After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 179: Don't overestimate your capabilities

From the perspective of a father, he loves Su Xiaojin very much.

But it was destined that he and Su Xiaojin were just destined to have nothing to do with each other.His kindness to Su Xiaojin can only go so far.

"Should I thank you? Dean Li, I have always regarded you as the closest person, but what about you? What have you given me? Look at my current appearance, are you satisfied?"

Su Xiaojin leaned on the moon cake on the table, without saying a word.

Why is she still soft-hearted, and still thinking about the difficulties of this person in front of her?

But she looked at Dean Li's appearance, that kind of alienated and unfamiliar appearance, why was she still a little disappointed?

Is she self-indulgent?

Dean Li also looked at Su Xiaojin who was tightly pursing his mouth. There were thousands of words in his eyes but he didn't know whether to say them or not.

Just like he was back then, watching some things happen, he could only choose to sit on the sidelines, powerless.

satisfied?how can that be possible?It's too late for him to feel sorry for the girl in his eyes, how could he bear her to be hurt?
Maybe Dean Li should have regretted it. He should have stopped or intervened in this matter back then.But because of his melancholy, there was no turning back on this matter.

He didn't know how to speak, why it was so heavy just because he opened his mouth. "I'm really disappointed that I didn't see you die. Mr. M and I bet that you will die that day."


Su Xiaojin didn't know why she couldn't control her emotions. She almost gritted her teeth and said, "Do you think I'm a pawn on some chessboard? Just tease me when you're bored. Use it when it's useful. Throw me away when it's useless. I'm a living person, not a pawn, you can play around with me like this, I treat me as a bet, have you considered my feelings?"

She doesn't care much about Mr. M's thoughts and feelings. She cares most about the person in front of her, the person who grew up with her.

Dean Li's mouth is full of bitterness, but what can he do?He is just a chess piece now, a very useful chess piece, perhaps in the eyes of Mr. M, everyone is a chess piece.

"I probably want to tell you that the reality is so cruel. Some things are not up to you and me to decide." Dean Li also looked at the mooncakes on the table, his heart warmed, and then he felt uncomfortable: "I thank you for remembering the Mid-Autumn Festival Give me mooncakes. After so many years, you are probably the only one who still remembers me in the orphanage."

In fact, Dean Li established the welfare home for a reason.He did something wrong when he was young, so he wanted to make up for his mistakes through this orphanage.

He felt that he had always been a villain, always putting hypocrisy and kindness on the surface, but in fact, he was already deeply guilty in his heart. "Xiao Jin, you must know that I knew all the plans from the beginning. So you may be treated as a daughter with me, but you can only be an ornamental chess piece later. I have never been the dean to think about the problem from a different perspective.”

But a father's perspective...

It's a pity that he is powerless.

"You are wrong. I admit that Mr. M gave me a chance to be reborn, but it doesn't mean that I am his pawn. I won't be grateful to him just because he let me be reborn. On the contrary, I hate him now. Because he Let me lose the happiness I deserve!"

Su Xiaojin squeezed her hands together: "In order to destroy my happiness, he did everything possible, and even found Su Mengning at any cost. Su Mengning is a lunatic, and he really is a devil."

Su Xiaojin hit Dean Li's heart every word, and he even felt a little empathy, but he still had to pretend to be calm and indifferent.

Dean Li smiled, unable to see any emotion: "You are right, he is a devil, and I am his accomplice and I am also a devil, so what else do you have to say to me?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, when you gave the explosives to Su Mengning, did your hands tremble. Have you ever thought about how heavy the explosives are?"

Su Xiaojin wanted an answer, but Dean Li didn't say it all the time, what she waited for was a wry smile after all.

Dean Li picked up the mooncakes on the table and laughed aloud: "Hahaha, I never thought about how heavy this explosive is, I just did it according to his intention. Of course I will not mix Any affection because I know who I am. Is a pawn without emotion."

And this matter is something that Dean Li has never been able to choose.He was born a pawn.

Su Xiaojin couldn't help applauding. She came here obsessively and wanted to ask, but the person in front of her hid the answer so tightly that she couldn't ask anything at all. "Okay, great, it's really time for me to open my eyes. I have respected you for so many years. Now people come to you with respect."

"But..." Su Xiaojin's tone was heavy to express her emotions, "If you always say something disappointing to me, then from now on, the two of us will have nothing to do with each other. Just go and help that person of yours, devil? Then I'll send him to hell too."

A respect, from now on a clean break.

Su Xiaojin turned around and was about to slam the door away. When she opened the door, she saw Gu Nanting at the door and couldn't help being taken aback.

Gu Nanting stroked her head with affection on his face, and then his eyes fell inside without emotion. "By the way, I hope you can bring a message to that person. I won't let anyone who bullies Su Xiaojin go!"

Dean Li sighed helplessly. As a bystander, he saw everything in his eyes and knew exactly what the current situation was?But some people never understand it. "Don't be so overconfident, you are no better than him."

When the two left, Dean Li only left this sentence, which may be the last advice to them.

As for whether the two will listen to his words, it is their business.

Sometimes living in this world for too long can get boring.Because I see things too clearly, this game of chess is boring.

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving, he muttered to himself. "If I had been braver back then, maybe there wouldn't be so many things now, but it's a pity that every wrong step is wrong."

He became the accomplice of the person Su Xiaojin hated, and also became what he hated the most.He's had a really bad life.Probably he can only confess his crimes through this orphanage, right?

So what else could he hope for?It was very right for Su Xiaojin to cut off any relationship with him as early as possible.Because now he has no way to do things according to his wishes.

"Maybe I should laugh at myself, living such a pathetic life. It seems to have seen through the whole life. But I lost the whole life."

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