After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 252: Su Rong regained her memory

When Su Xiaojin came home that day, she found that her mother's mood was not quite right.It has been about a year since my mother's surgery.During this time, she has been working with Gu Nanting in the company to deal with some things.

Probably the sequelae of amnesia have passed, and Su Rong has already remembered most of the things.

Su Rong took a nap, and when she got up, her complexion was not particularly good, and her mouth was tightly pursed.When Aunt Meng came to practice yoga with her, she found out that she was abnormal, so she called Su Xiaojin.

After receiving the call, Su Xiaojin and Gu Nanting returned home immediately.

"Mother, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell or have a headache? Do you want to see a doctor?" Compared with Su Xiaojin, when her mother recovered her memory, she was more concerned about her body. After all, she had been in a vegetable state for so many years. Her body is much smaller than that of ordinary people.

Su Rong shook her head: "It's nothing serious, it's just that I feel a little headache when I think about some more memories. Some scenes are still vivid in my mind, and I can't forget them until now. I suddenly found that it's good to forget this memory."

Su Rong said with emotion that if she really had the chance to do it all over again, she would rather lose her memory and never have to recall that sad and painful memory again.

"Xiao Jin, maybe I should tell you the information about your father. In this way, your life experience will be clear. I wonder if you have heard of the Fu family?" Su Rong's face became serious.

"The Fu family?" Su Xiaojin frowned. She remembered that the Fu family was the largest imperial family back then, and after the Jiang family was destroyed, they kindly took in Jiang Mingyou from the Jiang family as an adopted son. "What does my background have to do with the Fu family?"

"Fu Dongsheng is the second child in the Fu family. He is your father and my husband. So you are actually a child of a big family. Although the Fu family fell into decline in the end, you cannot deny your background."

Su Rong looked at Su Xiaojin with guilt in her eyes.Although Su Xiaojin's appearance is not particularly outstanding, there is still the shadow of Fu Dongcheng between her eyebrows and eyes. "If I had remembered your identity earlier that day, maybe that person from the Su family wouldn't have succeeded in his plot, and you wouldn't have canceled your engagement with Gu Nanting."

Every time Su Rong thinks about this matter, there is a deep self-blame on Su Rong's face. "Xiao Jin, in fact, your parents are also to blame for what happened back then. We were unable to protect you well, and in the end we had to let you go to the orphanage by yourself. You have to bear such a lot of pressure."

Su Rong's guilt was relatively superficial when she didn't remember the memory, but since she used the memory to flash it, she found that she really owed Su Xiaojin a lot.

Su Xiaojin was a little surprised when she heard about Fu Dongcheng. "You mean I'm a child of the Fu family? So the Jiang family has been staring at me in the later period, because of my background?"

And Mr. M also paid attention to her, or because of her identity?If so, it seems that everything can be explained.

The Fu family had feuds with Mr. M and the Jiang family, so these two people joined forces to deal with the Fu family. It was so, and it is still the same now.

"Then why did that car accident happen back then?" When Su Xiaojin and the others investigated the background and the car accident, all the key clues disappeared in the end.So in the end, he had to return to Su Rong, and Su Rong himself lost his memory, so the gentleman and the car accident had no way of knowing.

Now that she has recovered her memory, what happened back then can finally be revealed. "It's a long story, and I'll start with the Jiang family being exterminated. But I'll make a long story short."

Su Xiaojin nodded.

Back then, the Fu family was an imperial family, and the Fu family's company also had influence all over the country.Mentioning the Fu family is like telling a classic and glorious history. Everyone knows something about this family.

At that time, the Jiang family was also a well-known family. Although their influence and reputation were not as strong as those of the Fu family, they still had certain competitiveness and influence in the country.There was an organized meeting for the top ten listed companies that year.

Some things, involving areas, including business, will be arranged through meetings.The Jiang family's position in the meeting was unshakable, even surpassing the Fu family.

The Fu family was originally a Buddhist family, and the Jiang family was very fair and just when handling matters at the meeting, so they would not say anything else.

One day, a conflict occurred among the top ten listed companies.The main reason is that they got a hand-painted geological deep exploration map.Several important punctuation points drawn on this exploration map cover rich iron ore, gold ore, oil ore and other substances.

If you can find a place where these signs are drawn, it will be a huge income for the various families.

It's just that the source of this map is not right, and everyone didn't really believe it, so they sent a few people out to investigate.After returning a few months later, several people said the investigation was true.

Then the top ten families held a meeting overnight.

"It is well known that the fields of oil and iron ore are not accessible to our major enterprises, but state-owned enterprises and assets of the state. If we rashly exploit and utilize these resources, we can be convicted in law. "This is the point of view of the Fu family and the vast majority.

But the Jiang family didn’t think so back then: “There are also some options for cooperation between private companies and state-owned companies in China. Mining stone ore and iron ore for the country will also get a lot of money. We might as well try it. Moreover, we discovered these places in the first place, and everyone understands this principle.”

The point of view of the Jiang family is to take this resource as their own and their own, which is somewhat contrary to the views of other families.

"Besides, the origin of this blueprint is unknown, and no one will know that it is ours who got this blueprint." The Jiang family vowed, and he said a lot of benefits afterwards, which made some families start to move around.

The person in charge of the Fu family looked at the person in front of him with a serious expression. "Have you ever thought that this blueprint should have been accidentally missed by the country's investigators. Although it hasn't been tracked down for a while, some notices and the like will definitely be issued later. We should return the blueprint as soon as possible. Give it to others, instead of considering interests here."

When this topic was mentioned, the other families were silent.

Only the Jiang family continued to argue. "It's good that they drew up this blueprint, but we also sent relevant personnel to investigate in a time-consuming and laborious manner, and only then did we confirm the true existence and exact location of these oil and gold mines. And those places are not divided into the national commons In terms of the copyright of the land, we have the right to take action on these resources."

The Jiang family confronted the Fu family, sparks flew everywhere.

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