After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 186: Unable to communicate

"Some things only need me to do it. You are responsible to watch me from the side, and I will protect you." Gu Nanting hugged Su Xiaojin from behind.

Su Xiaojin nodded, yes, someone will protect her, but sometimes she needs to do it herself.

She never felt that she was a bully with a good temper. On the contrary, if she was pushed to the extreme, she didn't know what she would do.

As for her bottom line?Probably her friend's mother and the man in front of her.

"By the way, have you ever thought about building a snowman with me?" Su Xiaojin suddenly had a whim, Gu Nanting nodded and looked at her.

"You can go at any time, but this time the snow will be a little light, and it will probably melt soon. I will accompany you until the New Year is over or during the Chinese New Year."

The two watched the snow scene together for a while, and then both went to wash up.

The arrival of the first snow also told Su Xiaojin that the final exam would be coming soon, and the last semester of her junior year would be over.By the time school starts again after the Chinese New Year, she will already be a senior student.

She went to school as usual, but the difference this time is that Su Mengning seems to have dropped out of school.I don't know the reason for the suspension.

This can be regarded as making Su Xiaojin happier.At least she no longer has to see that annoying face in class for a while.

When she came over today, Mia specially bought a hat and put it on herself first, and when Su Xiaojin came over, she put another hat on Su Xiaojin's head.

"For you, hee hee, it's cold, don't you wear a hat?" Mia touched Su Xiaojin's hand after speaking: "And gloves, is he too busy recently? Didn't give any of these things you prepare."

As she said that, Mia was a little angry and puffed up.Relying on Mia's appearance, Su Xiaojin always felt a little cute.It's not that Gu Nanting was unprepared, Su Xiaojin deliberately didn't wear it.

"Is it a woolen hat?" Su Xiaojin touched the hat, and there was a fluffy ball on the top of the hat.Then Su Xiaojin looked at the gloves again, feeling warm in her heart. "Did you weave this yourself?"

Su Xiaojin recognized it at the first glance.Mia was still a little surprised, how could she recognize it all of a sudden? "How did you recognize it? I started preparing these a month ago."

She was still planning to tell Su Xiaojin, but Su Xiaojin guessed the surprise right away.This made her a little disappointed: "I wanted to say this was a surprise, but since you guessed it, then this can't be a surprise!"

Su Xiaojin looked at the person in front of her with a brighter smile: "I'm still very happy and surprised, you made me gloves and hats this year. I remember you gave them to me last year, and I still kept them there , By the way, the reason why I can guess it is not because you make me a set every year."

When Su Xiaojin said this, Mia remembered it.Today, it took a long time for the two of them to enter the school. However, this scene is already very life-like, and the friendship between her and Mia is getting deeper and deeper.

This peaceful time is really worth remembering for Su Xiaojin, and she is afraid that there will be no more such peaceful time in the future.

After the new year, there will be another big disturbance, and I don't know if she and Mia will meet again after graduation and play around like this again.

"By the way, be careful, Su Mengning hasn't come to school recently, have you heard anything about her?" Mia asked lying on the desk.

Su Xiaojin really hasn't inquired about the Su family and Su Mengning recently.She was a little curious, so she asked a question. "What happened to Su Mengning?"

"I heard that she seems to have a good relationship with someone recently, but I heard others discuss that this person seems to be in a smuggling business. And Su's company somehow made it into the top ten. My God, I don't know what this level is. It's not lowered recently."

Every time in economics class, the teacher will list the top ten companies in the country, and then analyze the fluctuations of each company, or the investment projects of some companies. Of course, not all investment projects of companies are public, but Some public data can help them learn economics.

As for why the Su family is among the top ten listed companies, Su Xiaojin knows better than anyone else.

But what surprised Su Xiaojin was that Su Mengning actually made a so-called friend from the underworld, and she didn't know if it was true or not.

On the contrary, you can find out that she is a friend by testing her after the new year... After learning about this, Su Xiaojin sent Gu Nanting a message.

Gu Nanting has been paying close attention to any movement of the Su family during this period of time, after all their next steps are related to his plan.

He hadn't heard of Su Mengning, and he had recently made friends in the underworld.

Then he has to pay attention to this person, maybe he has something to do with the Jiang family or Mr. M.

Su Xiaojin usually goes home late these days. She has to study for a long time in the study room at school, and only goes home after reviewing.

When she came home today, she found that there was no one at home.It's strange, Gu Nanting didn't say that he would work overtime today, Su Xiaojin was still puzzled.

The bodyguard just sent her to the door, but did not open the door for her. Su Xiaojin opened the door for a long time with the key, and when she finally wanted to push the door in, she found that something was wrong.

With some suspicion, Su Xiaojin called Gu Nanting, but the phone on the other end showed that no one was connected, which made Su Xiaojin's heart tighten even more.

The moment she opened the door, she felt that someone had moved in the house. Although the lights were not turned on, she could feel a strange breath.

Out of nervousness, Su Xiaojin called Mia again, but like Gu Nanting, Mia's phone couldn't be connected.

One is coincidence and two are accidental.But Su Xiaojin doesn't believe that there are so many coincidences and accidents in the world, there must be something wrong with today's incident.

So she cautiously entered the door according to the wheelchair, but did not dare to turn on the light.She breathed lightly, and could indeed feel the strange breath in the air.

Could it be that someone knew her address and decided to kidnap her here?Su Xiaojin didn't dare to imagine, and then turned on the flashlight with her mobile phone more cautiously.

The moment she turned on the flashlight, she saw a magnified human face staring straight at her.Su Xiaojin threw the phone away in fright, ready to run away.

That person seemed to have expected that Su Xiaojin would do this, and covered Su Xiaojin's mouth with his hands.Su Xiaojin was intercepted before she could escape, and her mobile phone was calling Gu Nanting...

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