There was a sneer on the corner of Gu Nanting's mouth, he didn't mean to kiss Su Xiaojin forcefully, seeing Su Xiaojin's reaction, he knew he had to let go of Su Xiaojin.

Then those unemotional eyes stared at Miss Su Jin: "As you wish, I will move out tonight."

Turning around after speaking, he went to the room where he lived and packed his things.

Although Gu Nanting often lives here, except for some necessary clothes, there is really nothing extra here.So it's very fast to pack up, about two to three 10 minutes.

However, Gu Nanting packed his things in a leisurely manner...He tidied his clothes abruptly, and after more than an hour, it didn't match the image of the usual vigorous and resolute president at all.

"You don't want to stay here, do you?" The corner of Su Xiaojin's mouth twitched, she was sure that Gu Nanting must have done it on purpose.

It took a long time to tidy up, and it was getting late, so I was too embarrassed to let him go out.But Su Xiaojin still knows about this flamboyance.

She quietly watched Gu Nanting pick up his things, helping him from time to time.Putting the last piece of clothing into the suitcase, Xiao Jin clapped her hands and said, "Okay, now President Gu can get out of me."

Gu Nanting raised his brows with a nonchalant look on his face. He carried the suitcase and asked repeatedly: "I'm really leaving...Are you sure you don't want to stop me?"

Su Xiaojin helped him and pushed him to the door. "Walk slowly and don't see you off... No, it's best not to disturb each other, and we won't see each other again."

After saying these words, she slammed the door shut.

Then Su Xiaojin leaned against the back of the door and slowly sat on the ground.

"Isn't this the result of your wish? Why is my heart still empty after driving him away?" Su Xiaojin muttered to herself, with a wry smile on the corner of her mouth.

Yes, I have got what I wanted, why are you still not happy?

Another sleepless night.

The next day, Su Xiaojin went to work with dark circles under her eyes, and was almost late.

My mother will stay at Gu's house for a while, and Aunt Meng has gone out of town for some business, so she is the only one at home who cooks for herself.

It's okay when Gu Nanting is around, because Gu Nanting is a person with a very regular schedule, and he will definitely get up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for her to eat.

Now this person in her life has disappeared... She has to rely on herself even if she doesn't adapt to life.She got up very late this morning, so she packed up and went out. She rushed to the company without breakfast.

It's just that he was just unlucky... Gu Nanting, a big CEO, actually caught late at the door today!
When Su Xiaojin entered the door and swiped her card, she breathed a sigh of relief, but was suddenly stared at by others.

"You were almost late today. The company's style is to go to bed early and get up early. It's best to come to the company early. Oh? You can pay the fine this time in 30 seconds. If you are late for five times, your salary for this month will be gone. " President Gu said, with a faint smile when he said this, as if he knew that Su Xiaojin would be late for work today.

Su Xiaojin glared at him, and said angrily: "That may disappoint a certain president, and this kind of thing won't happen a second time."

Saying that, Su Xiaojin hurried to the executive's office.

Colleagues have already sat there early and started to prepare the materials and documents to be viewed today.She saw Su Xiaojin greeted warmly. "Su Xiaojin, good morning! I don't know why the CEO went crazy today, arresting someone at the door, you didn't get caught by him, did you?"

Su Xiaojin shook her head, and quickly started to tidy up the things on her desk.

At this moment, she has no idea that a post written by the colleague beside her yesterday has been reposted on the company's post bar. The comments are crazy, and it is considered a popular post bar in the company.

After about half an hour, a curious and gossiping colleague approached Su Xiaojin, her voice was not loud, and she was still looking around, as if this matter would be known to others. "Hey, Xiaojin... Let me ask you something. Did you really break up with the president? What is the reason? I heard that you two are brother and sister."

Su Xiaojin just glanced at her colleague. Since the two of them broke up, she didn't want to discuss some things anymore. She had nothing to do with Gu Nanting.It's related... She won't admit it either.

"This matter, where did you hear the rumors? It's just rumors. Do we need another reason to break up? Everyone is just looking for a moment of novelty, just playing casually. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with this matter. It’s so gossip.”

Su Xiaojin packed up the materials and was not talking to her colleagues.

In fact, she mainly avoided a series of things about Gu Nanting... It seemed that as long as these three words never appeared in her life, she could forget about him completely.

The colleague saw that Su Xiaojin didn't want to talk, so he didn't continue to ask. He just waited to gossip with Su Xiaojin when he had time in the afternoon. After all, everyone wanted to see this post updated.

As the author of this post, she has a duty-bound responsibility and mission.

In the afternoon, the colleague continued to look around and wanted to ask Su Xiaojin about something.

Fortunately, Su Xiaojing is in a better mood recently. Even if the people around her are not talking non-stop, Barabara, she still chats patiently.

She answered some questions directly, while she chose to ignore some questions directly.

"Last question... I heard that you two are living together? Is it true? After breaking up, do you still live together?" The colleague who was addicted to gossip did not notice that there was a gloomy and cold person standing at the door of the office, using Death looked at him.

Su Xiaojin looked up and suddenly saw the person at the office door coughing slightly.However, my colleagues didn't notice at all that the air atmosphere in the office had become very delicate at this time.

"I pay you wages to let you come here and work hard, not to discuss gossip here. I said who made the anonymous post on the company's post bar. It seems that I have found the source of the problem, hmph! If you want to say one more thing, do you want to get out of this office, or do you want to get out of our company... huh?"

A familiar and oppressive voice resounded throughout the office.The colleague raised his head tremblingly and suddenly saw the eyes of the death ray. "Hello, President... Hehe... What are you talking about? I don't know at all."

Gu Nanting folded his hands on his chest, and was lazily at the door of the office, the murderous look in his eyes subsided a little, and a picture appeared on his thin lips: "Get lost!"

The colleague was holding the document tremblingly, as if his feet had been oiled. "Okay, I'm leaving now."

Then he disappeared from the president's sight in a flash.

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