but due to the coercion of these people, they hurriedly ate the food.The food they ate was exactly the same as Su Xiaojin's, even so, Su Xiaojin still felt that the food was weird.

After the women outside had finished their meals, the kidnappers tied the ropes around their hands again, and carried the long string of women to other places.

"Help..." A woman looked around for a long time, seeming to have escaped the attention of the kidnappers, hiding in a corner by herself, and ran away when the kidnappers were leaving, repeatedly calling for help.

"Damn it, let me catch her!" Several people ran over, caught the woman who slipped through the net, and punched and kicked her.

"Don't kill me, it's still useful..." Brother Hei looked at it for a long time, then threw the finished cigarette on the ground, and said calmly.

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