After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 19: Gu Nanting, are you sick?

Su Xiaojin finished playing the piano just as get out of class was over, she was about to leave but was held by Su Mengning's arm. "Su Xiaojin, how do you know how to play the piano? How do you have so much money to learn the piano?"

Su Mengning stared at Su Xiaojin, she knew that the Su family did not give Su Xiaojin much money. "Could it be that you found a wild man outside and asked for money to learn? Su Xiaojin, you are really shameless."

Shame... Su Xiaojin slapped Su Mengning on the face without saying a word, and Su Mengning looked at Su Xiaojin in disbelief: "Su Xiaojin, you hit me! Did I hit you? Are you guilty? I I know that you are a woman with two feet!"

Su Xiaojin looked at Su Mengning coldly, and smiled with contempt. "Su Mengning, you don't need to worry about the piano I learn in the future, don't keep putting such unnecessary things on me."

"That is, you ruined Xiao Jin's innocence so much at the engagement banquet, and now you say that Xiao Jin is in two boats, Su Mengning, I have tolerated you for a long time."

Mia couldn't see it, and interrupted: "We Xiaojin has a good temper and didn't care about anything with you, but you have gone too far, what's wrong with slapping you?"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Su Xiaojin and walked out of the classroom quickly, leaving Su Mengning with a black face stomping his feet angrily.

The two left the teaching building, and Su Mengning followed them, telling them to stop behind them. "Su Xiaojin!"

Su Xiaojin hadn't walked a few steps when she heard Su Mengning's angry voice, she turned around and said, "Su Mengning, I have a bad temper, I let you in the past, but now if you touch me for one point, I will pay you back three points! "

Su Xiaojin didn't forget that in this life she did it to make it difficult for someone.

Su Mengning was taken aback by Su Xiaojin's words, and after standing in a daze for a long time, she pretended to be crying and called Gu Nanting. "Brother Nanting, take care of your fiancée, she actually bullied me at school, and said that if I touch her in the future, she will pay me back three times..."

That voice made people feel a little worried.After the phone call, Su Mengning's eyes were already red, but a different smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Su Xiaojin, Gu Nanting doesn't love you, so you lost!

After class in the evening, Su Xiaojin and Mia were going to talk about the company where they worked together. Just after leaving the school gate, they saw many girls surrounded by a car.

The car Su Xiaojin knew was Gu Nanting's silver Rolls-Royce Phantom. Su Xiaojin didn't think that Gu Nanting was here to pick her up, so she and Mia prepared to avoid the crowd on their own.

"Brother Nanting, you're here to pick me up! Hey, isn't this my sister? Brother Nanting, please take my sister home along the way."

Coincidentally, Su Mengning yelled not far away, and Su Xiaojin turned her head and smirked professionally. "No!"

After speaking, he looked at Gu Nanting meaningfully.Gu Nanting also noticed Su Xiaojin. He originally looked at Su Mengning with a slight smile on his mouth, but when he turned his head to look at Su Xiaojin, his breath darkened, as if Su Xiaojin owed him.

Su Mengning walked over quickly to hold Gu Nanting's hand, but Gu Nanting took a step back calmly, Su Mengning could only stand by Gu Nanting's side. "Brother Nan Ting...I'm so sad!"

Hearing Su Mengning's voice, Su Xiaojin shivered with goosebumps.

"This woman can really pretend." Mia quietly said to Su Xiaojin.

"Let's go, I don't have anything to do here." Su Xiaojin pulled Mia and continued walking, Mia was confused: "Isn't this your fiance?"

Su Xiaojin patted Mia on the head. "Yes, but there is a vixen with me, there is no place for me here, let's go."

Seeing that Gu Nanting was not so close to Su Mengning, Su Xiaojin guessed that Gu Nanting seemed to have some doubts and suspicions about Su Mengning, very good.This is the effect Su Xiaojin wanted.

"Su Xiaojin, stop!" Gu Nanting's sudden opening really flattered Su Xiaojin.

Su Xiaojin saw Gu Nanting entangled herself coming.An involuntary slap landed on Su Xiaojin's face.Pain, burning pain spread throughout Su Xiaojin's body with suffocating heartache.

Su Xiaojin covered her face, and said loudly with shock in the corner of her eyes: "Gu Nanting, you must be sick!"

Gu Nanting raised his eyebrows, but his expression remained expressionless, and he only said, "Apologize!"

"Apologize? Hahaha, what did I do wrong, do I need to apologize to Su Mengning? You believe Su Mengning's nonsense, but you haven't listened to a word of what I have said so much?"

Su Xiaojin sneered, she was so stupid, she thought that Gu Nanting had a better impression of her, but unexpectedly, Su Mengning... Su Mengning, Gu Nanting's head is full of her!

Very good, this time, Su Xiaojin will not take the initiative to pursue Gu Nanting!

After Su Xiaojin finished speaking, she took Mia and ran away angrily.The two went to the working restaurant, Su Xiaojin was in a bad mood all night, always thinking about something.

The next step can also start, and the entrepreneurial competition in the near future is an opportunity...

Su Xiaojin remembered that Su Mengning also participated, and won the first prize with a program called "All Network Member Access".so…

Su Xiaojin has to act early. Su Xiaojin learned about this project later. The idea is good, but unfortunately there are many flaws. The most important thing is that Su Mengning bought it from someone else, and she discovered it in her previous life.Su Mengning asked her to keep it a secret.

Su Xiaojin, who was silent all night, said to Mia who was going after get off work: "Let's sign up for this entrepreneurial competition. You can find some other people. I have a good project here."

"Ah? Xiaojin, we are only freshmen, will participating in this entrepreneurship competition..." Mia seemed a little embarrassed, and Su Xiaojin didn't force her.

"It's okay, the important thing is to participate, I will take care of it, you remember to recruit more people, especially let Su Mengning know."

Su Xiaojin gave Mia a look, and Mia immediately understood that Su Xiaojin was going to attack Su Mengning. "I know, I will definitely let her know."

After Su Xiaojin said goodbye to Mia, she went back to her house.

The senior of the Membership Link project sold the project to Su Mengning in the last life because something happened to his family and he needed money.

There are still two months before the start-up competition, so it is not a problem to win over this school. As for how to solve the money problem, Su Xiaojin is thinking of a way.

Relying on her memory, she found the senior who came up with this project plan on the school's official website, and added his WeChat and Weibo numbers.

After passing the verification, Su Xiaojin sent a message, "Senior heard that you also participated in the entrepreneurship competition recently, and I want to form a team with you. I have some good ideas to share with the senior."

Su Xiaojin sent some ideas for the project, and the senior replied in seconds: "The idea is very good, and it is similar to what I thought. Let's work together."

Su Xiaojin discussed with the senior for a while, and then sent Mia good night to go to bed.

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