It was raining heavily this day, and under the dense clouds, there was a funeral that was going to be held here, at this moment, at this moment, at this moment.

Not many people attended the funeral, they were all his relatives and friends...even the love of his life...

Su Xiaojin wore a long black dress, a black top hat on her head, and held a black umbrella in her hand, staring blankly at the black and white photo on the inscription.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. She could not feel the sound of rain, the coldness of rain, or the crying and sorrow of the people around her... The only thing she could feel was her own heartache and discomfort.

On the inscription is Xiao Yiming's photo. That black and white photo was his favorite photo during his lifetime, and it was still made by Su Xiaojin.Facing that bright smiling face and those gentle and delicate eyes, many past events came to her mind like passing clouds, and even came alive before her eyes.

"Thank you for giving me the gift of getting married. I have received your blessings and wishes." Su Xiaojin cried so hard that day, dizzy, and grabbed Xiao Yiming's hand forcibly...

In the end, Qin Shuhao found two people and pulled her away from Xiao Yiming's side abruptly, and then looked at her expressionlessly: "Poetry ended up like this, is it the result you want, are you happy? "

Su Xiaojin's eyes were red, and she looked up at the man who was holding his fists and his eyes were rosy: "I never thought that he would end like this today, I hope he can be happy, and he can always be good...caused today's ending Did I get what I wanted?"

Qin Shuhao punched the wall, panting heavily, and the veins on his forehead bulged. "I told my senior brother that you are a woman and you are not worthy of him doing this, but he just doesn't listen to me and just wants to do this! Su Xiaojin, can you be more considerate? My senior brother likes you so much, so Love you, even give his life for you, what did you give him in the end?"

Qin Shuhao clenched his fists and remembered what happened at that time. He always felt that Xiao Yiming was a stupid, pitifully stupid, extremely stupid man... Gu Nanting couldn't possibly be fine in the end, but because he would rather take the risk of offending Mr. The man was saved.

Then what did you get in exchange?What a great and touching character he is, he exchanged his own life for the happy life of the hero and heroine together, and he himself is like a redundant male second, ending in a tragic ending...

Su Xiaojin was also choked for a moment when she faced the enraged Qin Shuhao.Because Qin Shuhao's words are not bad... He paid the man's sincerity wrongly, and finally hurt him to such a degree.

"Get out! Get out!" Qin Shuhao yelled again. He couldn't accept the fact that things should not have developed like this... He was just angry at the time, and injected his senior brother with a new type of drug. I just want to use some means to trap my senior brother in my own life, and stop thinking about this woman in front of me...

But... Did he do all this wrong?He should put away this terrible thought at that time, will the senior brother be alive in the end?

The more he thought about it, the more he looked like a child who did something wrong, all the irritability just now disappeared, and then he took Su Xiaojin's hand again, his eyes were so helpless and pitiful.

"My senior brother and I don't want to see you anymore... You have occupied him for so long, and his heart is with you. Now that he has rested in peace, I beg you to let him go... Please save the last time we spent together. Give it to me and my senior brother... He loves you, and I love him too... Count me in... I beg you."

Then she let go of all her attitudes, including status, and respect, and hoped that this person in front of her could give him and her senior brother some time to spend by themselves, as long as there are two people...not one more person.

This is the second time he has begged so extravagantly for someone since he was a child. The first time, he gave Xiao Yiming his tenderness and extravagance, and the second time he gave his tenderness and extravagance to the woman he loves the most.

This is such a ridiculous and funny thing.

Su Xiaojin got up, stared at Xiao Yiming for a long time with her eyes, then turned and left while wiping her tears.

Qin Shuhao finally sat down on the ground, exhausted all his strength and couldn't get up again, he crawled to Xiao Yiming's side, then hugged him and continued to cry.

For the whole three days, he spent in a daze, like a child who lost his loved ones, hoping that the person in front of him could wake up and look at him again, and give him a second, a little more tenderness, what a pity Everything is nothing but extravagant expectations, extravagant hopes, and even delusions.

"Senior brother... I gave you all my love, but you didn't keep any of your love, and changed Su Xiaojin. There is a kind of love in the world that cannot be loved, and it must be people like the two of us." ...Love to the extreme, but in the end you can't be with the person you love...Senior brother, can't you just look back at me, just a glance."

Qin Shuhao knelt for three whole days and three nights. He used this method to continue to express his love and miss for his brother, as well as regret.

Yes, he regretted it... He regretted it from the first time he found out that his brother was ill, regretting how extreme his actions were.

He watched his beloved one go to the crematorium, and finally turned into a handful of ashes... Then he foolishly held the ashes and did not let go, and finally had no choice but to put them on the ground, under the inscription...

It was raining heavily... In front of Xiao Yiming's inscription stood two people, a man and a woman... a man who loved her, a woman he loved deeply.

Qin Shuhao looked sideways at Su Xiaojin who was holding an umbrella, and there was an inexplicable anger in his heart: "This is the end, why do you come here and look at him in a false way? He used his life to fulfill you and Gu Nanting, why are you at odds?" The man you love is going to love me together? Why do you want to be an eyesore in front of him? "

Su Xiaojin came back to her senses slightly, no matter how ugly Qin Shuhao said, she was indifferent, and finally just muttered to herself: "I should want to listen to this song, we are also 21 songs that we have hummed..."

Then, Su Xiaojin took out the Yun Xiao Yiming gave her from her pocket, put down her umbrella, and prepared to play.Qin Shuhao took the umbrella and opened it for her. By the way, he said, "You don't need to thank me. I did this for my senior brother... If anything happens to you, I will let him down."

Su Xiaojin nodded, heartily playing the ballad that she had hummed no less than a hundred times, closing her eyes, she remembered everything that happened at that time... it was vivid in her mind.

The melodious sound of falling was accompanied by sadness, and finally it was deposited on this cemetery, together with the new heavy rain... Xiao Yiming, will never come back again...

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