After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 149: The First Condition

Su Xiaojin slept very comfortably this time, and when she woke up, Gu Nanting gave Su Xiaojin the phone. "I didn't know that your mobile phone was lost, so I kept calling your old phone. It kept showing that no one answered. I thought you were angry with me all the time. So I didn't even think about coming to you."

At this time, Mia has gone out.

Only Su Xiaojin and Gu Nanting were left in the room.

Su Xiaojin rolled her eyes: "Then President Gu, you are really busy!"

Her words were clearly accusing Gu Nanting of not caring much about herself.

Gu Nanting also knew that it was his fault, so he pretended to admit his mistake obediently, and offered the phone with both hands. "I have reissued your number and retrieved all your contacts through cloud backup. This is a newly bought mobile phone for you. I know Xiao Yiming seems to have prepared a mobile phone for you. Use mine, put Give him back his mobile phone, the new number is still not as easy to use as the old one."

When he said these words, he took a strong command tone.This also shows to a certain extent that he is jealous.

Su Xiaojin looked at the expression on Gu Nanting's face with satisfaction. Although it was subtle, everything fell into her eyes.

She pretended to be reluctant to take the phone and said, "Then I'll accept it."

There is no password set on the mobile phone, so as soon as Su Xiaojin turned on the mobile phone and went to the contacts, all the contacts were there.

She clicked on the music and played a song at will. Listening to the song is good for her mood.

I didn't expect that the song I clicked on was when I met him later.

"Do you still think of me, just like I still cry at night sometimes, full of joy at that time, thinking that you are the end... so I give you everything, time is always disobedient, and missing starts to pretend to be stupid

. "

"Repeatedly you said that forget it, let's stop struggling, it won't help, I can't hear from you from now on, I'm afraid I can't control myself and miss you. Later I met him, he stayed with me in spring, autumn, winter and summer, and healed me scars, probably I will always be happy."

How can I say that although this song is lyrical, it also has some sadness.Two people who love each other meet someone who is suitable for each other after breaking up.

So when I met him later, I would probably be happy forever.

Su Xiaojin always felt a little sympathetic when listening to this song.

Now she is like the girl in the lyrics, full of joy, thinking that the ending will be Gu Nanting.

In fact, there will always be many, many, many accidents in life.And Su Xiaojin wanted to say more than once, let's not struggle.But it is reluctant to part with this love affair.

She couldn't let it go, and Gu Nanting would always change his mind. Once Gu Nanting became gentle, Su Xiaojin couldn't help but fall into this relationship.

Maybe later she will have the courage to say that sentence.Let's leave it alone and wait until we meet another him.

This him may be Xiao Yiming, or it may be someone else.

Listening to this song, Su Xiaojin couldn't help but burst into tears.Gu Nanting was on the side, looking at the information and documents with interest, without disturbing her.But when he looked up, he saw Su Xiaojin crying, so he hurried up and asked her, "What's wrong?"

So someone also calmed down and listened to this song.Finally, he took away Su Xiaojin's cell phone and turned off the music.

"I will not give up on you like the man in the lyrics. I really like you. So Miss Su, if you lend me, your happiness will be given to you, and I will give you everything you want. Although this paragraph I have done many, many things wrong, but I want you to understand that I really like you."

Gu Nanting is a master in the business world, but he has repeatedly failed in love.

Originally, he put himself too high on the top, plus Su Mengning's few words.He really treated Su Xiaojin too badly.

There was such a silly girl who devoted her heart to him every day, but was ruthlessly rejected and ridiculed by him.It's been a long, long time.The girl finally changed her temper and began to seem not to like him as much as before.

Gu Nanting, who originally took girls liking for granted, was at a loss at that moment.It was originally his, and he liked to disappear without a trace.

He just started to wake up a little bit.Later, he dug out Su Xiaojin's goodness little by little.But he still refused to answer her.

It wasn't until Su Xiaojin experienced life and death that he knew how to cherish.Only then did he truly know that his heart had indeed settled in Su Xiaojin.

"I was not good in the past. I didn't give you my sincerity, but from now on, I will be sincere to you every moment. Please give me a chance, okay?"

Gu Nanting said with a serious face, Su Xiaojin frowned, she really gave Gu Nanting too many opportunities, too many to count, but Gu Nanting wasted time and time again.

Now Gu Nanting put on such a posture to beg her again.Su Xiaojin really didn't know what to say.

I remember that when she asked Nan Ting to put forward three conditions last time, she had already started to let go of the person in front of her slowly.

People need a process of growth. After experiencing so many things, Su Xiaojin also knows too much.How can love words be explained in one sentence?
 She sighed: "I have given you many, many opportunities, but you have not cherished them. Now you put on such a gesture, begging for my opportunities, should I believe you?"

Gu Nanting's words seemed a little flustered, he didn't know how much he had hurt Su Xiaojin, the person in front of him could say such words to him.

So Gu Nanting pursed his lips and knelt on the ground on one knee. "Xiao Jin, give me a chance. I will definitely seize this opportunity."

Su Xiaojin has hatred in her heart, she hates Gu Nanting, it's true.

But when she saw Gu Nanting, she couldn't help but feel soft-hearted. In desperation, she nodded and said, "This is the first condition of our transaction. I will give you an assessment period. When I finish, I want to When you want something, if I am very dissatisfied with you, I will choose to leave."

Su Xiaojin has already spoken clearly and clearly.Gu Nanting nodded happily, got up and sat beside her, rubbing her shoulders and neck. "I know that I will take good care of it this time."

I have to say that Gu Nanting's massage technique is really top-notch.I don't know if he learned it on purpose.After Su Xiaojin was pressed for a while, the fatigue on her shoulders and neck disappeared.She couldn't help yawning, feeling sleepy again, wanting to sleep.

When Su Xiaojin fell into a drowsy sleep, Gu Nanting kissed her on the forehead.Gently, with tenderness. "Good dream, little one."

Then for the next period of time, Gu Nanting couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he was in a meeting.The employees of the company I saw were all a little surprised.

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