"Then I'll take a shower first..." Since returning to the villa, Su Xiaojin has met Gu Nanting's fiery eyes, and it happened to be a day of playing today, so she found an excuse to disappear from Gu Nanting's sight for a while.

Gu Nanting nodded, and then he came to the kitchen alone, planning to make some soup as a supper for Su Xiaojin to eat.

When Su Xiaojin came out of the bathroom, she was wearing a bath towel, and her hair was still damp after washing, and there were still a few drops of water falling from her hair.

Gu Nanting happened to come out of the kitchen with soup, and happened to see Su Xiaojin who was always coming out of the bathroom.

It's just that he couldn't take his eyes off at this moment.

The two of them also encountered such a scene when they were living together. At that time, Gu Nanting didn't think much of it. Today, after taking a closer look, he realized how beautiful the woman he loves so much is.

The suet jade-like skin was exposed in his field of vision like this, and those tender white jade feet were not wearing slippers, but stepped on the ground naked.

Under the slender neck is a tight and attractive collarbone. Although Su Xiaojin is wrapped in a bath towel, her figure is faintly visible.

Gu Nanting always thought that he was a person of abstinence, but he didn't expect that after watching this, he would feel a little bit lustful and burn himself with fire.

Just like that, he stayed there for 30 seconds in a daze before he calmed down.

Su Xiaojin still didn't know the current situation: "What are you thinking about there?"

Gu Nanting put the soup on the table, walked quickly to Su Xiaojin's side, hugged her on the sofa, and then flicked his head lightly with his hand, speaking with a hint of embarrassment in his tone. blame. "Why did you walk out barefoot without wearing shoes, do you know that you will catch cold?"

Then, he got up and brought the slippers to Su Xiaojin's side, and then brought the soup over: "Drink some soup, you ate some durians for dinner, and you didn't eat anything else, I'm afraid you will meet in the middle of the night Hungry."

Gu Nanting's Adam's apple twitched slightly, and a terrifying and crazy idea came out of his mind.He wanted to press the person in front of him hard under his body, and looked at the woman's jealous and shy look.

After a while, this terrible thought was dismissed by him again.

After finishing the soup, Su Xiaojin looked at Gu Nanting with a strange look. "What's the matter with you today? It feels like you've been absent-minded since you came back, and now you're still in a trance."

Gu Nanting coughed and put on a cold look. "It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter, and it's annoying to think about it too much."

"Then don't think about it." Su Xiaojin sat on the sofa and watched TV contentedly after drinking the soup.

Gu Nanting sat beside her, holding her hand all the time, rubbing Su Xiaojin's palm and back with his fingers from time to time, this action really made her feel a little itchy.

Suddenly, the man undid the two buttons of the collar.

The keen Su Xiaojin cast a glance and asked, "What are you doing?"

Gu Nanting was angry and funny, and then he left a light kiss on Su Xiaojin's mouth. "I'm going to take a shower, you can watch TV here at ease."

Gu Nanting in the bathroom used cold water to maintain his rationality. He had obviously suppressed this thought, but just sitting next to Su Xiaojin, he couldn't help but arouse this terrible desire again.

Cold water poured from head to toe, Gu Nanting shivered, and suppressed this terrible desire again.

He has never been a man who only cares about physical desires, but today he was aroused by Su Xiaojin's inadvertent actions over and over again. "What a tormenting little goblin, why did I just find out today..."

He muttered to himself, with a mocking smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, but his face was still so happy.

After taking a shower, he found that Su Xiaojin had fallen asleep sitting on the sofa, and someone was repeating the action of a chicken pecking rice, and the smile on President Gu's face became more obvious.

So he hugged the sleeping chick across his waist and walked towards the bedroom.

Carefully put Su Xiaojin on the bed, looking at someone with deep eyes.

Su Xiaojin's skin is particularly good, white, tender and smooth, and it feels soft to the touch.Gu Nanting couldn't help pinching her face and nose with his hands, and then the desire that had been suppressed just now was rekindled.

"What should I do with you?" Gu Nanting originally wanted to taste it lightly, but just kissed Su Xiaojin's lips lightly, but he didn't know how attractive this person on the bed was, so he was out of control.

He tasted the sweetness from Su Xiaojin, and the more he tasted it, the more he wanted to integrate the person in front of him into his bones.

At first, it was just a kiss on the lips, but in the end it developed to kiss Su Xiaojin's forehead, eyes, nose, and then down to the ears, neck and beautiful and attractive collarbone.

He loves everything about this person in front of him, and he can't put it down, so affectionately.

Gu Nanting did not cover Su Xiaojin with a quilt.

Su Xiaojin's bath towel was not very long either, just above her knees.

Gu Nanting sized up Su Xiaojin's whole body, as if he was admiring something that belonged to him.

Then their eyes fell firmly on Su Xiaojin's lap.

A pair of well-knit hands gently touched Su Xiaojin's leg, and the touch was so hot.

There is a very obvious scar on Su Xiaojin's knee, including near the calf. The scar is quite big and scary, but it is not so scary because of the treatment in the later stage, but there are still faint blackness and suture marks after the operation. .

Gu Nanting clearly remembered that incident, because of his distrust of Su Xiaojin, and because of his ruthlessness, he almost forced the person in front of him to death.He even said... If the person in front of him was not lucky enough to crawl back from the brink of death, he probably would never see Miss Su again in this lifetime.

If he never saw Su Xiaojin for the rest of his life, he would probably go crazy.

Thinking of this, Gu Nan Tinghao left a kiss on Su Xiaojin's scar without hesitation, and the fiery breath hit Su Xiaojin's leg, and the man became more and more obsessed with the person in front of him.

"This kind of thing will never happen again in the future. I will protect you so that you will not be in any danger again. The scar on your leg is also deeply imprinted in my heart. Su Xiaojin... I am willing to use up my strength I will devote my whole life to taking care of you, whether you believe it or not!" Gu Nanting whispered in Su Xiaojin's ear, not knowing how much she listened to.

Gu Nanting then also climbed onto the bed, hugged Su Xiaojin and fell asleep contentedly.As long as Su Xiaojin is unwilling...then he won't touch her, even if his desire burns him!

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