After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 342: What are you going to do?

That night, Su Xiaojin cried for a long time under the quilt, and was sleepless for the last night.

That night, Gu Nanting knelt in that bedroom for a long time, thinking a lot, but after seeing Su Xiaojin, he couldn't say a word.

When he woke up in the morning, Gu Nanting went to the kitchen to make some porridge, and when he saw Su Xiaojin's red eyes from crying, his heart softened again. "Didn't sleep well last night? How about going to rest today."

Only then did he realize that the woman in front of him was not as strong as she imagined, but rather fragile. He had always boasted that he loved Su Xiaojin, but in the end he lost his trust in Su Xiaojin.

Now ask yourself, is he qualified to continue loving Su Xiaojin?But he fell into this love and couldn't extricate himself.

"It seems that I don't need President Gu to take care of me like this, right? By the way, the wedding should be cancelled. I always wanted to tell grandma about it, but I have to respect your opinion. I said cancel the wedding." You shouldn't have any objections, anyway, the two of us have nothing to do with each other...but we're just brothers and sisters."

The first time Su Xiaojin met Gu Nanting, she began to say all kinds of mocking words, which made no one happy.Last night, she thought about it again all night, should she go on with Gu Nanting?

Then she insisted on an idea, let's break up...why bother to entangle so hard?That's why I mustered up a lot of courage this morning and told Gu Nanting that the wedding was cancelled.

Hearing this, Gu Nanting instinctively turned gloomy, but then softened his tone. "I don't agree with this matter. Marriage is such a big thing, you just cancel it? There is a conflict between the two of us, can't we discuss it? Do you prefer to do things like this?"

He brought the porridge over, but Su Xiaojin threw it away without even looking at it. Gu Nanting knew that he was in the wrong, so he softened his tone a bit: "Su Xiaojin... I beg you, if you are angry, you will be angry, can you stop taking such a big porridge?" Are you kidding me about this?"

"Which eye of yours saw me joking, this is the result of my deliberation... Maybe the two of us are not suitable in the first place, so why bother to entangle? I was blind at the beginning, but now I wiped my eyes, can't it? "Su Xiaojin felt a little nauseous. After saying this, she ran to the bathroom and retched for a while.

Gu Nanting was not angry at all, and made a pot of porridge seriously again, and finally made a compromise. "You said you want to cancel it, then cancel it, I will talk to grandma about it... When you calm down, I will formally propose to you."

Su Xiaojin looked at the second bowl of porridge, but still didn't drink it. She ran to the kitchen to get a pack of oatmeal, and prepared to drink some oatmeal with warm milk.

Gu Nanting flashed over, snatched the oatmeal, and helped her warm up the milk: "I was negligent, you want to drink milk and oatmeal, but I am here to make porridge for you, you go to the sofa to rest, get some After I'm done, I'll bring these things to you."

Su Xiaojin's behavior, Gu Nanting naturally knew, she just didn't want to see him, didn't want to touch anything related to him... But this morning he was going to spend time with Su Xiaojin here, as long as Su Xiaojin didn't eat, he would have a share Continue to make another portion until she eats it.

The milk and oatmeal was brought up, but Su Xiaojin still didn't appreciate it, and ran to the refrigerator to get two more slices of bread, and put them in the toaster for toasting.Gu Nanting quickly went over to help.

"What are you going to do? Can't you not interfere in my life? Without your life, I can still live freely by myself, why are you here?" Su Xiaojin was annoyed by this person for too long in the morning, at this moment Now the temper has come up.

Gu Nanting didn't speak, and when Su Xiaojin had recovered all his temper, he put the breakfast on the table again. "Since it's cancelled, let's have some breakfast, and then I'll take you to the hospital for some physical examination."

"Don't you understand what I'm talking about? You get out of my room immediately, I don't want to see you for another second, I don't want to see you, I feel sick when I see you, I get a headache, I get upset Yes, I feel bad everywhere!" Su Xiaojin cursed a few more times, but Gu Nanting remained unmoved.

"No matter what, you have to eat." Gu Nanting's face was worried, and thousands of words still condensed into this sentence.

Su Xiaojin looked at the breakfast, and finally picked up the toast and milk cereal and ate some.

She ate very slowly, as if her mind was wandering, and when she finished eating, she sighed, as if she had let go of all her emotions. "I went to Xiao Yiming's funeral two days ago. He can't wake up anymore..."

Hearing the sound, Gu Nanting also felt surprised for a while: "Isn't he actively cooperating with the treatment in the hospital? How could it be possible at this time..." I couldn't continue talking, Gu Nanting didn't believe this matter, but the facts were right in front of him .

"This incident was my fault... I caused him to be harmed. I found that I owed him a lot in the end. I also discovered one thing. It seemed that he was the first one to show up every time I encountered danger. That's right...why didn't I look back at that time, look around me, there is such an outstanding person?"

Su Xiaojin was blaming herself, and at the same time, she was telling Gu Nanting to listen to these words.She wanted to express her regret, and she should have chosen Xiao Yiming at that time, not the person in front of her.

Of course, what she said was against her will... It is true that Su Xiaojin is grateful to Xiao Yiming, but if she really had to choose, she would still not choose the Bai Yueguang that belonged to her.

Saying this now is just to hope that Gu Nanting will also give up.

"Also...Xiao Yiming died to save you..." Su Xiaojin said abruptly, speaking from the heart, whether it is Su Xiaojin or Gu Nanting, they owe Xiao Yiming too many things, these things, they have spent their entire lives Not sure yet...

"Xiaojin...I..." Gu Nanting knew that at this moment, Su Xiaojin's mood was really bad. No matter how much he said now, he would not listen to this person in front of him. At the beginning, Su Xiaojin had already lost all trust and expectations in him...

After eating, Su Xiaojin looked at the time: "Let's keep some things in mind, it's getting late...I'm going to the hospital for a review, there are still so many things to do in the company, you should go get busy..."

She used honorifics, half ironic, half alienated, which made Gu Nanting feel uncomfortable for a while, no matter whether Su Xiaojin agreed or disagreed, he still said: "I'll go with you..."

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