When the appointed time came, Su Xiaojin had already started choosing clothes in the morning.Gu Nanting put the breakfast on the table: "Who are you going to meet? Choose clothes so carefully?"

Su Xiaojin gave him a blank look: "I'm going to see my lover, okay. Don't you have something to talk to him about knowingly?"

Su Xiaojin ignored him and continued to dress herself up.

After the two of them packed up, they went to the agreed place.

On the other side, Xiao Yiming is also in a better mood at home these two days, and his complexion has also improved a little.

When his parents asked him what he said, he said that he had been ill recently, so his complexion was not very good and he lost weight.

He dare not talk about some topics in front of his parents.

Qin Shuhao has been very good these two days, and even left a very good impression on Xiao Yiming's parents.

When they went out, the two went to a bridal shop.Xiao Yiming said to the clerk, "Help me paint a makeup that looks better in spirit and complexion."

The clerk looked at Xiao Yiming, who had a withered and haggard face, and couldn't help showing a trace of distress in his eyes.

Although his complexion had improved in the past two days, he was fine, and he couldn't see where he was going.In addition, he had been suffering from drug addiction for a while, and later suffered from organ failure.The whole person has lost a lot of weight, and his eyes are a little loose.

To be honest, even the most exquisite makeup could not conceal his haggardness.

Qin Shuhao was upset, and stared at the man who was being dressed up by the makeup artist for a long time and said something. "You'd better not go there. She might feel distressed seeing you like this, and besides, Gu Nanting is also here..."

Before the words were finished, Xiao Yiming interrupted him.He looked at himself in the mirror with his make-up done.His complexion has indeed improved a lot, and he doesn't look haggard. "The reason why I have to marry is not clear, but this seems to be the last time I saw her. The next time we meet should be my funeral."

After he finished speaking, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but what was reflected in that smile was not sunshine, but heartbreaking sadness.

Qin Shuhao just couldn't understand his appearance, and he was a little angry. "Why do you always talk about whether you are dead or not? I let you receive treatment. You still have the hope of living for a few years. Why did you give up on yourself so early? I did this for your own good, you But never listen to my advice."

"Are you doing this for my own good?" Xiao Yiming asked back with a smile, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes. "I never blamed you why you gave me that injection. It happened, what else do you want from me? I just muddle through and let nature take its course, but my life is in my hands. I have already I bought it, can't I get rid of it?"

It seems that since he knew what disease he had, he has been restless in his heart, and he will often reveal his emotions, especially his irritability.

This is probably my intuition and omen before my death.

Xiao Yiming also got a little angry while talking. "What did you tell me before, you don't ask me about anything I do, but now, you have to take care of things. Who do you think you are to me? What qualifications do you have to comment on what I do? I don't welcome you here, you can leave at any time."

In fact, Xiao Yiming was not very angry with Qin Shuhao, and he probably didn't want him to follow him all the time, and then see his final appearance.

After waiting, who doesn't feel sad looking at his appearance?So now he has a bad temper so that he can drive away all the people around him who care about him, and wait until the time comes.Death has to be borne by one person and faced by one person.

Qin Shuhao was originally a person with a relatively hot temper, but since his senior brother fell ill, he has restrained his emotions to the extreme.Seeing his senior brother lose his temper now, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't do anything to this person in front of him.

He still swallowed a sigh of relief, waiting for his senior brother to come out of the bridal shop with makeup.

The two didn't speak, just looked at each other, then got into the car and went to the agreed place.

At twelve noon, Xiao Yiming arrived at the designated private room.

When he raised his eyes, he saw Su Xiaojin who hadn't seen him for a long time. There was a complex emotion in his eyes, which was deeply buried in his heart.

He hasn't spoken yet.Su Xiaojin got up and walked in front of him: "Xiao Yiming, long time no see." Then Su Xiaojin reached out and shook hands with him.

Xiao Yiming had mixed feelings, and finally changed his sentence: "Long time no see."

These four words seem to cover all the emotions and all the things I want to say.

Su Xiaojin looked the person in front of her up and down.The corner of his mouth is still smiling towards the warm sun, as if it has never changed.He even put on makeup today.

Su Xiaojin and Gu Nanting looked at each other again, feeling that these two men were hiding something from him. "How have you been abroad recently? Why do I think you've lost weight?"

Xiao Yiming smiled unnaturally: "No, I think I'm in very good shape recently. Maybe it's because of continuous overtime work abroad, so you can see that I'm a little thin."

"Why do you look at him so carefully? He looks so good, he looks very healthy." Gu Nanting was also afraid that Su Xiaojin would see something, so he hurriedly helped to speak.

In fact, Gu Nanting didn't want Su Xiaojin to be interested in Xiao Yiming.After all, his possessiveness is quite strong. Seeing this scene, he will inevitably feel a little jealous.

He only knew that Xiao Yiming had a drug addiction, so when he was tortured by drug addiction, he didn't know whether people were human or ghosts. Later, Xiao Yiming suffered from organ failure.

It's just that when I saw Xiao Yiming today, there was something wrong with his eyes.Gu Nanting is also a sharp-eyed person, so he naturally noticed something else.

Su Xiaojin did not dispel his doubts because of this, when he was about to speak, Gu Nanting looked at Qin Shuhao and suddenly interrupted. "Who is this? Why did you bring him today?"

Although the two of them knew each other, this was obviously a good way to change the subject.Qin Shuhao, who had been invisible all this time, suddenly became the center of the topic and raised his eyebrows unnaturally.

Xiao Yiming obviously didn't want to introduce this person to Su Xiaojin.Qin Shuhao had no choice but to introduce himself: "Hello, Ms. Su, I am Xiao Yiming's younger brother. I often hear about you from my elder brother. When I saw you today, it turns out that Ms. Su is really different."

Qin Shuhao smiled three-pointedly, looking very friendly.

"Oh~ no wonder you look familiar, then I'm really lucky. I met a big star when I was having dinner here." Su Xiaojin smiled politely. She rarely watched the entertainment circle, but the person in front of her Ren has received too many endorsements recently, so it will inevitably make her look familiar.

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