After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 33: The Shocking Discovery

When returning home from work, Gu Nanting has already prepared dinner.

"Are you back? Why are you studying at school so late every day?" Seeing Su Xiaojin coming back, Gu Nanting gave Su Xiaojin some hot soup in the kitchen.

Su Xiaojin put down her things and sat down. "Gu Nanting, do you have nothing to do? Check out your company if you have nothing to do. Don't spend time speculating on me."

After taking a sip of the soup, Su Xiaojin thought it tasted good.Gu Nanting didn't go back and took out a piece of dessert from the refrigerator. "I passed by the izakaya after get off work, and I brought back some desserts. Do you want to eat some?"

Su Xiaojin was not polite with Gu Nanting. Su Xiaojin discovered one thing. Recently, Gu Nanting's aura has calmed down a lot. Instead of being close to strangers, he should not bother me, and his temper seems to have improved a lot.

"This dessert is cooler, so eat less at night."

Su Xiaojin nodded, and put the last bite into her mouth.

"By the way, did you guys have a defense meeting for an entrepreneurial competition recently?" Gu Nanting propped his head on one hand and watched Su Xiaojin eat.

Su Xiaojin nodded and replied, "Well, how do you know?"

"Meng Ning came to me in the afternoon and told me to spare time to read her defense." Gu Nanting looked at Su Xiaojin while talking, Su Xiaojin only frowned slightly upon hearing this.

Gu Nanting can naturally feel some unhappiness between Su Mengning and Su Xiaojin. "Actually, it's nothing. We grew up together. I just regard her as my younger sister."

Su Xiaojin put down her chopsticks, unable to eat for some reason. "Okay, let's go."

It's better to go and see how Mi's sister Su Mengning makes a fool of herself!Su Xiaojin didn't say the second half of the sentence, but responded straightforwardly, and then looked at Gu Nanting with a smirk.

As for what Gu Nanting said just now, it was either a scumbag or a straight man with no IQ. Su Xiaojin didn't want to worry too much about it. It would be impossible to watch a good show with fewer people, and Su Mengning had to bring more people.

Gu Nanting had some doubts about Su Xiaojin's answer.Shouldn't this woman be jealous? Shouldn't she be playing tricks again?Gu Nanting tried deliberately, but failed.

Su Xiaojin went to the bathroom to wash up, and Gu Nanting reluctantly took care of the kitchen.The last time I went to an izakaya, I felt that Su Xiaojin was very interested in the dishes in it, and this time I forwarded the text to Su Xiaojin to bring back some.

Originally, he wanted to make Su Xiaojin jealous by taking advantage of Su Mengning's affairs, but Su Xiaojin didn't seem to like this. Gu Nanting felt a little unhappy when he thought of Su Xiaojin's indifferent look.

Su Xiaojin returned to the room and sent a message to Mia: "The show is coming, and Gu Nanting is going too. I guess Meng Kezhen and Su Guoan will also go back to join in the show. After all, it is Su Mengning's first time participating in the defense."

Mia expressed some surprise. "There are so many people, it seems that Su Mengning has to be famous."

Su Xiaojin chatted with Mia for a while, opened the post bar casually, and saw a post from the person who occupied her post last time.

"Specially mention childhood sweethearts in front of my girlfriend, what should I do if my girlfriend doesn't respond?"

Su Xiaojin laughed for a long time after reading the post, and then left a message on that person's post and prepared to make a long speech: Brother, don't worry, I guess your girlfriend has taken a fancy to another man or your childhood sweetheart, you need to do well Prepare to be dumped, please bring your own tissues.

In the guest room, someone's cell phone vibrated. He clicked on it and saw that someone had replied to the post. Gu Nanting, who had read the comments on the post, looked pensive.

He thought about why Su Mengning framed Su Xiaojin for stealing jade, why Su Mengning kept accusing Su Xiaojin of being a man behind her back at the engagement banquet, why Su Mengning always targeted her intentionally or unintentionally in front of Su Xiaojin...

Is it to get Su Xiaojin's attention?
Is it...

After careful analysis, Gu Nanting got a shocking answer, Su Mengning is interested in Su Xiaojin?

That night, Gu Nanting couldn't sleep because of Su Xiaojin's reply.

The mastermind, Su Xiaojin, had a good night's sleep and slept very comfortably.

Another week has passed. In addition to intense study, the entrepreneurial competition officially started. Both Su Xiaojin and Su Mengning's teams passed the primary selection and entered the defense mode.

In the morning, Su Xiaojin received a call, and someone informed her that she had passed the review, and there was no problem. They had successfully applied for the project, and the seniors had already received the funds and bonuses.

Su Xiaojin refused, and only needed one point. The total bonus is 800 million, and one point is 80.After Su Xiaojin sought the opinions of the cooperation group, she divided the bonus into about 15 yuan per person.

The team members who got the bonus were a little embarrassed.

"This is the hard work of you and the seniors. We only helped out during the review." A member said.

"Yeah, it feels like getting a bonus like this..."

Mia patted the team member, and said with a smile: "Xiaojin's doing so is very reasonable, everyone should not refuse, besides, if we can still get the ranking in the entrepreneurship competition, there will be a bonus, said It’s not good that there are companies coming to buy our plans.”

Su Xiaojin thought to herself, the one who knows me is none other than Mia. "Mia is right. Although you only came here after the review, it would be very difficult for us to win this without your revisions to improve the calculation feasibility, market research, simulation software and so on. And these things you are willing to risk Risk plays with me."

Everyone exchanged a few polite words and said nothing.Su Xiaojin transferred half of the money in the account to Aunt Meng, so that she and her mother could live more comfortably, some was given to the orphanage to buy books for the children, and Su Xiaojin saved the other for emergencies.

The defense of the Entrepreneurship Competition was held in the school's gymnasium. There were many people who came, including leaders from the school, judges, some business managers from outside the school, and investors. In short, the scale was very large, which was exactly what Su Xiaojin wanted.

"Are you nervous, Xiaojin?" Mia looked at so many people in the stands, and was a little nervous, but considering that Su Xiaojin was going to defend on stage, she didn't dare to express her worries.

Su Xiaojin let out a long breath, a little nervous, but she was sure of winning. "No problem, just watch my wonderful performance."

This entrepreneurship defense is participated by two groups. The jury will ask questions to the interested groups, answer and guide them on the spot.

Su Xiaojin looked at the people in the field and found that Gu Nanting was with Su Mengning's family. Su Mengning held Gu Nanting's arm and talked to Gu Nanting with a happy smile.

It didn't take much thinking to know what Su Mengning was up to, and looking at the smiles on that woman Meng Kezhen's face, she probably wanted to regard Gu Nanting as her son-in-law for a long time.

Su Xiaojin was inexplicably irritable, she could see the smile on Gu Nanting's face, and sure enough... These days Gu Nanting just found a way to play tricks with her.

Mia also saw Gu Nanting over there.Gu Nanting didn't notice Su Xiaojin at this end.Mia patted Su Xiaojin on the shoulder and said, "Xiaojin, it's okay, Gu Nanting will still be yours sooner or later."

Su Xiaojin nodded, took back her wild thoughts and thought about how to act with Su Mengning later.

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