The two of them walked all the way to the side of the hospital. Su Xiaojin was a little distracted and didn't see that Gu Nanting had stopped. Instead, she bumped into Gu Nanting and felt a sharp pain in her nose.

"Ah!" Su Xiaojin covered her nose, she could feel the soreness spreading from the tip of her nose, this feeling was really uncomfortable. "Stop it, why didn't you tell me?"

Gu Nanting squinted his eyes, and there was a little light in his eyes.Then he looked at Su Xiaojin like a prey.

Before someone could react, she was already pressed against the wall by the person in front of her.Next to Su Xiaojin's ear was someone's fiery breath and tone. "Today you had a great chat with the attending doctor and his son."

Su Xiaojin did not expect that she would be squatted in the corridor of the hospital.When she heard Gu Nanting say this, she seemed to smell a deep sense of jealousy.Seeing someone's serious face, Su Xiaojin burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing, I'm telling you something serious." Gu Nanting's face became a little more angry.

Su Xiaojin blinked: "You are not jealous, are you?"

After getting along during this period of time, she really rarely saw Gu Nanting jealous, what she didn't expect was that Gu Nanting's jealous appearance was so childish. "You must be jealous, but there is nothing between me and Uncle Mu, and nothing between Mu Cheng."

She hoped that this explanation could calm Gu Nanting's restless mood.

There was an undisguised smile in someone's eyes, but there was still an ugly expression on his face. "Yeah, I'm jealous, so how should you coax me?"

Su Xiaojin looked at someone with an expectant look on her face, so she kissed Gu Nanting's forehead like a superficial kiss. "This is a hospital, you should pay attention to your image as the president."

Gu Nanting got a kiss and was quite satisfied in his heart, so he let go of Su Xiaojin: "After your aunt's memory recovers, your life experience will probably be clear, and you can be a tool. At that time, no one in the Gu family will say that you are Wild child of unknown origin."

"Then if, let me say, if I'm really an ordinary girl, or as Su Mengning originally said, I'm the daughter of a loan shark. What will happen to you?"

The more it came to the moment when Su Tong regained his memory, Su Xiaojin's heart would also become panicked.After all, after such a long time, her life experience is finally coming to the surface.Both excited and scared.

"It doesn't matter what your identity is. The person I like is that you won't change my liking for you because of your gender, birth or other reasons." Gu Nanting took Su Xiaojin's hand, and slowly put it on the back of her hand a kiss.


Su Mengning couldn't bear it any longer and went to find Mr. M.

"Didn't you say that you are only abroad? Brother Nanting is temporarily imprisoned for a period of time? Why is his life in danger?" Su Mengning didn't know where she heard about the hobby game played by Mr. M at that time, and Gu Nanting was hit by it. Fired a bullet, almost killed.

In the past six months, the Su family has not only sold Paradise Fruit, but also accepted other businesses.As one of the top ten listed companies.The Su family seems to have great potential, and it is also a company that has attracted the attention of other business circles.

Therefore, Su Mengning seems to have forgotten who is responsible for the prosperity of this company and the Su family.

Mr. M was in a very good mood today, drinking coffee beside him.After hearing a commotion, I saw Su Mengning coming over with a bad face. "Didn't you promise that I would not put Gu Nanting in any danger? But what did you do to him?"

Su Mengning knew that the man in front of her was very powerful, but she still couldn't get over her anger.

Mr. M's afternoon tea time was disturbed like this, so he was naturally not in a good mood.There was a kind of forbearance and anger looming on his face.But he was able to speak patiently to the little girl in front of him.

"He asked someone to destroy so much of my power, can I not be angry? And I promised you that you would not let him be in any danger, but on the premise that he doesn't move and I don't provoke me, since he provokes If he killed me, then he should be able to bear this responsibility. Besides, although he has experienced a narrow escape, isn’t he still standing here properly?”

Mr. M is actually very dissatisfied with Gu Nanting's current result.He put five bullets in that revolver.Only one shot hit Gu Nanting, and it didn't hit the heart.

What's more, there was a brat by his side who dared to save Gu Nanting away under his nose.Fortunately, that kid was quite sensible in the end, and helped him start monitoring Gu Nanting, and revealed some of Gu Nanting's actions to Mr. M little by little.

However, Mr. M still disdains to know some movement of the toys in his hand. It would be boring if he knew, so even if someone came to report, he would not listen to anything.What satisfies him is the attitude of that brat to him now.

Su Mengning was speechless by Mr. M's words, stomped her feet, and looked at him with gritted teeth.

Suddenly, Mr. M stood up.In just a moment, he got close to Su Mengning and grabbed her neck.Su Mengning felt a burst of suffocation and began to struggle involuntarily.

"Remember your identity, don't negotiate terms with me. As for Gu Nanting, it all depends on my mood. You just need to do your job well. Next time, you will break into my room like this again. Come to disturb me and afternoon tea, you will not be so lucky." Mr. M said calmly, and threw Su Mengning out very rudely after speaking.

Su Mengning coughed violently, breathing the air. "What about Su Xiaojin? Originally, taking advantage of Brother Nan Ting's absence, you can get rid of her if necessary. Why do you want to keep her alive, just let her be kicked out of the Gu family."

Mr. M glanced away, and Su Mengning trembled all over: "I said that I don't like chess pieces that don't obey my orders. You just have to follow my orders. Now is not the time to move Su Xiaojin."

Su Mengning received the warning, clenched her fists, and put all the hatred on Su Xiaojin's head.She held back her emotions and asked, "Then what should we do next?"

Mr. M said two words lightly: "Wait."

He counted the time, and guessed that Su Rong would soon recover his memory, and the truth of what happened back then would still come to light.It's just that from Su Rong's point of view, I don't know what to say.

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