After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 197: Being Presented with Roses

Although Gu Nanting's ability is not as good as this, but his tone has arrived first.Su Xiaojin believed in Gu Nanting very much.At least in this respect, Gu Nanting has never been slapped in the face because of his arrogance.

"Don't say something so consummately. Isn't there enough enemies around us now? A Jiang family, a Mr. M, and the Su family, who will drag the oil bottle from time to time. If there is one more enemy, it seems that they Let's play a game of mahjong."

Su Xiaojin spoke in a humorous language, but she also had some worries in her heart. The strength of the Jiang family is the number one in the country. They don't know the specific strength of Mr. M. If Qin Shuhao from a foreign country is added, there will be more people at home and abroad. They've all covered the sky with one hand.

This will greatly hinder the Gu family's future actions.

After all, no matter what circle you are in, what you are most afraid of is being squeezed out, being independent and being suppressed.Although Xiao Yiming can develop some influence by going abroad now, judging from the progress of Xiao Yiming's development of influence, the Gu family is likely to be surrounded to death.

"Then let them play mahjong. I don't believe it anymore. They can really unite as one, and there will be no infighting." Gu Kuanting is naturally worried, but since he has to let go of some things, After that, there will be no more worries.

When one thing comes, one thing is settled.This is the reason why soldiers come to block, and water comes to cover.

There is no retreat now, only forward movement.

Even if there is a dead end in front of them, they have to force their way out.

The two talked for a while and went back to the company. After packing up their things, they hurried back to Su Rong's place.

The new year is over, and everyone is busy preparing for the new year.

Miss Su accompanied the two elders to buy some things here and there, and the three of them were busy going around on New Year's Eve.Post couplets, set off firecrackers, and make dumplings.

Gu Nanting had to come back a little later on New Year's Eve because the company was temporarily busy, so the dinner was left to the three of them.

The atmosphere of New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve in big cities is naturally somewhat different from that in rural areas.Because everyone usually lives above the building and passes the stairs, and the door of the neighbors opposite is not often opened, so there is no such thing as walking through the streets.

In order to set off the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year, the three of them carefully decorated the house.

"Looking at it like this is always more festive, and it's considered a bit of a new year, but now it's almost human." Aunt Meng looked at the fruits of the three people's labor, with a bright smile on her face.

Su Rongchang is a person who likes to be delicate.So her house is generally hung with all kinds of trinkets.

Now they have refurbished all the pendants in the room and made them red, which is considered much more festive.

It snowed on New Year's Eve night, but it didn't affect the behavior of people on the street.On New Year's Eve, some people spend New Year's Eve at home, while others choose to have a carnival with other people on the snack street. The business on the snack street is really booming!
After the three of them packed up their things, they prepared the New Year's Eve dinner.Because it was very early, and Gu Nanting hadn't come back yet, Su Xiaojin felt that since it was the New Year's Eve dinner, they should have a reunion together.

"It's been a long time since I went to this snack street. Let's go out and have fun together while the time is early." Su Xiaojin suggested. When they passed by the snack street in the afternoon, Su Xiaojin's eyes showed longing.

But he is not particularly convenient for her legs and feet now, so he has not said it all the time, and this proposal makes her more excited when she is free at night.

Su Rong and Aunt Meng had already seen Su Xiaojin's thoughts, and nodded in agreement.Light snow fell at night and the temperature dropped slightly, so the three of them went out after they all got dressed.

After walking slowly, I realized that the night view of City A is so good!Maybe it's because New Year's Eve is here, so the bright lights show a more festive feeling.Pedestrians coming and going on the street, especially those parents with children, showed the joy of celebrating the New Year with others.

"Candied haws, candied haws!" As the three of them walked, a long and familiar feeling fell into their arms. Jin Jiang narrowed his sight and slowly lost sight of the man wearing a military cap and padded jacket. , a candied haws seller with a red nose and a heavy glove on his hand.

"How many?" Su Rong also noticed, and asked Aunt Meng.

When the two of them are old, they naturally don't think about eating something like candied haws, so the two of them asked each other, in fact, they were more about asking Su Xiaojin if he would eat it.

The sweet and sour taste in that memory is now engraved in Su Xiaojin's mind again, she nodded. "Then buy a few bunches and take them home to taste. It's almost Chinese New Year, and the people who sell candied haws probably won't be here for a while."

Su Xiaojin said the first half of the sentence to her mother and Aunt Meng, but she seemed to be talking to herself in the second half of the sentence.

The candied haws in front of me are not just candied haws!

"Okay, get your candied haws!" Su Rong bought a few, the man smiled cheerfully and continued to sell things.

City A is a relatively mixed city, so the small ponds here are also varied, and there is no special product to mention.

The three of them stopped and went shopping for more than an hour, but they still haven't finished shopping the snack street. The decorations on the snack street are also so festive.For example, the mask seller is making sugar figures while selling masks.

Unknowingly, the three of them bought a lot of things, but it is very appropriate for the New Year's Eve to be so festive.It's really rare to be so bustling than in a big city like this now!All the festivals have become holidays, and people during the holidays basically stay in their rooms.There really aren't that many interactions like this.

Feeling that the time is almost up, Su Xiaojin plans to go home.The three of them walked to the side of a flower shop.It was so late, but the flower shop was not closed yet, Su Xiaojing stopped, staring at the roses standing outside the shop, stunned for a moment.

"The cut roses are really beautiful." Su Xiaojin looked at the roses at the door in a trance.Perhaps because of the owner's unintentional tail, the shape of the rose at that time was very similar to the shape she vaguely remembered when she was a child.

Suddenly the store door opened, and a man about Su Xiaojin's age walked out of it.It was a woman wearing a black coat, but holding a bouquet of roses in her hand.She and Su Xiaojin met eyes, and Su Xiaojin didn't know what to say to her.

"You are Su Xiaojin. Someone specially left this bouquet of roses for you. He asked me to bring you a word, thanks to your care." The woman delivered the flowers to Su Xiaojin's hands.

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