After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 183: Wait for the fish to take the bait

Su Xiaojin nodded.The life she wants is not one person blindly taking, one person blindly giving, but that two people can stand on the same position, then look at each other affectionately, and live life arm in arm, no matter how difficult the road ahead is.

Gu Nanting frowned: "But I won't tell you the details of this matter. It probably means that Mr. M already knew about my actions and decided to start fighting back against me."

Mr. M knows?
When Su Xiaojin helped Gu Nanting deal with the company's contracts and materials some time ago, she already knew that Gu Nanting was secretly moving his hands and feet.No matter for the Jiang family or Mr. M.

However, his actions were very slow, and Mr. M and the Jiang family were able to notice this matter, which shows that these two people are not easy to deal with.

Gu Nanting's hands-on project is actually nothing more than a petty profit in the Jiang family's view.But in the long run, it will indeed put the Jiang family in some danger.

What's more, Gu Nanting received an anonymous email at that time, and three of the four people have recently started to show their hands and feet, only one person's whereabouts are unknown.

Intuition tells Gu Nanting that this matter must not be simple, and it is very likely that he is inextricably linked with Su Xiaojin.

After he realized this, he sent someone to follow up on the Fu family. Maybe this aspect also made Mr. M aware of it.

Although I don't know what happened a few years ago, the attitude of the four of them towards the Fu family seems to have changed subtly.

"So what actions have you taken recently?" Su Xiaojin asked. The reason why Gu Nanting would startle the snake must be because he encountered something that Mr. M cares about.

Gu Nanting narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "The Fu family..."

"The Fu family?" Su Xiaojin was a little puzzled, wasn't the Fu family the company that had been buried in blood long ago?
He nodded.

One of the things that Gu Nanting is still working on recently is the company that the Fu family was originally affiliated with or who the Fu family company sold to after its bankruptcy. He wants to learn more about the Fu family through these companies of the Fu family.

But Mr. M at the other end will definitely not let Gu Nanting get his wish.

"Why is everyone so frightened when it comes to the Fu family? What is the truth about what happened back then? Mr. M must have a great connection. I met this one and it was wrong, but he took action, which means we on the right track.”

Su Xiaojin was naturally not surprised when she heard this sentence, which was expected.

Gu Nanting's next actions will definitely be risky.

"It doesn't matter, let's do it, sometimes courage needs to pay a price. As for what will happen, I will be with you, no matter what the price is, we will only know after trying." She said to Gu Nanting.

However, Su Xiaojin knew something.

Mr. M is a planner from beginning to end, he enjoys the victory of the game, but if someone makes trouble in his game, he will definitely come out to solve the trouble mercilessly.

Although Su Xiaojin really didn't want to admit that she was a pawn in Mr. M's chessboard.But there are some things she does that do have all of Mr. M's control.

So it is only natural for Mr. M to be called a devil.

But the enemy is in the dark, they are in the light.

If the people on Mr. M's side really wanted to make a move, Gu Nanting's company might not be able to hold on for long.This is not because Su Xiaojin is worried or distrustful of Gu Nanting, but because Mr. M is indeed a terrifying existence if he really joins forces with the Jiang family.

But at least one thing can be assured, that is, it is impossible for Mr. M to do anything if Su Xiaojin has not brought down the Su family at all.

Su Xiaojin has a very strong intuition.There is a certain close connection between Mr. M's plan and his mother.

As for why he didn't kill Su Xiaojin and her mother at that time.She didn't want to know about this, maybe it was because of his bad taste.

It's just that I'm afraid I want to disappoint Mr. M.

That means that Su Xiaojin has a determination to win, otherwise, no matter how Mr. M's chessboard is played, Su Xiaojin firmly believes that as long as she is given a way out, she will grow wantonly like a weed, and one day she will definitely beat Mr. M.

This matter may also be expected by Mr. M.

Gu Nanting touched Su Xiaojin's head, with a smile on his mouth: "You trust me so much, if I make a wrong step, you will pay the price with your life, do you regret it?"

Do you want to die again? Su Xiaojin didn't know how many times she died. It's not that she doesn't cherish this life, but she thinks that her goals and ideals are more meaningful than life.And the meaning of her rebirth is revenge.

But now there is another one, which is to completely defeat Mr. M.This benefactor who once gave her a chance to be reborn will now become her enemy.No, more precisely, competitors.

"In my dictionary, there is no word for failure. There is no word for regret. If he has any tricks, then just come at me. As long as I am lucky and lucky, I can survive. I will definitely Win it my way."

Su Xiaojin said firmly, although they have no strength to contend with Mr. M now.

But they can recharge their batteries, and one day they will take revenge just like Goujian, the king of Yue.

But the matter of Su Mengning is another matter.

Su Xiaojin has certain concerns about Su Mengning. The person who caused her to die of hatred in her previous life will definitely not make her feel better in this life.

What's more, Su Mengning has already started to attack Mia and Gu Nanting. Su Xiaojin should be weak and weak, and should be decadent.She really needs a transformation process.

What she got in exchange for her legs was rebirth from the cocoon.

"Then I will accompany you." Gu Nanting admired the confidence and determination on Su Xiaojin's face.

Perhaps this is the most charming place about Su Xiaojin.

Su Xiaojin didn't speak, just put down the water. "That's right, it seems that Chinese New Year is coming soon after I'm discharged from the hospital. I think I can arrange for my movements."

After Gu Nanting's eyes understood, he nodded.

"Don't wait for the harvest, there is still a long time. During this time, let's wait quietly for the fish to take the bait."

The fish they are talking about is the Su family...

Su Mengning, I will give you a surprise, just wait and be happy.With a smile on the corner of Su Xiaojin's mouth, she frowned.

"We just need to intervene in this matter, and someone else will take care of the rhythm." Su Xiaojin said again, after all, the gift to the Su family this time is a bit different, and she doesn't want Gu Nanting to take over too much Unclean things.

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