After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 323: Desire is as important as her

"Ma'am, what are you talking about? You are right in front of me! You said you like European aristocratic-style cruise ships, so I put all my energy into building them... Now I am taking you around the sea World, why are you still angry?"

Afterwards, in order to restore the same affectionate appearance as before... It was as if he had never heard what Su Xiaojin said.

Since Su Xiaojin got on the cruise ship, she also read all the information on Vervel... It is said that he had a wife back then, and both of them were engaged and were about to get married soon, but an accident happened.Verve loved his wife deeply, and never accepted the truth of his wife's death...and Kevin, as an adopted son, always believed that his mother hadn't died.

Although there was deep affection in Fan Erwei's smile, one could see traces of pity and helplessness after looking at it for a long time.He was weaving a lie for himself... a lie about taking the unknown woman in front of him as his wife.

"Would you rather live in the horror of lies than accept the cruelty of reality? I thought that a person who wanted to win the wind and cloud on the European plate would be so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be just a person living in lies You're just a coward." Su Xiaojin said while observing Fanerwei's entire mental state and performance.

She believed that what she said could hit Vervet's entire mental state and bring him to the brink of a nervous breakdown, but this kind of attempt might be very dangerous for a person who has been in a trance... If Vervet is not difficult If you control your emotions well, Su Xiaojin is likely to be strangled to death by him.

" must be lying to me. Are you angry because of that Mr. Gu?" Verwy's mental state was a little crazy, not like the usual gentlemanly style.

Su Xiaojin made the right bet, but she didn't dare to go any further. She was really afraid of Fanerwei's runaway.

So Su Xiaojin put on a gentle look, she stretched out her hand in front of Fan Erwei with some difficulty, and gently stroked his cheek. "Okay, I won't talk anymore...I want to hear our previous stories, sir, would you like to tell me?"

Su Xiaojin can't bring Fanerwei to the brink of collapse so quickly, all she can do now is to delay the time and wait for Gu Nanting to come over. "I remember that we had many happy and beautiful things when we were together... Would you like to tell me about it?"

Hearing this, Fan Erwei's mood eased a little, his face still had that affectionate look on his face. "If Madam wants to hear, then I will tell Madam... When we two met on the shore of Lake Baikal, it was because of a piano piece by Chopin..."

The story is divided into two parts... Kevin used a smoke bomb, and after escaping, he didn't return to Vervet's side immediately. He went to another mysterious room.

Stepping back to open the door, Kevin looked at the lazy man sitting there with an unkind expression. "You didn't seem to say hello to the two of us when you boarded my father's cruise ship, you uninvited guy!" He was still a little angry as he spoke.

Mr. M lit a cigarette, took two puffs gently, and then shifted his gaze to Kevin's face. "I just came here to remind you, don't forget, what you signed with him is just a contract relationship... You are not what he looks like, but a demon. Look at his current appearance, it's all thanks to you! "

Hearing that, Kevin was a little unhappy. "We are just our own masters. The person who signed the contract with you back then, the purpose of the person who signed the contract with me was to get his wife back... I just used some other means, and I also Not as powerful as you."

Kevin and Mr. M belong to the same kind of demons. They sign contracts with people, collect people's most precious things as a price, and realize people's greed, desire or obsession.

"So when a cruise ship travels around the world, there will be a woman disappearing in one place? Don't you feel tired of using your mind to control Vervet so tirelessly? Although the police in various places have not found the missing woman, it doesn't mean that No one else noticed..." Mr. M didn't like the brand of the cigarette very much, so he threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with his shiny leather shoes.

His movements are smooth and smooth, as simple as trampling an ant to death.

"I've always kept this matter very secretive... because the couple who boarded the cruise ship would be obliterated by me without knowing it... and the cruise ship changes places once a week, even if someone traces it, there is no clue at all. I It will walk away cleanly, just like performing magic. But these are all things I have to do, what does it have to do with you?" Kevin has always had a bad attitude when facing people who are not kind to people, and he maintains 100% vigilance.

He didn't know that the lifespan of the demon in front of him was running out... He only knew that Mr. M's strength was far beyond his imagination. "You didn't deal with your own contract master's wishes, but came to me instead, don't you seem a little panicked?"

Mr. M laughed loudly when he heard this, and that laughter sounded so terrifying in detail. "My progress seems to be much faster than a certain headless fly... I don't care what you do, but you have met someone who shouldn't be touched..."

Kevin raised his eyebrows... "You mean Mrs. Gu? No wonder I always thought the scent mark on his body was very familiar, but I didn't expect it to be left by you! Why didn't I know that fans still have such a habit..." There was only a trace of teasing and provocation in the words.

Faced with such a situation, Mr. M was not angry, but continued to smile: "This is my personal matter, just like what you said just now, you have no right to control me. But if you put your mind on Su Xiaojin, Then I will accompany you to the end, and I don't mind dying with you or your contract master! Anyway, my task has been completed..."

He said these words with a smile, his tone was so gentle, but it revealed an unprecedented terrifying aura.

Kevin trembled all over after hearing this, pretending to be calm. "Hehe, after talking so much, you have spared me a lot... I just want to know why you protect Mrs. Gu. Could it be that you like her?"

There was a smile on the corner of Mr. M's mouth, he took off his mask, and he looked like a meaningless life and death. The smile did not match the image of a devil at all.He opened his mouth and said the most tender words: "Desire is as important as her..."

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