After going through two airports, Gu Nanting finally returned to China at two o'clock in the morning.He couldn't wait to get in the car to go home.

After more than three months, he finally ran back from supervision.

This feeling of stepping on a familiar land and a familiar environment brought him back to life.

After coming to City A, he didn't go directly to Gu's family.Instead, I went to the hut where I lived with Su Xiaojin for a long time.He knew that three months had passed, and Su Xiaojin should have graduated. At this moment, it should be his company internship.

And at night, Su Xiaojin will definitely return to this room.But the moment when he pushed open the door expecting a surprise.He suddenly found that there was no one in the room, not only that, but also all Su Xiaojin's daily necessities disappeared.

Then he took his mobile phone and made that call.The opposite shows Hello, your call is busy and cannot be connected temporarily.

She might be busy, put the phone aside, so she didn't hear the call.Gu Nanting laughed at himself, for a moment, his expectations and excitement were all in vain.

He originally thought that the person who appeared in memory and in front of the door would smile at him, but when he opened the door, he found that no one was with him.

Su Xiaojin left?He didn't know what happened or why the man left without saying goodbye.

Then he called his secretary like crazy.Then call Gu Yuming.All the replies were Su Xiaojin's address, which they didn't know.As if it was negotiated.

"Three months is not long or short, but it is enough to make you disappear from my sight without a trace." Gu Nanting slumped on the sofa. He originally wanted to rush to the company, but On second thought, he should clean himself up.

Whether it was the cold time in the hospital, or the time spent at the airport.He doesn't have much time to take care of himself, and he came back today, so let's take care of himself.

The next morning, Gu Nanting was expressionless and arrived at Gu's house in a black suit.

He has been on sale for more than three months, and all the rumors of the Gu family have been spread. Some people say that he is dead, some people say that he is crazy, and some even say that Gu Nanting was retaliated by others.

Then the moment he returned to Gu's house, everyone had different expressions in their eyes.

Song Weiwei didn't know, she saw Gu Nanting burst into tears: "Ting, where have you been recently, but grandma is worried."

He Yu was crying beside her grandma: "Didn't you agree to go on a business trip for a while? Why can't my family answer the phone calls? I thought something really happened to you, but they spread all kinds of rumors. I If you don’t believe me, I just hope you can return safely.”

After speaking, she took out her handkerchief and silently wiped her tears.

Gu Nanting called his mother and grandma, and then hugged them tightly: "I made you two worry that something happened to me when I went abroad, so it has been delayed for a long time. But don't worry, I am not in any danger. Instead, it's safe."

"Why don't you listen to grandma, just want to fight with others? If you don't do it, they won't trouble you abroad. If you really have any troubles, how can I explain to your grandfather and your father? ?”

After not seeing each other for several months, Song Weiwei looked even older.She has been in other places for the past few months, that is, she just came back recently, and then she heard the news that Su Xiaojin had canceled her engagement.At first she didn't believe it, but the family kept saying that Su Xiaojin canceled it on her own initiative, and she didn't ask any other reasons.I haven't seen where Su Xiaojin has been recently.

Not long after the news, she heard that Gu Nanting had been away on a business trip for more than three months, and she hadn't sent a single message back, and even when she called, it showed that she was not in the service area, which made her very worried.

Especially when grandma went to the company to check a certain recent contract.That worried heart has not let go, until now seeing Gu Nanting standing here intact.

"Since the Jiang family has already taken action against the person I care about, why should I wait for him in a corner? I am not afraid of their influence abroad. The Gu family is not a family that only bullies the weak and fears the hard. Grandma, it is completely reasonable for me to do this My own reasons."

Gu Nanting looked at Song Weiwei with firm eyes. Song Weiwei was very supportive of all his actions, but was worried that some actions would anger the Jiang family and bring him life-threatening.Seeing his firm eyes, Song Weiwei had no choice but to compromise.

"Nan Ting, you'd better be careful, my grandma and I are old, if you have an accident, I really have no face to face your father." He Yu looked at Gu Nanting with concern.

She knew she could do nothing but support him silently.

Gu Nanting nodded: "Don't worry, it's all in my hands. Things like this won't happen in the future."

He talked with his grandma and mother for a while, and when he was about to leave, he happened to see Su Mengning walking in, and he frowned slightly.

Why did Su Mengning come to the Gu family?

Seeing Gu Nanting, Su Mengning ran over excitedly and held his hand, then smiled purely: "Brother Nanting, where have you been these days, I miss you so much. I haven't heard from you, I really I'm so worried about you, seeing you come back safely. It's great!"

Gu Nanting was somewhat resistant to Su Mengning, but Su Mengning kept rubbing against him: "Brother Nanting, I heard that you were in danger abroad, and I was so scared that I couldn't sleep at night. I have lost weight recently. It's been a while. Brother Nan Ting, you have to make it up to me."

Gu Nanting shook off Su Mengning, with a cold expression on his face: "Why are you here? Where's Su Xiaojin? Did you do something? Isn't the Gu family not welcoming you?"

Su Mengning curled her lips, a little unhappy: "Brother Nanting, the Gu family doesn't welcome me in! Don't always misunderstand him, okay? Su Xiaojin, that bitch canceled her engagement by herself, what does it have to do with me ? Why do you still favor her now?"

Su Mengning felt aggrieved, and shamelessly rubbed against Gu Nanting.

Gu Nanting stared, as if he could eat him, with a gloomy expression: "What did you say? Su Xiaojin called off the engagement?"

"It was her woman who was greedy for glory and wealth. She heard rumors that you died and immediately wanted to get rid of the relationship with the Gu family. That's why she hurriedly canceled the engagement." Su Mengning's righteous words, as if what she said were all Really the same.

Then, she looked at him pitifully: "Brother Nanting, you don't need that kind of woman."

"Shut up!" Gu Nanting yelled in a low voice, looking at her coldly.

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