After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 135: I'm afraid it's useless

Seeing Su Xiaojin's confused state now, Mia didn't know whether to cry or laugh.She guarded Su Xiaojing for a whole week, staring at the electrocardiogram next to the hospital bed in a daze, and finally hoped that Su Xiaojin would wake up.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are all alive and well!" Mia said with reproach, she looked at Su Xiaojin, Su Xiaojin also looked at her, and the two smiled foolishly.

Suddenly someone pushed open the door, interrupting the two people's gaze. "The patient on the second bed, don't go back to rest well, don't always finish the work on the first bed."

The person who came in was a nurse, who was about to change Su Xiaojin's dressing.She looked at Su Xiaojin: "Are you awake? You are out of danger. Congratulations. Survive a catastrophe and you will be blessed."

Listening to the doctor's words, Su Xiaojin was in a complicated mood. Is this her surviving catastrophe?But why does she feel that now makes her feel more uncomfortable than the end of the world, and makes her despair?
After changing the medicine, Su Xiaojin asked, "Sister Nurse, my leg..."

As she spoke, she began to cry, feeling an inexplicable bitterness in her heart. "What happened to my leg?"

The nurse sighed: "If you can keep it, it's not bad. I'm afraid this leg will be useless. You need to rest, and you can try bone surgery after you recover your body. Maybe your leg can return to its original state." gone."

I'm afraid this leg is useless... After Su Xiaojin heard what she said, her mood was very complicated, and she didn't know whether to cry or be angry. "So if the operation is not successful or my physical fitness is not enough for the operation, am I going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair?"

The nurse nodded: "But you'd better rest assured, the bone graft surgery in our hospital is performed by well-known doctors, with a 95% success rate, you should take care of your body first."

Su Xiaojin didn't hear the nurse's last sentence at all, she heard the first sentence.Her legs are probably useless.This time Su Mengning's calculation was just right.Not only did she lose her legs, but she also lost Gu Nanting...

Hehe, why is she so merciful?

Seeing Su Xiaojin's expression, Mia started to cry: "Xiaojin, I'm sorry for you..."

Mia cried, Su Xiaojin cried too, and she tried to move her legs.But the legs didn't listen to her at all, and the weakness coming from the legs made her feel suffocated.

The two cried for a long time, the door was pushed open again, and it was Xiao Yiming who came in.Xiao Yiming was overjoyed to see Su Xiaojin wake up.

It was too late when he passed that day, and he heard it when he was 1/3 away from the destination, unless there was a blast coming from the other side.

It was originally an abandoned factory, and there were demolished buildings nearby.So the sound of the explosion didn't make many people suspicious.I thought it was just that the construction team was preparing to demolish the house.

Xiao Yiming saw the moment when the abandoned factory became ruins.Feeling broken, he knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, covering his face weakly. "I'm still one step late after all, sorry."

Followed by firefighters... The firefighters patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. "Brother, don't give up. As long as they are alive, we will definitely rescue them."

Su Xiaojin in the ruins had already lost her self-awareness at that time, and Mia was also dying due to lack of oxygen, and was in a coma.Because Xiao Yiming's cry was very loud, and it was vaguely passed into Mia's ears.Then there were about a dozen people's footsteps outside, and the sound was relatively loud.

Mia forced herself to wake up.With all my strength, I shouted as loudly as possible: ""

The unreal cries for help from the ruins reached the ears of those present. "They are not dead yet, let's start rescue..."

It took about two hours to clean up all the ruins of the abandoned factory.The miracle is that Su Xiaojin bled profusely, but it took two hours.

Xiao Yiming watched Su Xiaojin being sent to the ambulance, and at that moment his head was buzzing, he was afraid that the ambulance person would tell him that the rescue was useless.

He stayed at the door of the emergency room for three days and three nights, and Su Xiaojin was rescued for three days and three nights.Finally Su Xiaojin survived.

The doctor told Xiao Yiming that Su Xiaojin was really a miracle, if it was half a minute late, Su Xiaojin might really have died.

Xiao Yiming breathed a sigh of relief before he dared to take a nap on the stool by the corridor.Then he went through the formalities and put Mia and Su Xiaojin in the same ward.

Mia didn't have much pain on her body, but her neck was severely sprained and she needed to be hospitalized for a week. Su Xiaojin's legs were broken, she lost a lot of blood, and was in a coma.

He waited for Su Xiaojin for several days, but Su Xiaojin had no intention of waking up. Xiao Yiming usually walked around the temples and Taoist temples one by one as a non-believers, praying for blessings.

"Are you awake?! The moment he saw Su Xiaojin wake up, he said a thousand words but didn't know where to start, and finally turned them into these three words, which were heavy and heavy.

Su Xiaojin and Mia looked back at Xiao Yiming at the door, Xiao Yiming said again: "Don't cry, great compassion is not good for the wound."

Only then did the two of them weep and stop crying.Su Xiaojin looked at Xiao Yiming: "You saved me?"

Xiao Yiming nodded: "I was worried about you, I was afraid that you would do something stupid, so I followed, but I was still late, I'm sorry, Xiaojin."

Thinking of the scene that day, it was like his nightmare, and he didn't want to go through it again.Su Xiaojin's mood was complicated, most of the eyes she looked at Xiao Yiming were touched, and a few were sad. "Do not blame you…"

Xiao Yiming said again: "Where's Gu Nanting? Why isn't he here for such a dangerous thing?"

Speaking of this, Su Xiaojin was silent, and Mia sighed: "When she came, she was wounded, and she came alone. That person Gu Nanting...maybe happy somewhere."

Mentioning Gu Nanting made Su Xiaojin's heart ache.Both of them looked at her, and it took a long time for her to say: "Gu Nanting has gone somewhere holding Su Mengning in his arms, and he went to comfort her childhood sweetheart."

It took Su Xiaojin a lot of courage to say this sentence.

Hearing this, Xiao Yiming punched the wall with his fist: "He is a heartless thing!" He knew that Su Xiaojin woke up just now, and asking these questions now would make her feel uncomfortable, but Xiao Yiming couldn't control himself.

He just wanted to know where was the fiancé who kept saying that he would protect Su Xiaojin! "I'm going to find him to reason about it.! Saying that, he slammed the door and wanted to go out.

Su Xiaojin said in a low voice: "What are you doing in the past now? Do you expect him to come and see me? I don't want to see him, and I don't want to know anything about him..."

Mia also quickly persuaded: "Don't go. Don't add sadness to Xiaojin."

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