After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 224: Su Mengning Electric Chapter

"Speaking of it this way, it seems that the Jiang family's ambitions are very big." Probably after hearing about the content of the devil's agreement, Su Xiaojin also had a guess. "It's no wonder I have to worry about what the Gu family does. People in the Jiang family are always like this. They are so peaceful that they want to extend their minions abroad."

But Gu Nanting didn't think so.

"I heard earlier that the Jiang family and the Qin family had cooperated, so they already had foreign forces before that, and they might also belong to the underworld. The reason why they want to move this agreement is not It's not that I want to expand my minions, but I want to get more benefits through the agreement."

The reason why Gu Nanting said that was partly because he had investigated the Jiang family's power movements.

Moreover, the demon agreement signed back then was actually controlled by several major forces to a certain extent. For other relatively disadvantaged groups, this agreement was definitely an unequal treaty.

Moreover, only one copy of this treaty is the original version, and the others are copies.It is for reference only, only the original version of the treaty has a real distribution function.

It seems that it must be a perfect contract if it can get into the eyes of the Jiang family.

As long as the members of the Jiang family get the treaty and modify the above data, they can get a lot of theory from it, and they may even get more power from abroad.

So they will imprison the members of the Han family, hoping that they can slowly hand over the devil's agreement.

"In this case, your elders and the like are definitely not in danger for the time being. As for whether they hand over the agreement or not, it has nothing to do with me. My task is to bring you two out. As for whether you want to return My original home doesn’t have much to do with me.”

Gu Nanting didn't want to make any extraneous comments about this matter, he brought out Han Xueyi and sister because of the face of Su Xiaojin and Gu Yuming.

It is not a wise choice to reveal your identity and the people of the Jiang family now.So his movements can only stop here, otherwise the Jiang family will notice if the movement is louder.

He is not an indifferent person, but he is also not an enthusiastic person. The most important thing between businessmen is profit.If the Han family can give him some lucrative benefits, he is willing to try this risk.

Han Yu looked at Gu Nanting in a daze: "This matter is our family matter, so we don't need the president to help us. As for whether to hand it over or not, it's the behavior of the old Han family, and it has nothing to do with us. So my attitude Just inaction."

Han Xueyi agrees with Han Yu.In fact, the father of the two of them had already warned them not to interfere in the more important affairs of the Han family.Otherwise they will be dragged down the mire.

"In that case, I'll arrange a place for the two of you, and you can go there to avoid the limelight." Gu Nanting had no comments or opinions on the choice and actions of the pair of brothers and sisters.After all, it didn't happen in their house.

Gu Yuming was still a little worried, and held Han Xueyi's hand tightly. "Call me if you have anything to do, don't use the original phone number, and take my phone away."

"Well, then I'll call you when I get there." Han Xueyi was also reluctant to part.

Gu Nanting took the siblings away.

He doesn't need to take care of the affairs of the Han family, he just needs to protect Su Xiaojin.

But because of this matter, the two of them ignored Su Rong's side.

It was late when the two of them got home.

"Go to bed early." Gu Nanting rubbed Su Xiaojin's head: "You don't need to worry about the rest. When school starts after a while, you should study hard, write your graduation thesis, and come here from time to time My company can do an internship."

Su Xiaojin nodded, but her heart was still a little uneasy. "Although this incident has passed, there are really too many things waiting for us. I am really worried that something different will happen to me in my senior year."

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will be with you." Gu Nanting's voice was gentle and soft.

The two hugged each other and fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, Su Xiaojin was woken up by her own alarm clock.And Gu Nanting had already woken up early in the morning and sat in the living room to process the documents.

Such scenes are not uncommon for her, and she has even gradually gotten used to such a life.

Just when she really thought that the next period of time would be spent very peacefully.Su Xiaojin received a call she didn't want to hear the most.

That call was from Su Mengning. "I don't see Su Xiaojin during Chinese New Year. I really miss you. I really have too many things I want to say to you."

"It's a pity that I don't want to see you at all, and I don't want to talk to you. Why are you calling me?" Su Xiaojin frowned, but she forgot about Su Mengning.

Su Mengning heard Su Xiaojin's indifferent and sarcastic tone.Not only did he fake a smile, he pretended to be a good person while smiling. "By the way, you went to Gu's family during the Chinese New Year. Did I help you take good care of your mother? Now they are doing well with me. "

Su Mengning's voice has a peculiarity, which makes Su Xiaojin feel particularly uncomfortable when she speaks.Especially when Su Mengning harbors evil intentions, nothing good will happen.

In the past two days, Su Xiaojin has been devastated by other things, but she has neglected her mother.No matter whether Su Mengning lied to others with this matter or not, when she mentioned her mother's matter, she still felt nervous: "What do you want to do to them?"

"Not much, I just want you to listen to their voices. Oh, yes, I seem to have heard that Brother Nan Ting has gone on a business trip recently." When Su Mengning said this, the worry in Su Xiaojin's eyes increased a little. point.

What she said was indeed not wrong. During this period of time, Gu Nanting needed to travel abroad for a certain matter.Probably left yesterday morning.

What she didn't expect was that Su Mengning got the news so quickly, but many employees of Gu's company didn't know about it, only some senior leaders knew about it, and she didn't know where she got the news from. "Gu Nanting is indeed on a business trip. If you have anything to say, just say it."

After Su Xiaojin thought about it, she still calmed down her tone.After all, she still needs to keep calm in this matter, and she doesn't know what trick Su Mengning is going to play this time.

"Oh, it seems that you really don't believe that your mother is here with me."

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